(03-03-2013, 07:47 PM)stonecutter Wrote: How about the combat system ?
Could you explain how you try to get a working shooting system ?
i tried it on my self about 1 year ago ...
For myself i tried to recreate the first RESIDENT EVIL ... i have rebuilt the forest from the intro and some parts of the MANSION !
Well I had an idea for it, but DnALange(Creator of Mental Memorial whom is collaborating in the development of this mod) suggested to me that we use his HUD system where he displayed an image of a cell phone on the screen as a HUD, so this way we will be able to give the player different weapons, and still let you use them, then we would emit particles from the gun when shot. So that is a new update to my original idea of replacing the lantern with the handgun. SO we will be rethinking the strategy, but the idea basically is we are going to COMPLETELY redesign the inventory into OUR OWN CUSTOM RESIDENT EVIL 2 INVENTORY, where you only have 6-8 slots to store things and you will have to put things in a storage box, but it is very possible to do, I know how to pull it off using gobo lights for the storage box. And as far as the weapons are concerned, we are going to take the lantern from amnesia AND DELETE THE 3D MODEL ATTACHED TO IT, the reasoning behind this is the player WILL STILL HAVE THE LANTERN, we will give it INFINITE OIL, but it just will not appear in the inventory nor on the screen, so to do that we will give the player two lanterns to bypass the inventory layout and make the items completely invisible to the inventory screen. Now for the reason behind removing the lantern model and making it blank but still giving the lantern. We shall check to see if the lantern is activated in which case if it is activated a variable reader will be set based on which weapon you previously had out. Each time you select a weapon from the inventory the HUD image will change and give you that gun instead of the one you had, but the image will infinitely remain on your screen. Then once the lantern WHICH IS A BLANK MODEL WITH NO NOISES, we can use the checklanternactive script thing to see if the player has the BLANK lantern out or not out, this way each time the player left clicks(We are replacing lantern with LeftClick and Interact with 'f') the gun will shoot, and if it does we will then check to see if you are looking at an enemy, and if all is true, is will take away a variable of the enemy's HP, the particle system on the gun will emit and then it just repeats waiting for the player to shoot once more. Then once you have run out of ammo, the system will check for the ammo variable, it will auto reload via timer and boom you continue on wards. It seems like a lot of scripting when put into text, but it really may just be 60 lines of code if not a bit more, then some more code to check if the player shot the enemy, a few more lines of code for reloading so an upwards of 100-200 lines of code just for the gun, but for game designer standards, that is not a lot, especially considering the limited available code within the HPL Engine.
(03-03-2013, 06:28 PM)ghostelom Wrote: when it will be finished
Oh god, we like just began development, and the 3D Modeling OH THE 3D MODELING, it will take months, but we just thought we would begin announcing it that we are not giving up. We were going to wait for Machine for Pigs, but there is no guarantee of HPL3 being publicly released, and even if it was released to the public, it is an extensive amount of code and formatting we will need to relearn and comprehend which may take a month or so we could have used to build maybe a third of the game, let alone who knows when exactly MFP will be released, it says Q2 of 2013, and was rumored to be Feb.28th due to an accidental date change on ModdB, so who knows the release date as of now. So we figured, meh might as well work with the original engine and give it all we got!

So it will definitely probably release when MFP is already released, in fact that is probably a promise, but we are hoping all of work and effort will not be forgotten and people will return to Amnesia 1 JUST to play this and many of the other awesome upcoming mods releasing this year such as Spacies that Acies is working on among many others.
(03-02-2013, 08:32 PM)Doomtodeath Wrote: I am so *beep*ing exicted. But do we HAVE to shoot the monsters? :C Thats the only downside to this. Cant wait! 
And make sure you have a backup. We dont want the game dieing half way.
Oh yeah you will have to shoot the monsters, but it wouldn't be Resident Evil without it ey?

Also thank you so much for the 3D Model resource, huge help, as for those of you in here, I just finished rigging the first zombie 3D Model: