(07-02-2012, 11:45 PM)andyrockin123 Wrote: No matter how good your co-op game is, it can never compare or even come close to immersion of playing alone.
Based on what facts? Now I'm not trying to dismiss your claim, but that's a hefty statement to stand by.
I do suppose what the OP was trying to imply with CO-OP was not just random people to party up with for the sake of the completion of the level, but to join with your friends and face the horrors of Amnesia together. I don't know about you, but Left 4 Dead was horrifying when I first started playing it, because I played it with my close friends and we were playing with survival in mind, not level completion.
To be fair, now that I've taken a step back from the L4D formula and have played with random people, L4D is no longer scary, let alone as fun as it was.
Also, I find it incredibly immersive to be playing with someone else who is experiencing the same horror as me. The same fear, the same adrenaline. Nothing can compare. Amnesia really has a chance to be an even better game than it already is. Take a look at some other great single-players games that would be great with full on Story-Mode CO-OP. Not just multiplayer. CO-OP.
Grand Theft Auto 4 - Imagine the story mode, but with CO-OP. Sure, the game has multiplayer, including free-roam, which is GREAT, but if only they had incorporated CO-OP, it would have been that much better.
Assassins Creed - While I'll admit that it would be much more difficult to really put CO-OP to good use in this series, it would be an amazing addition if Ubisoft would ever attempt the idea.
The Sims - Oh God, yes. Do any of you remember the multiplayer cheat in the Sims 2? I would use it while playing on my Gamecube. The diagonal split-screen was horrid, but by God, was it the best thing I've played in a long time.
The Elder Scrolls - Imagine true ES multiplayer. It doesn't have to be massive. At least let me and my buddy run around in each others worlds with our own characters. By golly, Bethesda could have my children.
Do you see my point? Why would you pass up on making a good game great? A great game even better? They don't even need to develop a whole new story for multiplayer, even though that would be amazing. Just allow me to run around with my pal in story mode. We want to experience this amazing story together. If they could incorporate the features references by the OP too, that'd be amazing.
Don't be so quick to put aside someones ideas, especially whey they are this amazing.