I'm finally working on a story, simple but good and scary! All of my previous works were seeing what's possible and what's not. Sorry for this delay in an official project to post, but all of those others allowed my to 'evolve' my story into a better one and test I can do based on those different story ideas. Because of that, I can do more interesting stuff (some of which not seen in other Amnesia stories) that I feel confident in making this story. Sometimes I did deviate from my story, when I requested for a Cthulhu for example. I hadn't realized at the time how hard it would be to have that in game, not to mention how much lag a huge castle of falling bricks really was (don't try it). Thank you every in the forum that helped my see what I can do, try early concepts, and get feedback. I thank you in advance for this story.
I'm not switching from this idea, and this thread will post update and eventually the release of this new story... Beneath the Ice! This will be chapter 1 to my series!
Most of it I can do myself, but two things are needed that in order for it to be complete. One I my try myself to get working, to at least usable in game. The second, I want someone's help with.
Attached is a rar file that contains Penumbra Requiem's Rock Worm Statue. Even though I follow steps to texture it, for some reason it doesn't work. Maybe one of you can look it at. Full credits will go to the person(s) who can put a texture on it.
(09-16-2012, 04:01 PM)Macgyverthehero Wrote: The name of this Custom Story reminds me of Penumbra... Does this story take place in the modern day? Or just back in the 1840's?
It does sound similar doesn't it? Penumbra, to me and Deep One, seemed to be inspired from Lovecraft's "At the Mountains of Madness". My story takes the idea of an ancient civilization under the ice from Penumbra/Mountains of Madness but with my own story to it.
While it is modern times, due to 'strange waves' coming from the place, all electronic devices are useless there. Your character is forced to use a Lantern for light instead of your trusty glow-stick (as it won't even work down there)!
(09-16-2012, 04:07 PM)The chaser Wrote: Seems cool. What features it will have? Jumpscares or atmospheric?
Atmospheric I'd have to say. I don't want to spoil to much, but it should be fun, scary, and something not seen before.
Umm... you forgot to mention what kind of texture you want and how big the model will be in the game. So since its a statue, I just threw a tileable rock texture on it that I happened to have lying around. Its a 2048² map, which might be a bit oversized, but I thought a rockworm statue is probably pretty huge, right?
It might not fit perfectly color-wise, I mean I don't know what your level looks like... anyway I made a folder with all the textures, the .mat and an .ent file for you, that you should be able to open and edit with Model Editor. If you wanted something special for the texture instead, tell me...
btw. the topology on that worm is the strangest thing I've ever seen. I'm sure Frictional knew what they were doing, but I'd really love to know the reason for that...