<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain">
<Entry Name="Description">You are Alexander Lovat and have been convicted for the murder of your wife Rosemary and son anderson. Convinced that your wife is still alive and that you were framed you go the barons castle in searched for evidence that the baron of endersburg scottland is responisble for the crimes and is keeping your wife hostage</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Journal">
<Entry Name="Note_Test01_Name">To Baron of Endersburg</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test01_Text">Dear baron Redrick Redwood. The homicidal convict Alexander Lovat has escaped the town prison and is beleived to be on his way to your Estate as we speek. Lock your doors and stay in your quarters until the guards arrive to assist you. Alexander is extremely dangerous and will attack you on sight. From your humble servant and warden of the EndersBurg prison Regenald</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test02_Name">Journal Entry 2</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test02_Text">The masters locked himself in the art room again. Theres nothing i can do to get him to leave. He just sits in their rythmecally strumming his violin. I am begining to think hes gone mad, I swear one of this days i'm just going to destroy the dry wall to get him out</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test03_Name"></Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test03_Text">He's watching</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test04_Name">Diary Entry 6</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test04_Text">After Pleading with the baron that my family was not safe he agreed to allow us to stay at his estate. I don't beleive that he understands the danger me and my family are in. I Should of never allowed anderson to enter the blackwoods alone if i hadn't "he" wouldnt be following us. Its only a matter of time before he finds me and my family I can only pray for our safety.Signed Alexander Lovat</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test05_Name">Diary Entry 7</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test05_Text">He's...hes here watching me toying with me. FUCKING WITH ME!!! every night i here the scratches coming from the bottom of my door. and everytime I open my door to see theirs no one their just scratch marks at the end of my doorway. b..but thats not it every time i shut the door i catch a glimpse of some thing in the mirror standing behind me. When i look back at the mirror completely its just..gone i KNOW i'm not mad i know what i fucking saw! it...it was him "hes" found me and now lord redwood fears for my sanity and his keeping my family from me. God...help me forgive me yours truely alexander lovat.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test06_Name"></Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test06_Text">It Hurts</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test07_Name">Diary Entry 8</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test07_Text">Its here its taken my son and my wife and now it seeks me the baron is accusing me of these crimes. Why would i murder my own son and wife i loved them and "he" took them. as the barons guards march threw the corridors to drag me to the prison i write this as my last notes may some one find them and help me. he'll come for me when i rot in prison and the baron knows this. he only is haven me thrown in jail so it doesnt take him aswell but its to late now.....hes been marked. signed alexander Lovat</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test08_Name">Journal Entry 1</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test08_Text">Ever since Alexander has arrived at my masters estate the lord has been acting strangley. he locked him self in the art room this evening with his violin. I am writting this journal to keep track of any strange accounts after this day. I pray for the saftey of my lord and me as well his humble servant Kyle Clemming.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test09_Name">Journal Entry 3</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test09_Text">The master has been marked.....and so have I. We should of never took in Alexander or his wreched family. His soon set foot in the black woods and now "he" wants him. If alexander would of simply left his son behind then maybe he wouldnt be marked now. However thats not why i'm writing this now. Earlier today while the master locked himself in the art room he momentarly stopped playing his violin and began yelling violently swearing at some one thats when i snapped i went into the tool shed and grabbed the hammer and rushed back into the red wing. I instantly began smashing the dry wall in the room parrallel from the art room i began to plead with the baron on who he was speaking to and he just...sat there starring blankly at the opposite side of the room next to the statue yelling at me now screaming on how i couldnt see "him". Now i know and have been hiding out on the roof of the estate out of eye view from the forest and the manor i leave this note behind in hope alexander
finds it if you do god bless your soul for the burden you must carry put an end to this......and kill Redwood *signed Kyle Clemming*</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test10_Name">My Final Words</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test10_Text">Its all over. Inviting Alex into my estate was my undoing. I thought by locking him in prison it would change and i could finally free myself from his mark, but no the Operator of blackwoods still stalks me. constontly giving me glimpses of him from out my window or down a hall wall getting closer and closer each time. Yesterday i tried to lock myself in my art room for saftey but no he was right there next to my sculpture looking at me with its featurless face....and thats when it spoke to me. Its voice constisting of three tones one of a sultry women another of a child and the last of an elderly man. all speakin in sync from this abominations mouthless face. It could change which voice took dominance in order to express itself and began with the sultry womens voice in dominance and said "you were a fool to take my pray into your home" I immediatly replied that i was trying to save his wife and planned the entire time to hand over the child to please him but that just eritated him more this time the childs voice took dominance and he began to speak in a cocky attitude that my desires were selfish and my ambistions would fail. i began shouting at him and thats when i blacked out. Now this is of minor importance compared to what i say next. I received a letter from the warden this morning telling me of your escape alex. I know your comming i have barricaded my mansions main entrance doors but i know that wont stop you or the Operator. Now...hes here he is in my room so i fear that these will be my last words and may have no meaning to you at all but Alexander i am Truely Truely sorry. May god take mercy on my soul. Goodby and yours truely Lord Reddrick Redwood of Endersburg</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test11_Name"></Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test11_Text">I took Your family now i'm coming for you</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test12_Name"></Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test12_Text">Your Child Is Mine Now</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test13_Name"></Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test13_Text">No Escape</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test14_Name"></Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test14_Text">Your going Stay with me forever</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test15_Name"></Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test15_Text">Its RUde to Stare</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test16_Name"></Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test16_Text">I am everything thing you fear...every shadow out the corner of your eye every glimpse of something strange in the dark.....</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test17_Name">Der Grobbman</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test17_Text">Oh, should I travel through the woods
Or should I not wishing I would
For above me lurks within the trees
No one could hear my deathly screams
The palest man, the blackest suit
Bigger than the tallest brute
Six black arms will grab you up
Or, stalk you till you just give up
A top hat bares upon his head
Makes your soul fill up with dread
He takes you when you least expect
Boil you up, and eat your neck
He’ll leave your body not to eat
But staple your corpse on a tree
Fear the man, the slender man
For he can do, what no one can </Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test18_Name">Congragulations!</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test18_Text">HELLO THERE! you have found my secret slightly creepy easter egg room. So i would like to give a special shout out first to MEASURING

aka Boris game studios, Hirnwirbel, Ryan LaFores, Skashi, THE WIGGLY, Deign Johnson, The Chaser, Wamarchall, Stream boat, AND ESPECIALLY "MURATARKIN" the actual modeler for my slenderman monster. I think thats about it if i forgot you sorry if not enjoy the rest of my story. Custom Story Made by: ~CandleJack131</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test19_Name">FInal Entry</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test19_Text">Well as sad as it is for me to say this. I knew this was comming. But now the question is why. WHY ALEX! why the hell would you send your own child into blackwoods. I Personally do not pitty you. I pitty your family. Your son is Still alive Alex, but not for long. I can here his shrieks of pain now. Oh the irony in all this. You caused it all and yet you'll be the last to die, i mean after all you don't expect to live do you? Your son explained everything to me the day after you reared your ugly face at my lords manor. He told me that YOU purposly sent him into the forest to prove that Der Großmann was but a myth yet the true outcome of all this is terrifying to you isnt it? The part that hurts me the most though alex is why you wanted to hurt the baron for trying to save your wife. You where marked and by distancing you she was safer. However when you came back you brought Der Großmann here with you. So thats why i am where you see me now. By the time your reading this ill be long dead. I took my own life after writting this actually. I slit my wrists with the knife you keep in the cellar. I am not surprised that you came back here. I mean where else would you of checked. This is "your" home after all and now that i take a look at this its saddly anti climactic. In reality your a scared child who plotted to take his anger out on some one who was innocent from the start. Redwood did what he had to do and you knew it. You where just frightened didnt know what else to do but kill a man you deemed responsible for your own actions. So then you want your wife and child back now correct? Fine there in the cellar go ahead and find them just don't expect to find them breathing. Yes i know there not alive "anymore" and know there down there for i watched him drag them both down there. Now you probly are still wondering how i ended up in your house in the first place after all in the last entry i wrote i stated i was hidding out on the roof of Redwoods manor, and the answer is simple "I Lied" yes correct i led you astray just to make it all the more surprising when you find my cold dead body and this note jammed into your cabinet. I just hope the blood stains i left on your carpet didn't give away the surprise. YOu are the true monster Alex. ~Kyle Clemming </Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test20_Name">Stop</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test20_Text">Ambition its a funny thing ambition it could take one to sublime heights or the most disturbing depths, and sometimes there one of the same. It seems you've learned that lesson all to well.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test21_Name">Fable of The Faceless Man Chapter 1</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test21_Text">There Once was a man who lived in the woods. Not just any man a very very "very" tall man. It was rumored this man could stretch his limbs to any length at any time. However this was not the only strange thing about this man he had absolutley no face no ears no nose no hair "nothing" featurless nothing to his face or skin but a pale white void. He was nicknamed by the people of the village as "Der Grossemann". Which was german for "the tall man". The people of the village where terrified of him and where forrbidden to enter the forest that he roamed in. Any that did enter where marked and where stalked until he caught them along with anyone who stood in his way. Once he was after you there was no stopping him you where his. Once the Grossemann caught the children he would make sharp tree branches grow from the ground as if he commanded the forest itself and would then impale the children on them. He would either leave the child on a single branch or take of the childs limbs and place them on seperate branches. Once he had the Children on his branches he'd begin to cut them open with his very sharp talons of fingers and remove each one of there organs to place into a plastic bag then put back into the childs body in its correct place. Some he takes for himself he....eats the ones he takes consumes them. Now he may not have a mouth but he can grow one when he needs it as if the skin area of his face simply tares revealing sharp jagged teeth beneath. You should never go threw his woods or he'll use his limbs to grip tare you open or stalk you until you just give up. The number one rule of Der Grossemann is "not to look"</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test22_Name">You Lose</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test22_Text">Youre son's flesh was delicious. I imagine youre wifes will be the same.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test23_Name">Follow</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_Test23_Text">Do it, That is if you feel you can. You're child is dead but you're wife is very much alive. She's mine now so come. COme and stay with us....forever.</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Ending">
<Entry Name="MainCredits">
Original Idea:
CandleJack131 AKA Christian King also Wiggly AKA Zach wright and Deign Johnson
Ryan Leforest
CandleJack131, Wamarchall, and i also think Stream boat
Custom Billboards, Textures & Monster Editing:
Muratarkin, Statyk (Traggey i think) Skashi Measuring (Boris Game studios) Damascus ( if i forgot you i'm sorry my internet went down so i couldn't double check)
Level design:
Deign Johnson
Special Thanks to:
The Chaser
Zach Wright
Statyk (Sorry for yelling at you <3 )
PewDiePie For being born
Hope you Enjoyed!~CandleJack~</Entry>