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New life for Halo: Custom Edition!
Gunslingerjh Offline
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Exclamation  New life for Halo: Custom Edition!

Some of you guys may already know this, but I recently came across a spectacular mod team that is remaking the entire halo 1 campaign with superb graphics! You should definitely check it out if you're into Halo!
Some screenshots below:

[Image: E5FD8086-001A-40FF-B31D29776B6E4D44.JPG]

More screenshots, for your viewing pleasure Wink

Spoiler below!

[Image: haloce2012013119344859.jpg]

[Image: 98C4A7B8-D963-4FD7-B0FC0547F8D06B88.JPG]

01-08-2013, 10:53 PM
Traggey Offline
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RE: New life for Halo: Custom Edition!

PC anniversary? Yes please.
01-08-2013, 10:58 PM
the dark side Offline
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RE: New life for Halo: Custom Edition!

Sorry to Sound disrespectfull but, Halo.. Uggh, the game that pretty much sent the first person shooter skidding of the rails into the casual gaming cesspit, uggh, Halo doesnt need a graphical overhaul in my opinion, as graphics are Irrelevant!, it needs a Complete Gameplay Overhall, as does the entire FPS genre in its aftermath. please, be rational leon kennedy, i doubt you will find many freinds of halo here. me, personally, i could quite hapilly exterminate the moron at bungie who thaught it was a good idea to make an Easy FPS because he shot gaming in the gonads that day.

why does this clearly rather talanted mod team (very, very nice textures and renders, i will give them that) need to waste its time, effort and energy on a game that simply is not worthy of it? why dont they make something completely new? or at the very least give a game thats actually worth the effort, like the original "Soldier of Fortune" a massive graphical shot in the arm?. it would be a better use of there time and talent in my opinion.
(This post was last modified: 01-08-2013, 11:06 PM by the dark side.)
01-08-2013, 10:59 PM
TheBlastPassage Offline
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RE: New life for Halo: Custom Edition!

Well said

01-08-2013, 11:09 PM
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Gunslingerjh Offline
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RE: New life for Halo: Custom Edition!

(01-08-2013, 10:58 PM)Traggey Wrote: PC anniversary? Yes please.

Bungie doesn't give pc anniversary edition? So what, we make it ourselves!
Hahah, love the PC community Wink

01-08-2013, 11:10 PM
the dark side Offline
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RE: New life for Halo: Custom Edition!

SOF was bloody awesome mate. it was challenging, fast paced, didnt patronise you, told a great story, and combined the brilliant Quake II gameplay model with visual realism, the perfect FPS formula in my book.

Halo is terrible in my book for the following reasons. ,.

1. regenerating sheilds, wich make it impossible to die, just dive under a table or rock every 5 seconds to recharge, it then lead to the creation of regenerating health and "bloody Screen...So real", the Worst gameplay mechanic of all time,.

2. 2 gun limit, removes ALL tactical decision making, just keep the AR in slot one and the shottie in slot 2, only changing slot 2 to the weapon the Script wants you to use when required.

3. Constant ruddy hints, look, i dont need to be told that i need to press X to reload every time my ammo magazine gets low, I know its X, I READ THE BLOODY MANUAL!, sorry, but being patronised grinds my gears into salt!

4. waypoints, look, the level is a corridor, there is only one way to go, so i dont need a bloody waypoint.

5. Checkpoints, if you die in a level, then you should be FORCED to restart it, to punish you for being incompetant at the game, be having checkpoints, you reward the player for his or her ineptitude, meaning they will never bother to advance through struggle to a higher plane of competance!. PS. the library was pie easy, just take cover and let the sheilds regnerate every 5 seconds, if you die, its because the fact gamepads are USELESS for FPS due to there total lack of precision and there incredibly slow response time, not because the game is hard. its a casual game, they are not allowed to be hard .
6. taking cover to regenerate (Boring!).

7. extremely scripted, see an MG on the floor? your gonna have 9 million aliens spawn in.,..3...2...1.. play the level once, played it a billion times, because by using scripting instead of AI, it plays the exact same time, every time.

sure, Halo was innovative, but all of its innovations RUINED the FPS genre! SOF may have been your usual FPS of the era with only one innovation, GHOUL, but it was an innovation that improved the genre! it made it more realisitc without loosing any of the classic run and gun gameplay of quake II. Halo Sent the genre off the rails! to me, a game is its gameplay, and to me the gameplay of Halo is Boring, Easy, Holds your hand, is patronising, its not good gameplay, SOF my have been like every other FPS of its day gameplay wise, but it was what good gameplay is all about, Fast Paced, challenging, customiseable by the player, left you to your own devices, and treats the player like they are, well, an adult. Halo treats you like you are 6. i dont tolerate that. ive been gaming too many years.
(This post was last modified: 01-08-2013, 11:25 PM by the dark side.)
01-08-2013, 11:18 PM
Zaffre Away
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RE: New life for Halo: Custom Edition!

(01-08-2013, 11:18 PM)the dark side Wrote: rant
I'm just going to stop reading your posts starting now. You irritate the fuck out of me and everyone else. If you don't like the shooters then don't talk about them.

As of September 2nd, 2014, I've left the Frictional forums. Check my profile for more details.
01-08-2013, 11:21 PM
TheBlastPassage Offline
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RE: New life for Halo: Custom Edition!

Zaffre speaks the truth

01-08-2013, 11:26 PM
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Prelauncher Offline
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RE: New life for Halo: Custom Edition!

So yeah, I read your post TDS and came up with quite a few good responses to why I think that you are wrong but I can already see where this is heading and I don't want any part of it, even though it's about one of my absolute favourite games.

On Topic:

So they never released anniversary for PC? Dick move by them :/ I bought it for my 360 and had a blast playing through it once more!

This mod looks really good though. I certanly hope that they'll finish it so that PC players also may play through Halo once more with them fancy graphics Smile

Socialism (noun): A great way to run out of other people's money.
01-08-2013, 11:36 PM
CorinthianMerchant Offline
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RE: New life for Halo: Custom Edition!

(01-08-2013, 11:07 PM)Robosprog Wrote:
(01-08-2013, 10:59 PM)the dark side Wrote: Sorry to Sound disrespectfull but, Halo.. Uggh, the game that pretty much sent the first person shooter skidding of the rails into the casual gaming cesspit, uggh, Halo doesnt need a graphical overhaul in my opinion, as graphics are Irrelevant!, it needs a Complete Gameplay Overhall, as does the entire FPS genre in its aftermath. please, be rational leon kennedy, i doubt you will find many freinds of halo here. me, personally, i could quite hapilly exterminate the moron at bungie who thaught it was a good idea to make an Easy FPS because he shot gaming in the gonads that day. why does this clearly rather talanted mod team need to waste its time, effort and energy on a game that simply is not worthy of it? why dont they make something new? or at the very least give a game thats actually worth the effort, like the original "Soldier of Fortune" a massive graphical shot in the arm?

Soldier of Fortune was average, whilst Halo was innovative and the greatest console FPS of all time. Why is it's gameplay bad? And no, it's not easy, play the Library on Halo, legendary difficulty, if it takes you less than twenty deaths, you're either incredibly good at halo or lying.
Don't feed the troll.

Still hasn't gotten over the loss of wubwub...
01-08-2013, 11:39 PM

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