I think I prefer short stories - partly because I don't have as much time for playing games anymore as I used to have, but mostly because a game that wants to have a great emotional impact really benefits from having the player play through it in one sitting. (This obviously doesn't count for games like Skyrim etc., I'm talking artsy-emotional-game-art-stuff here

If I have to pause the game, go to sleep and continue the next day I'll have calmed down and filled my head with tons of other stuff and all of the emotions have to build themselves up from scratch again. On the other hand - if the story is scary enough I'll stop playing after a while anyway to catch some breath, so this point probably doesn't really count for horror games ^^
Another point is that it is increasingly hard to keep the player invested the longer the story is. Even the original Amnesia lost quite a bit of its "punch" towards the end, simply because you started to get used to the atmosphere, the monsters, etc. The levels are just as good as the earlier ones - if the last levels were the
first you played, you'd be scared witless. But everything that comes before lessens the impact those levels can have on you.
That being said, if the story is really of such epic proportions that it absolutely needs those 10 hours of playtime, by all means, have them. But you better make sure the experience doesn't start to drag and get stale after a while!
Quote:Take, for instance, the custom story I scrapped, Rising Water. You had to escape a mansion which was being flooded by water.
Damn. That sounds like a story I'd really like to play. No convoluted, pretentious plot, just pure, primal horror. (Especially since drowning is one of my biggest fears...)Shame you scrapped it...