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What are your thoughts on Black Plague?
Pigov Offline
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RE: What are your thoughts on Black Plague?

Penumbra Wrote:I didn't like how instead of my goal being to learn more about my dad, my goal became to make a cure.

Oh yeah definately. First game's goal is all about finding Howard, and in BP, you just find him and that's it, not much more about him. It just went too quick.
03-21-2008, 12:08 AM

RE: What are your thoughts on Black Plague?

well i started playing today and so far it's as good as overture Smile i don't think i'll write a walkthrough again due to lack of time, but maybe, who knows Tongue
greets to all
03-29-2008, 03:16 PM
DanteDMC Offline
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RE: What are your thoughts on Black Plague?

Pigov Wrote:My thoughts? It was an okay game. While Overture raised questions, Black Plague only strives to answer them.

Overall, I'd say Overture is a 9/10 game, and BP a 6/10. I loved the eerie silence of Overture, which was all the time broken by Clarence in BP. Also, the puzzles in Overture were just amazing (the radio, Lake Uqutaq), and BP? I didn't like a single one of BP's puzzles, sorry.

The infected are scary the first few times you encounter them. Then you get used to them, which drops the whole immersiveness. Having only three types of enemies was bad enough in Overture, and dropping it to one in BP was a disaster.

In short, for me, it sadly was a disappointment. I am happy that the story made sense and didn't leave us with another cliffhanger.

I'm mostly on the same page. I wish that there were more types of enemies and explanations of how they came to be.

I really did not like how the combat system was taken away. I understand what they were trying to do in terms of making the game scarier by not being able to defend yourself; but to me, it's just annoying not being able to kill your enemy.

I also agree to how great it was that overture raised many questions because it was the first in the series. I think it drove the player to wait in anticipation to the second game; but, i feel that BP just didn't answer enough questions or it didn't give an answer that I was expecting. I'm a very detailed guy, so I love my game stories to be as immersive as possible with many details but BP just didn't deliver on that front. Plus, it didn't really connect itself much with the first game, I didn't feel like I was continuing from the first.

So for me. Overture 9/10 and BP 6/10 as well.
The reasons BP was a 6/10 for me was because of no combat (that was huge for me) lack of enemy diversity, lack of a more immersive/better story, and lack of supporting character interactivity (the main character doesn't talk back or see the supporting characters in person) and lack of a character model for phillip (look down and no legs)

I still love the series, so if there's a third one I'll get it ,but yes, BP fell short of my expectations and the lack of combat was the biggest for me.
03-30-2008, 10:10 AM

RE: What are your thoughts on Black Plague?

i just finished the game Smile you guys (developers) did a great job again, it's as scary and in all aspects amazing like Overture. ending is ok, kill them all! Smile
03-30-2008, 07:33 PM
Fatbaticus Offline

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RE: What are your thoughts on Black Plague?

Thaliur Wrote:
Jeremy-Bailey Wrote:
Spoiler below!
this may be a spoiler; not sure. but Thaliur, you said some carry a small axe. Is this the part when you enter this room to find a pipe that is leaking; and you find another pipe in the trash to fix it?
that tuurnigate has an axe or a crowbar? I always thought it was a crowbar, but I am actually too afraid to get too close to find out. so you may be right.
Reading that made me wonder about "Freeman" in overture. not saying there is a connection though.
Not only there. lots of them seemed to carry some kind of improvised weapon.

Yeah i realised that lol all i saw is axes and pick axes and crow bars!
but the torch was more freaky, the reason is when u turn a corner u see a flash light in ur eyes and they see you very easly so theres not really much of hidin in it.
except if u hiude behind doors or block it then hide lol
04-23-2008, 04:22 AM
Fatbaticus Offline

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RE: What are your thoughts on Black Plague?

I preferd black plague it's not the infected its clearence, I just hated when he does jks on you "example" when u come across the hallway when u saw the dead dogs and that ghost dog jumps at you. Now that made me piss my pance almost.
The bit how the body fell off the roof when u enter the darkness. That scared me.
Theres alot of really freaky things I loved about BP overture didn't really give me the creaps.
the only time it gave me the creaps is when i was in the first tunnel, I didn't like that.
The bit how the worms chased you. I loved that. The reson i loved the worm chasing me is because you have that adrenline feeling, and i loved that.
I felt my heart beat really hard.
BP scared me more though.
Dream sequence scared me.
when you had to get across the other end by jumping across with those moving metal floors.
that freaked me out. theres alot of things that creeps me out in overture and bp.
The things that scared me in overture is the first wolf that gave me the creeps
and how you hear that screaming when u get out of that tunnel that gave me the creeps.
Alot of things these days and there horror games.
Thank you frictional games these games probably are the most, funnest game and scarryiest.
Well... Not the scarryiest its just scary at the beggining well.. I loved this game!
04-23-2008, 04:32 AM

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