why not multiplayer mod whit mission and thinks like that..that will be cool [example]==you are 3 in a little server and you have to open a door whit there a monster on other side
[good things]

1.the door are opening to the up when you open it and there a wheel to open the door
2.the monster can be killed whit 1 dynamit and 1 hit of hammer\pickaxe
[the thing to do]:lightbulb:
1.player 1 open a very little the door
2.player 2 throw dynamit in the little space of the open door
3.player 1 let door close
4.player 3 go to the wall of right of the door
6.player 2 go to the face of the door and let 5 or 6 meters
7.player 1 open the door
8.monster go attack player 2
9.monster dont see player 3 on the right
10.player 3 hit monster whit the hammer\pickaxe and monster die
11.player 2 place a big metal box under the door [when open]
12.player 1 let door close and go help other
13.the box let door open
14.player 1,2 and 3 crouch and pass the door
good idea?the multiplayer?
[and kick script for noobs dont do anything -_- ]