I was going to do the tutorial on problem-solving, but I'm not too certain on my wording of it. I realized mid-way that most of the issues are rooted to the problem of not having enough scripting knowledge or experience. The only efficient way to learn is to try your hand at it, if you fail, you should learn from it; if you don't learn, stay there until you do. It is a shame that a lot of newer modders are intimidated by the scripting and can't get a grip on learning it.
The only thing I can do for them is highly recommend Notepad++ with the HPL language (
http://wiki.frictionalgames.com/hpl2/thi...xt/notepad) and tell them to pretty much screw around with all the functions. Watch a few tutorials on basic things like callbacks and how to make a function, so you get understand what really is happening when you write things like - void Buttons(string &in Par, string &in Child, int alState). Then play around and get a feel for it and experiment.