(10-27-2012, 07:18 PM)Statyk Wrote: Did you import the regular redist/models/player/hands/hands.dae and animate from there IN MAYA? Try not to import the animation you made in Max. There might be some exported problems.
Also, make sure you have the OpenCollada plugin installed and activated.
- Go to Window>Settings/Preferences>Plugin Manager.
- Activate ColladaMaya on "loaded" and "auto-load"
- Then Window>Settings/Preferences>Preferences>Settings (tab on left) and change the linear to Meters. Save.
- Import: redist/models/player/hands/hands.dae and animate from there.
Oh I forgot to tell that I already activated the OpenCollada...
Anyway as you said I tried to load an the animation from 3Ds Max..How could I forget that!!!
And as always new problem shows up!

After finishing the animation I test it in model editor and it sends the hand to the far,far away kingdom!