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vertex shaders
Thomas Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: vertex shaders


Glad to hear, hope u enjoy Smile
11-29-2007, 10:07 PM
MADMAN Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: vertex shaders

The game did not start on my machine. It said "Error! ... no Vertex Shaders found" or something like that - In the error log something like this was displayed: "Could not find a working profile for cg file"

For me it solved the problem when I uninstalled ALL NVidia Drivers on my system (Mainboard & GraphicCard), cleaned the registry and reinstalled the newest available Version of the Drivers (WinXP32 Forceware 169.32 and Nforce Driver 6.86). Maybe it also functions by removing only the GraphicCard Driver...

After rebooting the game started well without any problems.

My System:
NVidia XFX 8600 GTS (256 MB)
Asus A8N-E (nForce4 Ultra)
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4200+
Windows XP Professional SP2
02-17-2008, 03:55 PM
Jackno1 Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: vertex shaders

MADMAN Wrote:The game did not start on my machine. It said "Error! ... no Vertex Shaders found" or something like that - In the error log something like this was displayed: "Could not find a working profile for cg file"

For me it solved the problem when I uninstalled ALL NVidia Drivers on my system (Mainboard & GraphicCard), cleaned the registry and reinstalled the newest available Version of the Drivers (WinXP32 Forceware 169.32 and Nforce Driver 6.86). Maybe it also functions by removing only the GraphicCard Driver...

After rebooting the game started well without any problems.

My System:
NVidia XFX 8600 GTS (256 MB)
Asus A8N-E (nForce4 Ultra)
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4200+
Windows XP Professional SP2

I have the same problem.
For me, this solution is not working. :S And i cant install Forceware 169.32, because its not support my videocard (the installer says) and not let me to install it. For my videocard (8800gt) the newest driver 169.21.
Before i read this post i knew that the driver cant be the problem because 8800gt is a pretty fresh card and i download the driver when i bought it and not install from the driver cd(wich was in the box with the card). Plus the game(penumbra overture) is far oldest then my videocard.
So i really want to know whats the real problem.<_< Cus its sure not my 8800gt or its driver!
I download the latest overture patch, and the latest OpenAL too, but nothing changed. :S
8800gt owners cant play the game??? :S Or whats the prob? I think the game not recognize my videocard. It can be? :S
With my old videocard(1950pro) i didnt have this problem. It worked fine. :S

Pls help me. Sad

Abit ab9 (P965)
C2D E6320
2x1gb geil ultra
inno 8800gt (512mb)
Windows XP Professional SP2
03-04-2008, 11:30 AM
Jackno1 Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: vertex shaders

I just try the overture demo..maybe... I still get the same error. :S I start to belive my videocard is too fresh for this game Sad F***!
03-04-2008, 11:54 AM
jens Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: vertex shaders

The game runs on 8800 cards so this sounds like a typical problem due to the moon and the sun being in the just right position and so on Smile

Only advice I can give is to make sure you really do uninstall the old drivers completely, restart the computer and then install the new ones. Even if the drivers you have are new something minor could be corrupted or what not and a reinstall of the drivers could fix it.
03-04-2008, 12:09 PM
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Jackno1 Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: vertex shaders

Thx for the advice but i install it twice. and i agree that something minor could be corrupted, cus every game runs well with the old driver too. And of course with the new one. But this game Big Grin Its not. And i try so many things that i really dont know what else should i try. :S

Anyway when i first play with the game i really like it. Great work.
If i couldnt make overture run, i might try black plauge. But i like to play episode 1 first and then ep2 not conversely. Maybe i can play the first episode on my girlfriend's pc. She likes this kind of games too. Smile
03-04-2008, 02:28 PM
miky1200 Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: vertex shaders

I got the same problem like you guys.

When i start the game, either the demo, Black plague or Overture, i get a black screen and then it returns to my desktop with a error message saying my graphic card dous not support Vertex shaders ,even whle i'm 100% sure it does. and then it tells me to update my drivers. Wich i did several times.
I even completely removed the driver and installed it again. Did not work.

So after complete frustration, i decided to head up to this forrum to see if anyone else know a solution that DOUS work for me. Because i have already tried everything that did work on other people. But for some reason my game still isen't fixed :/

Anyway, pls help me as much as you can.
04-26-2008, 09:53 PM

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