I'm a great fan of Metro 2033. I read the book and I think the 4A Games did a great job making a game from it. To drum up excitement for the new Metro game THQ have made a new promotional campaign where you hit "like" on their
facebookpage and they give you a code for a free copy of Metro 2033.
I find this a bit strange though, with THQs financial troubles they still decide to give away one of their titles for free? Eventhough Metro 2033 is a bit old now and propably doesn't sell all that well I still find it odd...but I don't complain!

Like I said, I loved Metro and think it's great that people that wouldn't normally pick up a game like Metro now get a chance to play it. And if they like it they're bound to buy the next instalation to the series.
Can't wait for Metro Last Light to be released ^^