i just need an idea of it. how it works.
i want a monster, that sneaks up on the player. when it sees the player (but the player dont sees it) it sneaks slowly and quietly towards the player. when the player sees it, it acts as usual.
so i would need a monster with very high senses (so it will find the player faster) to prevent it getting too easy. and i would have to tweak the sounds more quiet. and i would need something like an area applied to the model and when the player looks at it, the monster triggers.
so is it possible as i think it is?
and modelling
i looked for modelling programs and lots of you suggested maya and blender. i tried blender, and i absolutely disliked it. its definately me, because i tried it for 1 hour or something and it would surely need longer to learn. some told me it takes years. but to be honest its not worth it for me to do that for a free custom story.
so i looked at silo 2.2 and after watching some videos i downloaded the demo. it took me like 1 hour to create a head. but unfortunately you cant save in the demo ._.
so, the point is, why did you tell me not to use silo? i know of the exporting problems, but ive also heard of collada for silo (but couldnt really find it

made another head. looks a little sad and like gum or something, but ill work on it

head subdivided:
head unsubdivided:
thanks for reading