(07-01-2012, 01:27 AM)andyrockin123 Wrote: Unless you could use your whole body with this technology, it's pretty limited as far as gaming goes.
The article states that the technology could very well be used for bigger spaces, all they'd need is bigger cameras.
Also, why
replace the current controls, why not work with them? Imagine, you're sitting on your couch, playing a great horror game on your <insert platform here>. You have one of these things, and it tracks your complete room. You use the controller to approach a cupboard, then use one hand to reach to open it and maybe grab things. You find a key, pocket it by a quick press of a button on your controller. Suddenly, a roar! You use your controller to run away. You peek around a corner by physically leaning left or right. Or you press yourself against the murky <insert location of game here> wall by doing so with the sofa cushions in real life.
I'd find that pretty fantastic.