Hmm...still having the same problem, candlejack?

Just wanted to tell you, there's a huuuuuuge thread written by crisosphinx now *yay*, concerning the export of rigged and animated models from Maya. Its very detailled and contains everything we could find out so far.
If it still crashes after you follwed all the instructions there, you have the same problem I have - and I haven't found the cause of the problem yet. If I find out what causes it, I'll let you know, so hang in there
Edit: It seems like the problem with the crash is solved! The reason is actually kinda stupid - it was that you have to link your texture in the Maya File before you export. Simply applying a material afterwards won't work (weird....).
So follow these steps:
1. Make a folder that contains everything related to your model (Maya file, textures...)
2. Open Maya file, then in Maya, click on your model and open the attribute Editor (Windows > attribute Editor)
3. Click on the Material Tab (might be called Lambert1 or have a unique name)
4. Click on the options box next to "Color", then in the window that appears select "file".
5. Select your texture file (Remember, should be in the same folder!)
6. Save the Maya scene (can't hurt...), then export as .dae. make sure you follow the instructions for export detailled
7. Create your material (.mat) file with the Material editor.
8. Import your .dae file into the Model Editor, then select it, click on the three dots next to "Material" and apply the .mat file you just created.
9. Save as .ent file.
10. This .ent file should now work and not cause any crashes anymore!