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Just my luck.....
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RE: Just my luck.....

(07-07-2012, 01:29 PM)Danarogon Wrote: the Christianity usually perform their "exorcisms" to people who have mental disorders and should go to hospitals, some of them are just people that truly believe they are possessed but in truth they are not,but they think they are sso they attend to useless rituals that do nothing for them, other then giving them the illusion they are cured (again whit the power of suggestion).

I don't know the case of your friend personally, I don't even know if you are saying the truth or if you are just trolling (no offense). but what I just said is all I could say from the little information you have given me.
in modern age, exorcism is ONLY performed AFTER consulting a professional at the hospital. And "useless rituals that do nothing for them" please for the sake of thread stop talking like this, it might just start something.

or the way you wrote your first post

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(This post was last modified: 07-07-2012, 06:08 PM by Nice.)
07-07-2012, 05:57 PM
sMasl33t Offline

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RE: Just my luck.....

(07-07-2012, 01:29 PM)Danarogon Wrote: First of all sorry if what is am saying might sound offensive but I can not be certain if your story actually took place or not. but even if it did... the screaming could be caused by intensive dreaming or it could even be caused by schizophrenia or some other mental disease. the cuts... I don't know, I haven't seen the injuries nor the place where she got hurt, because only by your description it could very well she have got hurt by something sharp on the bed. another possibility is the power of suggestion. for example women that truly believe that they are pregnant, even though they in reality are not, they will still feels the effects of being pregnant, feeling sick, belly starting to swallow, hormonal changes, etc. The power of suggestion is usually stronger in women. (its what i herd from a scientific documentary, they might be wrong, and sorry if I am wrong as well).

So for example if you friend truly believed that she was possessed, her "convinced" body would react as if she truly was. for many ages (and still in the present day) the Christianity usually perform their "exorcisms" to people who have mental disorders and should go to hospitals, some of them are just people that truly believe they are possessed but in truth they are not,but they think they are sso they attend to useless rituals that do nothing for them, other then giving them the illusion they are cured (again whit the power of suggestion).

I don't know the case of your friend personally, I don't even know if you are saying the truth or if you are just trolling (no offense). but what I just said is all I could say from the little information you have given me.
Good points. Christians doesn't "usually" perform exorcism though. I am a protestant christian myself. I think it's more around the "catholic" christianity where people might perform "exorcism". I my honest opinion I think it's sick, and brainwashes people - making them scared and desperate. Most "paranormal" videos, pics, stories, etc, I would think are mostly for scaring people and getting attention = money.

[Image: 76561198049001305.png]
07-07-2012, 06:10 PM
Danny Boy Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

(07-07-2012, 06:10 PM)sMasl33t Wrote: Good points. Christians doesn't "usually" perform exorcism though. I am a protestant christian myself. I think it's more around the "catholic" christianity where people might perform "exorcism". I my honest opinion I think it's sick, and brainwashes people - making them scared and desperate. Most "paranormal" videos, pics, stories, etc, I would think are mostly for scaring people and getting attention = money.

Indeed, I don't want to sound offensive to some people but i am happy that some Christians can undersand that "possessions" are in truth a misunderstood disease/mental disorder.


Quote: in modern age, exorcism is ONLY performed AFTER consulting a
professional at the hospital. And "useless rituals that do nothing for
them" please for the sake of thread stop talking like this, it might
just start something.

or the way you wrote your first post

My good sir I was just goofing around in the first post... (I thought the part of the Michael Bay joke was enough to understand that). if you sought my opinion of the Paranormal (or Michael Bay?) as improper to your own opinion.... I am... sorry? no excuse me but I really don't understand the problem of the first post :/...
(This post was last modified: 07-07-2012, 06:27 PM by Danny Boy.)
07-07-2012, 06:23 PM
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Dr.Rumstain Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

I am back, and yes, something did happen. You may not believe in me but something did happen while at Zodiacs, if you don't believe in me, I understand, but do not mock me for what I saw, and my beliefs on it. I went to Zodiac's House, as I said before, there was a strange feeling if you were close enough to it. I slowly made my way to the door, it was like a good begging to a ghost story, the brave young man entering Hell House to save his damsel-in-distress, except I was the not so brave 30 year old man entering Hell House to document crap.

I entered and took a deep breath, the air was cold and stale and the house was pitch black so I made my way to the light switch, flicked it on, and I was dumbstruck with how much dust the house collected. You don't just have that much dust if have been gone for a week but then again, I reminded myself that I never knew Zodiac that much, so for all I know, he could have been a slob, a complete slob to say the least.

All the stuff in there was old, not 1800s old but 1960s/1970s old, the phones, the radio, the rug looked like it seen better days, and the TV I was to afraid to turn on because I thought an old TV that big may give me massive amounts of radiation (That was a joke.) The only modern thing he had was a computer, that was it, and even that he did not keep clean!

So after documenting most of the stuff in the first floor (the rest I will get today and tomorrow, and if I'm unlucky, the day after that), I went to the basement (Goody-Goody) and to tell you the truth, I was shock to see how clean it was inside the place. It was like the exact opposite of upstairs, everything was wiped, cleaned, and it even smelled nice, but the strange feeling felt (excuse me for a better word) stronger down here then it was upstairs, then I remembered that Zodiac died down here, next to a beam, covered in chains, with scratches all over him. That thought alone scared me.

I can say the basement (although clean) was empty. Just a few cans, a projector screen, two cans of film, and the best of all, a projector. Now I have always loved cameras and projectors, if you were to go to a rave, and you see an asshole with a camera, that was me (in a nutshell.) I knew I was not supposed to mess with anything in case it were to break, but my curiosity got the better of me so I grabbed one of the two cans of film. On the can, there was a date on it, 6/29/2012, the day before they found Zodiac's dead body, this got to me, but it was not enough to get me from putting in the film. Now the film was in, and I switched it on.

In the film, you can see Zodiac looking at a hole in the basement wall, it was as big as him (he was 6ft 2in.) I looked everywhere, in the place, even behind the projector screen, and there was no hole in the wall, and even if someone sealed the thing up, I could tell if someone put new paint on it, and to my knowledge, no one even came into the house (after the body of Alexander Zodiac was found) before I did, so I was a little scared by this, but I went kept watching the movie. Zodiac turned and looked at something, not the camera, it was slightly above that, and he started to talk..........but the film had no sound. He says something, turns to look at the hole, and turns back to the thing behind the camera, this time with a more aggressive face, and says another thing, it seemed as if he was talking to someone else. Zodiac shakes his head and walks closer to the thing/person, and holds it's hand gently, what ever it was, it had a females hand, so I guess it was a she. He says one more thing, and waits, and then lets go and walks into the hole with a face that shows only disappointment, but then he turns around as if the woman asked him something, he nods. I realized that someone was with him on the day before they found his body, "could he have been murdered by this woman" I thought to myself, "but what about that hole in the wall?" My mind wondered, until I heard a crackling noise upstairs. I rushed up stairs, to notice that the TV was on, by this time I already started to get ready, and finally I got the Hell out of that place.

Today, I am going back, I will document, and then see the rest of the film, maybe even the other film. I can understand this sounds far fetched but this happened. I will report today's findings tomorrow, please wait, you have been good enough so far, and your words of encouragement make me fell well, just wait for me. After I see these films, I will report them to the police as evidence. I know that may seem like the wrong thing to do, but I must see them, it is like something is pulling me towards them.

Bye for now.

Here lies a man who did no good,
and if he lived,
he never would.
When he is gone or how he fairs,
nobody knows and nobody cares.
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2012, 07:34 PM by Dr.Rumstain.)
07-07-2012, 08:17 PM
Adny Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

(07-07-2012, 08:17 PM)Dr.Rumstain Wrote: wall o' text
Only one thing left to do now:

Make a mod about it.

I rate it 3 memes.
07-07-2012, 08:27 PM
Danny Boy Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

(07-07-2012, 08:17 PM)Dr.Rumstain Wrote: Words...
very nice... is this a part from a book you are writing? cuss if not... no offense but you have wasted an immense time to write this down just to troll... I don't even know if thats a win or a fail...
(This post was last modified: 07-07-2012, 11:22 PM by Danny Boy.)
07-07-2012, 11:19 PM
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Juby Away
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RE: Just my luck.....

(07-07-2012, 11:19 PM)Danarogon Wrote:
(07-07-2012, 08:17 PM)Dr.Rumstain Wrote: Words...
very nice... is this a part from a book you are writing? cuss if not... no offense but you have wasted an immense time to write this down just to troll... I don't even know if thats a win or a fail...
Dude, why would he be lying about this kind of thing? Would it be funny if somebody's dad committed suicide right in front of their children? No insults intended, but he has no reason to troll; Somebody is dead and our Rumstain here is trying to get the answers.

These "ghosts" are real, but how can something that has no matter or presence be real? Why do they also have so much power? I do believe in them, because that fascinates me.

Rumstain, I hope you can find some answers so that you may have some solace to this problem. Whatever is in there may have some reasoning from history. Also, make sure whatever is inside that house doesn't follow you! Remember to be brave, it seems like these "things" notice weakness.

Insanity. Static.
07-08-2012, 11:52 AM
spukrian Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

Hey, I don't want to spoil anyone's fun but
Spoiler below!
the story Dr. Rumstain is writing here is eerily similar to a book I read several years ago.
If you want to know more, just ask.

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07-08-2012, 12:54 PM
MaZiCUT Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

Please tell us more.

What's the book called?

07-08-2012, 01:00 PM
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spukrian Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

I'm unsure if I should write this but
Spoiler below!
the book is called House of Leaves and is written by Mark Danielewski.

Stand for something
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07-08-2012, 01:20 PM

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