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Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC
Chriz86 Offline
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Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC

...and another acknowledgement from the gaming press:

It is great to see that people have not forgotten about Amnesia.

02-09-2012, 01:29 PM
Googolplex Offline

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RE: Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC

Amnesia and The Witcher 2 are the only ones I would put in this list.
02-09-2012, 06:24 PM
dph314 Offline
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RE: Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC

Top of the list is a fitting spot (not just because it's in alphabetical order either Wink )
02-10-2012, 05:51 AM
Hunter of Shadows Offline
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RE: Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC

(02-09-2012, 06:24 PM)Googolplex Wrote: Amnesia and The Witcher 2 are the only ones I would put in this list.

I'm sorry, I really am, but it sounds like your implying every other game on that list is trash or bad or something, and to me that's like saying sex isn't fun or enjoyable, or that being high doesn't feel good, because a lot of those games like half life 2, starcraft 2, mass effect, and more are fantastic games
(This post was last modified: 02-10-2012, 04:52 PM by Hunter of Shadows.)
02-10-2012, 04:38 PM
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Arvuti Offline
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RE: Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC

(02-10-2012, 04:38 PM)Hunter of Shadows Wrote:
(02-09-2012, 06:24 PM)Googolplex Wrote: Amnesia and The Witcher 2 are the only ones I would put in this list.

I'm sorry, I really am, but it sounds like your implying every other game on that list is trash or bad or something, and to me that's like saying sex isn't fun or enjoyable, or that being high doesn't feel good, because a lot of those games like half life 2, starcraft 2, mass effect, and more are fantastic games
This pretty much. Half life 2 was a critically acclaimed game which revolutionzed the first person shooter genre by mixing gameplay with interactive narrative. It has been more than 6 years since HL2 was released and yet HL2 still ahs one of the best lip syncs in gaming. It has been critically claimed to be one of the best games of all time, winning more than 100 awards (39 of them being game of the year) and many consider it to be the best game of last decade.

And that doesn't deserve to be in the "best games on PC" list ? Okay it's a matter of opinion and all but still that's pretty stupid.

(This post was last modified: 02-10-2012, 05:43 PM by Arvuti.)
02-10-2012, 05:42 PM
Googolplex Offline

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RE: Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC

@Hunter of Shadows
A shooter isn't worth to take place in best list.
This isn't only my opinion, this is fact.
It is no art (ideas) to make a shooter game, and ego shooters also doesn't immerse the player.
Only people, who grown up with that and never plays other games. Look at the Call of Duty action crap shit for teenagers smash-them-up clichees.
And surreal, science-fiction fantasy settings also aren't credible to be worth to play.
02-10-2012, 05:58 PM
Tanshaydar Offline
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RE: Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC

One doesn't simply compare Call of Duty to Half Life 2. There is a difference between the "shooter genre" and "mindless shooter" games.
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth is also a shooter.

I don't know what your facts are based on, but arvuti pretty much based Half Life 2 facts on actual outcomes.

02-10-2012, 06:12 PM
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Arvuti Offline
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RE: Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC

(02-10-2012, 05:58 PM)Googolplex Wrote: @Hunter of Shadows
A shooter isn't worth to take place in best list.
This isn't only my opinion, this is fact.
It is no art (ideas) to make a shooter game, and ego shooters also doesn't immerse the player.
Only people, who grown up with that and never plays other games. Look at the Call of Duty action crap shit for teenagers smash-them-up clichees.
And surreal, science-fiction fantasy settings also aren't credible to be worth to play.
From the mouth of the same person who said this:

Quote: Steam is the greatest shit what you can have.It destroyed all games. A game is nothing worth with Steam obligation.
So, I'll never buy a game that uses Steam.
Steam and DRM activation is an inadmissible protection!!!

02-10-2012, 06:35 PM
envirovore Offline

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RE: Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC

I suppose if you're looking at just pure, base mechanic then Half Life 2 could be filed under 'basic shooter'.
Though Half Life 2 is so much more than that (the entire series is fantastic IMO, then again I feel Valve have done no wrong thus far still).

Awesome to still see that Amnesia gets the recognition it deserves though. Again, much deserved kudos to Frictional.

alive we threaten everything
02-10-2012, 08:43 PM
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Gasjockey Offline

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RE: Amnesia in Kotakus 12 Best Games on PC

Now, keep in mind that some people might disagree with what I'm gonna say and that's fine. But please, Googolplex, for your own good I'm telling you that almost every post you make is you stating your own opinion as the one and only truth. It's not. It's your opinions (which to me seems sadly uninformed), which is completely fine as long as you recognize them as such. Now, for my opinion on your argument that "It is no art (ideas) to make a shooter game, and ego shooters also doesn't immerse the player [sic]". You clearly haven't played Half-life. Half-life is made (I say "is" because they're still making it (hopefully)) by people who live and breathe for what they do. Call of duty is made by people whose presumed goal is to milk the most money out of a dying franchise before people get tired of it. Where Half-life is about playing an immersive and realistic story, Call of duty is about "getting the best kill streak" and running around like lunatics. I'm not saying that can't be good fun, and it is certainly very adrenaline-inducing, but it can't even be compared to Half-life. In Call of duty, the shooting is the point, in Half-life the shooting is a side-effect. Valve has created a beautiful story that certainly immersed me, to the point of sitting glued to the screen for 20 hours just so I could see what happens next. If that's not art, then I don't know...

Wow, this was much longer than I intended.

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(This post was last modified: 02-10-2012, 11:13 PM by Gasjockey.)
02-10-2012, 11:11 PM

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