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Just my luck.....
MaZiCUT Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

(07-08-2012, 09:19 PM)Statyk Wrote: Statyk's mighty story.
I feel you bro, i don't exactly remember but sometimes maybe something less scarier like that has happend to me, but it was less scary compared to yours, i don't remember exactly but i can still remember that moment when your forehead starts pounding and becomes warm and your body freezes looking into that direction and waiting for a quick reaction to give.

But still, everything must have a logical explanation. Maybe a neighbour was in your basement, for some odd reason. Or maybe your dad came home earlier from work, or he went inside the basement to gather up some supply wood or something like that, and when you were in the living room he went up again.

But still logic beats my logic... you can't get out from inside the basement can you, and as you said the door was locked.

07-08-2012, 10:37 PM
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Statyk Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

You can not get into the basement from outside, nor can you leave to the outside after going down there. The only door is the one that swung open. I would have heard the front or side door if someone came home early. My dad works an hour away from home everyday working on cars. He would not come home to do this and leave again to come home around 7-8pm. His car did not pull up (this is a small house in the back of a neighborhood. I'd hear a car running, as well as pull up on our rock driveway. It's not concrete. If you've driven on a rock road before, you'd know it makes a lot of noise). I can honestly say, no sounds happened before the stomping, and no sounds after until someone came home around 6 that day... It was around 2:30 when it happened. TRUST ME, if I could come to a logical conclusion, I would. Believe me. But I can not to this day and I don't think I ever will... More happened in that house, but that was the biggest thing I experienced.
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2012, 10:48 PM by Statyk.)
07-08-2012, 10:46 PM
Danny Boy Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

(07-08-2012, 09:22 PM)Traggey Wrote: I levitated my bike once.
When I was a kid playing a old mortal kombat like game of Jurassic park for the ps1 I always correctly guessed what colours the enemy dino would have... and supposedly the color was randomly selected by the console...
07-08-2012, 11:36 PM
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Traggey Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

Whilst I do not believe in ''ghosts'' I do believe there's something alike going on.


I knew my father was about to die the evening he did.
I actually begged him not to leave the house, this was many MANY years ago and it still haunts me today.
07-08-2012, 11:38 PM
Danny Boy Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

(07-08-2012, 09:19 PM)Statyk Wrote: But if you can explain to me how I heard solid boot stomping up my basement stairs, the latch grab, and a door swing open, AND NO WAY INTO THE BASEMENT FROM OUTSIDE, then PLEASE. Amuse me.
Theres a Logic explanation for it... and that is...

[Image: i-dunno-lol.jpg]
07-08-2012, 11:40 PM
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RE: Just my luck.....

this thread is nice to read, carry on please!

i'd join the fun but its much better to just sit back and watch Big Grin

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07-08-2012, 11:47 PM
Dr.Rumstain Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

You are still here, mostly likely doing better then I as well, but there is no time to chit-chat, I have more to tell. If you are gone, well, I cant blame you, I can see why people do not believe in me, and after this post, even less may believe.

I woke up at around 6:00 o'clock yesterday, and before I posted the last post, I stepped outside to water the lawn."Hey" I heard from in front of me, I could tell that jet black, spiked hair, extremely pale skin, and the bluest damn eyes.......ever anywhere, why it was no other than Andreea Christinel, a girl I knew ever since she moved from Romania to America when she was 7, that was twenty ago, so I guess you know that we are kind of close friends.

I asked "Andreea, what are you doing here? Did you get that phD in mental health yet" with a grin of relief, knowing that an old friend like her was here.

She smiled "Yes, about a few weeks ago........hey, you don't look to good, are you okay"

"Fine" I said under my breath, I had not real looked at myself in the mirror since yesterday, nor did I even change out of my business suit from yesterday, it was unlike me, I am a clean freak after all. "Just been a rough few days at work."

"Let me guess, you are still at that horrible job?"

"Its better than listening to peoples problems, sounds to damn depressing."

"Better then going to document all the crap in a dead man's house, by the way, who died this time?"

"Alexander Zodiac...."

She frowned "Poor guy, I used to know him, how did he die?"

"Beats me, they found him in his basement, next to a beam, covered in chains, with scratches all over his body, maybe he chocked himself too...........oh shit!" I shouted, realizing that water from the hose was going all over my left pant leg.

She laughed hard, so hard in fact that tears rolling down her cheeks "Just like you Nigel, not paying attention to anything at all"

"At least I don't weigh 2 pounds!"

"Well I got to go do my job, I'll see you around"

"Uh....bye" I said, she then walked off into the distance. My neighbor was giving me a strange look, and I gave him one too while saying "What the Hell are you staring at, pal?" He just shook his head and walk away, back into his house. I did the same and posted my story online.

At 4:35 P.M I arrived at Zodiac's once more, the feeling was still there, but I pushed forward anyways, like I did the first time around. I decided to finish the first video, and would try to finish the second. I went to the basement, this time I brought a torch with me, and finally found the first film. I put the film in and waited till I got to the point where I left off.

As Zodiac nods, he enters the hole in the wall, it seemed as if he enters a black hole, it sucks him into the inky blackness, never to be seen again. By this time I realized the filmed looked old, I noticed that this was a super 8 projector, and (of course) the film was super 8 thus, there was no sound, all of a sudden the film just stops........no white screen like a normal 8 millimeter film would, it just stops on a freeze, like a pause.....I decided to put in the second film. I found the can of film, on the can, a name was written on it, "Betruger" I payed this no attention though and stuck the film in and what I saw next is something I wont soon forget.

The"film" starts with a white screen but in the far distance you can hear a thumping noise, it cuts to black, there is no noise for about 7 seconds, then it cuts to another screen, of something horrible. I can say what ever was on the screen, it was humanoid in shape, but it's face (from the brief instance I saw it) was covered in bandages, it moved it's head violently and in the background was the sound of (from what I guess) a broken vacuum cleaner. The screen fades slowly (dissolving is a better word to use), to another humanoid figure, this one looked more human, although its body was a bit more distorted then the last, a sound of chains rustling was in the background. During this time, the room felt colder, and the feeling of something was watching me was extremely strong, I turned to look over my shoulder a few times. Although I felt scared, the film did not get to me, I thought it was some strange fetish shit that Zodiac had, those thoughts were gone when the next figures were shown. The screen cuts again and the camera pans upwards.......I could here moaning and the rustling of chains, as if someone was in a great amount of pain, there was a man on the film, he had a business suit, scratches along his hands and face, and covered in chains.........it was Zodiac. A twisted, distorted Zodiac. He turns slowly towards and looks towards the camera, he looks at me. The "film" stops for a second.......and there was no noise or image, it felt as if time had stopped completely. The "film" starts again, this time its another black screen, or so I thought. I looked closely, I could see a person in the dark, just faint, but it was still enough to see a body, but the face was covered in shadows. All of a sudden, the screen turns to a video of me, in the basement. Something was filming me! I yanked the film out but the video of me was still playing, the film was out and the projector was off. I turned to see if I could find the camera that was filming me, nothing! Then film once again dissolves. This time it was over.

I felt sick to my stomach, what the Hell was going on?

After about 5 minuets of silence.....I heard a noise from the upstairs area. I was sure the bastard who was filming me was up there. I ran up there as if my life depended on it (at the time, I thought it did.) The door to Zodiacs bedroom was locked, and I could here the bastard, laughing at me! I rammed into the door with all my might and broke through the door and turned on my torch, there was no on in there, no one at all. I looked around high and low, but I stopped in my tracks when I saw a map pictures of people on the wall. A yarn went through each picture. There were about 50 people on this thing and under each was a name and a date.

James Revok: 1984
Harry Mortz: 1984
Heather West: 1985
Henry Cooper: 1985

The second to last one seemed to be torn off, because a bit of the picture was still there. The last one was a picture of Zodiac! Under it, it said:

Alexander Zodiac: 2012

I looked around the room one last time, and found a dairy, must have been Zodiac's. I took the diary home with me, if I find anything unusual in this, I will report this to you guys right away.

Good bye, for now.

Here lies a man who did no good,
and if he lived,
he never would.
When he is gone or how he fairs,
nobody knows and nobody cares.
(This post was last modified: 07-13-2012, 08:43 PM by Dr.Rumstain.)
07-09-2012, 01:10 AM
Adny Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

You are very talented at this Rum; do you want to write for my mod? XD

I rate it 3 memes.
07-09-2012, 01:12 AM
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RE: Just my luck.....

^^ what he said Big Grin

but anyway, if this is true.. Have you considered giving the tapes to local authorities ? it might have something to do with his death and if u don't you might get charged for concealing the evidence.

Also im preety sure criminal investigation was launched that day, IT SHOULD BE. Because seeing a dead man, severly scratched and chained is not something i would call a natural death

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07-09-2012, 11:50 AM
Acies Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

(07-08-2012, 10:46 PM)Statyk Wrote: TRUST ME, if I could come to a logical conclusion, I would. Believe me. But I can not to this day and I don't think I ever will...
Main thesis:
Moonshine, old friend, moonshine (I'm guessing that is the correct term for the swedish word "hembränt").

Logical guesses:
1) The door was left slightly open. Due to heat differences in the air between basement and upper floor the wooden boards of the staircase started expanding and creaking. You imagined this as someone coming up the stairs. Frightened, your senses sharpened, which in turn led you to believe someone was pulling down the handle just as the door opened (opening due to the exchange between cold and hot air - like a vague wind).
2) A burglar had been down in the cellar, who then tried to leave as he heard someone stirring in the house.
3) Hallucinations/schizophrenia, in which everything transpired in your mind. Caused by (?), uh.. Insuffient information to keep on guessing here :> On a sidenote it is believed for example that the hallucinations of "the oracles" were caused by leakings of poisonous gas.

If above guesses are discarded refer back to "Main thesis".

[Image: mZiYnxe.png]

07-09-2012, 12:43 PM

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