(05-06-2013, 02:04 PM)Dogfood Wrote: scootaloXXrainbowdash
if their ages werent so far apart they would make a good pair. not counting that they're both mares. but i guess most ponyships are marexmare.
btw. cheerileexbigmac. its almost canon.
(05-06-2013, 08:09 AM)CorinthianMerchant Wrote: (05-06-2013, 01:37 AM)ponyanarchy94 Wrote: todays pony question!!! which ship do you beleive is the best??? provide a reason for extra awesomeness.
DerpyxDoctorWhooves, because alfa995 on YT and saturnspace on dA.
as a philosifer(massive misspell) i find that ship very interesting. derpy was established as a background pony with a pesonality and character flaws just like the mane ponies, but doctor whooves is an almost entirely fan made pony. the only thing that resembles the doc is a brown background pony who only interacts with the manes once, yet he has been established as the partner to the most beloved semi-mane pony in existence. why was the doctor the one to be shipped with derpy, why not one of the other background ponies?.....im probably just overthinking this shit.