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App Store version constantly Crashes
jens Offline
Frictional Games

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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: App Store version constantly Crashes

Can you check for the logs using the Console in Applications/Utilities/ I think the crash log is under (in the console) FILES/~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/ and / or under DIAGNOSTIC AND USAGE INFORMATION/User Diagnostic Reports/

A temporary tip that I found in a user comment is to play the game in a window mode, apparently that makes the crashes stop.
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2012, 07:01 AM by jens.)
04-11-2012, 07:00 AM
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dutch Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: App Store version constantly Crashes

Thanks a bunch for all the help guys. Here is a log after the game went wonky on me. My temp solution thus far has been this... When the game freezes I hit the power button until it makes the classic "click" sound, and no longer. After that I close my laptop, and reopen it after a few seconds. After a minute or so the game will either resume working, or at least take me back to the home screen without having to revert to a hard reboot. Here is a log from when the game just dropped me into the home screen after a crash and I used my little "system". I will try the window mode and get back to you guys ASAP

Version 1.20
-------- THE HPL ENGINE LOG ------------
Engine build ID 20120315110559

Creating Engine Modules
Creating graphics module
Creating system module
Creating resource module
Creating input module
Creating sound module
Creating physics module
Creating ai module
Creating gui module
Creating generate module
Creating haptic module
Creating scene module

Initializing Resources Module
Creating loader handlers
Creating resource managers
Adding loaders to handlers

Initializing Graphics Module
Init lowlevel graphics: 1024x768 bpp:32 fs:1 ms:0 gpufmt:2 cap:'Amnesia - The Dark Descent - Loading...' posSad-1x-1)
Setting video mode: 1024 x 768 - 32 bpp
Init Glew...OK
Setting up OpenGL
Vendor: Intel Inc.
Renderer: Intel HD Graphics 3000 OpenGL Engine
Version: 2.1 APPLE-1.6.38
Max texture image units: 16
Max texture coord units: 8
Max user clip planes: 6
Two sided stencil: 1
Vertex Buffer Object: 1
Anisotropic filtering: 1
Max Anisotropic degree: 16
Multisampling: 1
Texture compression: 1
Texture compression S3TC: 1
Auto generate MipMaps: 1
Render to texture: 1
Max draw buffers: 8
Max color render targets: 8
Packed depth-stencil: 1
Texture float: 1
GLSL Version: 1.20
ShaderModel 2: 1
ShaderModel 3: 0
ShaderModel 4: 0
OGL ATIFragmentShader: 0
ATTENTION: System does not support const arrays in glsl!
Setting up G-Bugger: type: 0 texturenum: 3
Adding engine materials
Initializing DevIL
Vendor String: Abysmal Software
Version String: Developer's Image Library (DevIL) 1.6.8pre Aug 22 2010
Version Number: 168
Adding engine post effects

Initializing Sound Module
Initializing OpenAL
Available OpenAL devices:
0. Built-in Output(OpenAL default)
Trying to open device 'Built-in Output'... Success!
Number of mono sources: 32
Streaming setup: 4 Buffers x 262144 bytes each

Initializing Game Module
Adding engine updates
Initializing script functions

User Initialization

Game Running
-------- Loading map 'menu_bg.map' ---------
Cache Loading: 1027 ms
Entities: 258 ms
Compilation: 0 ms
Total: 1312 ms
Meshes created: 26
Bodies created: 5
-------- Loading complete ---------
Setting profile: 'Dutch' Path: '/Users/mlfox64/Library/Application Support/Frictional Games/Amnesia/Main/Dutch/'
-------- BEGIN LOAD FROM /Users/mlfox64/Library/Application Support/Frictional Games/Amnesia/Main/Dutch/AutoSave_WineCellarLab_2012_4_7_1_47_14_0.sav ---------
-------- Loading map '04_wine_cellar_lab.map' ---------
Cache Loading: 1197 ms
Entities: 768 ms
Compilation: 14 ms
Total: 2321 ms
Meshes created: 178
Bodies created: 28
-------- Loading complete ---------
WARNING: Could not find player start node ''
ERROR: StartPos '' does not exist!
-------- END LOAD ---------
ERROR: Could not find particle system 'Part_4PSteam'
ERROR: Could not find sound entity 'Part_4SBoil'
ERROR: Could not find sound entity 'Part_4SSteam'
ERROR: Could not find particle system 'Part4PSteam'
ERROR: Could not find particle system 'Part_4PSteam'
ERROR: Could not find sound entity 'Part_4SBoil'
ERROR: Could not find sound entity 'Part_4SSteam'
ERROR: Could not find particle system 'Part4PSteam'
-------- Loading map '02_entrance_hall.map' ---------
Cache Loading: 1932 ms
Entities: 1832 ms
Compilation: 27 ms
Total: 3942 ms
Meshes created: 123
Bodies created: 43
-------- Loading complete ---------
-------- BEGIN SAVE TO: /Users/mlfox64/Library/Application Support/Frictional Games/Amnesia/Main/Dutch/AutoSave_EntranceHall_2012_4_11_1_53_48_0.sav ---------
WARNING: particle system 0 in chandelier_simple_4 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 1 in chandelier_simple_4 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 2 in chandelier_simple_4 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 3 in chandelier_simple_4 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in chandelier_simple_5 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 1 in chandelier_simple_5 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 2 in chandelier_simple_5 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 3 in chandelier_simple_5 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in chandelier_simple_6 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 1 in chandelier_simple_6 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 2 in chandelier_simple_6 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 3 in chandelier_simple_6 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in chandelier_simple_7 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 1 in chandelier_simple_7 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 2 in chandelier_simple_7 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 3 in chandelier_simple_7 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in chandelier_simple_8 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 1 in chandelier_simple_8 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 2 in chandelier_simple_8 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 3 in chandelier_simple_8 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in chandelier_simple_9 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 1 in chandelier_simple_9 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 2 in chandelier_simple_9 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 3 in chandelier_simple_9 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in chandelier_simple_12 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 1 in chandelier_simple_12 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 2 in chandelier_simple_12 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 3 in chandelier_simple_12 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in chandelier_simple_short_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 1 in chandelier_simple_short_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 2 in chandelier_simple_short_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 3 in chandelier_simple_short_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in chandelier_simple_short_3 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 1 in chandelier_simple_short_3 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 2 in chandelier_simple_short_3 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 3 in chandelier_simple_short_3 does not exist anymore!
-------- END SAVE ---------
-------- Loading map '06_distillery.map' ---------
Cache Loading: 1030 ms
Entities: 2734 ms
Compilation: 31 ms
Total: 4363 ms
Meshes created: 272
Bodies created: 98
-------- Loading complete ---------
-------- BEGIN SAVE TO: /Users/mlfox64/Library/Application Support/Frictional Games/Amnesia/Main/Dutch/AutoSave_Distillery_2012_4_11_1_55_13_0.sav ---------
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_2 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_ceiling_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_ceiling_2 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_ceiling_3 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_ceiling_4 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_ceiling_5 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_ceiling_6 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_ceiling_7 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_wall_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_ceiling_8 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_4 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_7 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_8 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_11 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_10 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_12 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_13 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_15 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candlestick02_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candlestick01_3 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candle_floor_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candle_floor_2 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candle_floor_3 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candle_floor_4 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candle_floor_5 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candle_floor_6 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candle_floor_7 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_3 does not exist anymore!
-------- END SAVE ---------
ERROR: Couldn't create SoundEntity 'step_walk_generic_hard.snt'
ERROR: Couldn't create SoundEntity 'step_walk_generic_hard.snt'
-------- BEGIN SAVE TO: /Users/mlfox64/Library/Application Support/Frictional Games/Amnesia/Main/Dutch/AutoSave_Distillery_2012_4_11_1_59_19_0.sav ---------
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_2 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_ceiling_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_ceiling_2 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_ceiling_3 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_ceiling_4 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_ceiling_5 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_ceiling_6 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_ceiling_7 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_wall_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in hanging_lantern_ceiling_8 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_4 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_7 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_8 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_11 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_10 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_12 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_13 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_15 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candlestick02_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candlestick01_3 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candle_floor_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candle_floor_2 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candle_floor_3 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candle_floor_4 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candle_floor_5 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candle_floor_6 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in candle_floor_7 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_static01_3 does not exist anymore!
-------- END SAVE ---------
-------- Loading map 'menu_bg.map' ---------
Cache Loading: 691 ms
Entities: 74 ms
Compilation: 1 ms
Total: 773 ms
Meshes created: 26
Bodies created: 5
-------- Loading complete ---------

Medium framerate: 23.583602

User Exit
Saving main config.
Saving user config.
Deleting game modules.
Deleting config files.

Exiting Gui Module
Deleting all sets
Deleting all skins
Deleting all gfx elements
Deleting all materials

Exiting Generate Module

Exiting Scene Module

Exiting Input Module

Exiting Sound Module

Exiting Graphics Module

Exiting Resources Module
Done with fonts
Done with scripts
Done with particles
Done with sounds
Done with meshes
Done with materials
Done with Gpu programs
Done with images
Destroyed all textures
Done with sound entities
Done with animations
Done with ent files
All resources deleted

Exiting Physics Module

Exiting System Module

Deleting game setup provided by user
- Deleting lowlevel stuff.
HPL Exit was successful!

|--Memory Manager Report-------------------------------|
| No memory leaks detected. Memory left: 0

(This post was last modified: 04-11-2012, 10:01 AM by dutch.)
04-11-2012, 10:00 AM
jens Offline
Frictional Games

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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: App Store version constantly Crashes

Wait, you are saying that you don't actually reboot the computer? Rather you put it to sleep/hibernate and then you bring it backup and sometimes you can continue playing and sometimes the game crashes so you are returned to the desktop?

Can you try and go into System Preferences, Energy Saver and turn off all the sleep/off settings and then try playing the game? I'm just getting a weird hunch that the game might hang as the computer tries to go to sleep, possibly because it does not register activity in fullscreen properly.

Unfortunately the hpl.log files does not help anything, there is no useful info in them. So we need to try and get some system log with information.
04-11-2012, 10:26 AM
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dutch Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: App Store version constantly Crashes

For clarification, up until a couple of days ago I was hard rebooting my computer completely when the game froze (which was the only way to deal with it). It was only after I tried a hard reboot, but didn't hold the power button down long enough to make it fully shut down, that I discovered closing the computer after just punching the power button could get it to work. All my sleep settings are set to three hours, and it usually only takes ~15 mins to crash. However, I will shut them off completely and let you know ASAP.
04-12-2012, 03:07 AM
jens Offline
Frictional Games

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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: App Store version constantly Crashes

Ah well no need to fiddle with the power settings then. But please the following could help:

Can you check for the logs using the Console in Applications/Utilities/ I
think the crash log is under (in the console)
FILES/~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/ and / or under DIAGNOSTIC AND USAGE
INFORMATION/User Diagnostic Reports/

A temporary tip that I found in a user comment is to play the game in a window mode, apparently that makes the crashes stop.

04-12-2012, 06:10 AM
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dethklok Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: App Store version constantly Crashes

Good eve! I'm having the same problem. I think i found the log and I have the same system as him. Hope this helps to get the game running.

Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: Pre-Sort
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: quadro fx
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: geforce fx
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: geforce gt
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: geforce gts
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: geforce gt2s
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: geforce gtx
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: geforce xpress
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: geforce
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: mobile intel® series express chipset family
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: graphics media accelerator
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: intel® hd graphics
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: radeon
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: radeon hd
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: amd
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: mesa
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: Post-Sort
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: mobile intel® series express chipset family
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: graphics media accelerator
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: intel® hd graphics
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: quadro fx
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: geforce fx
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: geforce gt
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: geforce gts
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: geforce gt2s
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: geforce gtx
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: geforce xpress
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: radeon hd
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: geforce
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: radeon
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: amd
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro [0x0-0x76076].com.frictionalgames.AmnesiaLauncher[821]: mesa
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro Amnesia[826]: Arg 0: /Applications/Amnesia.app/Contents/Resources/Amnesia.app/Contents/MacOS/Amnesia
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro Amnesia[826]: Arg 1: config/main_init.cfg
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro Amnesia[826]: gArg 0: /Applications/Amnesia.app/Contents/Resources/Amnesia.app/Contents/MacOS/Amnesia
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro Amnesia[826]: gArg 1: config/main_init.cfg
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro Amnesia[826]: CPSGetCurrentProcess(): This call is deprecated and should not be called anymore.
Apr 24 17:53:59 joes-MacBook-Pro Amnesia[826]: CPSSetForegroundOperationState(): This call is deprecated and should not be called anymore.
Apr 24 17:54:00 joes-MacBook-Pro Amnesia[826]: CGDisplayBaseAddress is obsolete and returning NULL for display 0x42731c0
Apr 24 18:13:28 joes-MacBook-Pro com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[129] ([0x0-0x77077].com.frictionalgames.Amnesia[826]): Exited: Killed: 9

WHoops! Apologies, Same system except mines an i5 processor not an i7...
(This post was last modified: 04-25-2012, 03:07 AM by dethklok.)
04-25-2012, 03:04 AM
Urkle Offline
FG - Associate

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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago RE: App Store version constantly Crashes

Approximately how long do you play the game before it crashes??? It seems to be something to do with the Intel HD 3000 card or possibly system overheating.

What quality are you running the game at?? On my test system (Macbook Air mid-2011 running Lion 10.7.3 on an intel HD 3000 card) It did the "detect" on the launcher which set it to Medium quality and was able to run for about 20 minutes w/o issue.

Developing away on one of
Multiple Macs running 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, and 10.9.
Linux, 8-core AMD, 8GB RAM, Fedora 18, nVidia 450 1GB
05-03-2012, 05:06 PM
Website Find

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