Just wanted to say thanks for giving us Penumbra and Amnesia, all of them are fantastic single-player experiences to a genre that was really, in my mind, dead.
I noticed that Amnesia: The Dark Descent allows players to import their own "stories" into the game, this got me thinking...
Wouldn't you agree that if this game where an online co-op, it would be bloody brilliant? Perhaps four players would be too much, but can you imagine playing through the original Amnesia storyline with another buddy or two for the first time?
Frictional could even release new QUALITY "storylines" as downloadable/purchasable DLC's too -- designed for a frightening multiplayer experience -- think of how much money could be made, and how much fun it would be

. Everyone knows multiplayer games arn't really pirated much, especially successful ones. Plus, Amnesia is available on STEAM, so you're part of the way there!
I think walking down a spooky corridor -- lantern in hand -- with one or two buddies behind (or in front) of me would be freakin awesome

, as well as puzzle solving and running away from freakish monsters.
I really hope they plan to make such a title in the near future, it would be foolish not to, you just know it would be a massive success.