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How to run Unbirth without crushes (mostly)
EnDash Offline
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How to run Unbirth without crushes (mostly)

Hello, I have been a fan of frictional games ever since penumbra black plague and their games are one of the best adventure/horror games ever made. There is one particular game however that was made before even the penumbra tech demo but unfortunatly was not finished and is very buggy. I saw other people who played the game and it crashed for them after 2 levels which is a shame cause the game offer much more than that. It is a very scary game and has one thing the other game series by frictional games doesn't have, this game is not censored! It has a very disturbing story and very very disturbing images and sounds. After some trial and error and a little reverse engineering and hacking of files i managed to make it from the start all the way to the street2 map and to it's buildings (at which point the game was to buggy or unfinished to proceed). So i bring some notes and a walkthrough to you to try it also!

the site for the game as well as it's download can be obtained here: http://unbirth.frictionalgames.com/manual.php

i also uploaded the files i changed to make it possible to go a little farther. The changes are:
1. the maps/global_script.nut file has been changed to add 40 bullets, otherwise you will run out of bullets and the enemies will kill you.
2. the maps/street1/main.apr file has been changed so that instead of going to a test map from the first street (which will basicly end the game there) you go to the mansion hall map and can continue the game.
The rar files with the fixes is attached to this post, open unbirth_test.rar and extract the contents of the folder unbirth_test to your game folder of the same name.

now the walkthrough:


Spoiler below!
- when you start a new game you will be at a basement, take a screwdriver to your right and use it on the can with recycle symbol (pick it from the inventory and choose use while looking at the can). you will get batteries. then go to the back room and take the flashlight. open your inventory and combine the batteries with the flashlight. no go through the door.
- this is importent! do not examine or wait for anything, run directly to the door, in the next room do the same. if you wait and examine stuff the game will crash in the third door.
in the third basement level again hurry, but make sure to take the string. after that go directly upstairs to the door. the game will not crush.
- this place you can explore, it is a garden. there is no importent thing here. when you're done exploring go through the door to the house.
- you are in the house's kitchen. take the knife and magnet from the counter. go to the right hallway and enter the door.
- explore this area, make sure to examine the newspaper and read the article from your journal afterwards. then go through the door.
- you can examine this room, there is nothing importent here. when you're done go upstairs through the door to the upper hallway.
- now go through the door immediatly in front of you, this is importent. examine the hole in the ceiling (and opionally other stuff) and then go back.
- when you continue in the upper hall take the note from the chair and read it. after that explore the two rooms next to you (there are pills in the bathroom) and then continue to the door.
- you can explore here, examine the drawer under the computer and after that use the screwdriver on it. you will get a gun and a note. read it. behind you in the room there is a safe, the combination is a puzzle in the note you got, there are 4 numbers on the note: 3 10 23 1, this is the combination to the safe. open the safe and you will get a key. go back down and use the key on the front door and step out of it.
- this level is a little big so it might take more time to load then the other levels. wait a little before thinking the game crashed. you are in an outside street, this is a big area you can explore. there are two buildings beside the one you were just in: a small warehouse and a mansion. go toward the warehouse and before entering make sure to equip your gun and that it is loaded. enter the warehouse.
- the first enemy is here! it is in the far left end of the room behind the stacks of boxes. quickly fire on him with the gun, if you run out of bullets press E to reload and walk back slowly, then fire on him again. when he dies he will start to move and cry horribly and the only way to make him stop is to step out and in again or to lower the sound volume. in the warehouse there is a single box in the far right end of the room. when you use it it will move and reveal a hole in the ground. open your inventory while looking at the hole and combine the magnet with the string. you will get the bronze key. step out of the warehouse.
- in the street, go to the second building (the mansion) and use the bronze key to unlock the front door. enter the building. there is a note on the counter, read it. after that go to the door on your right. you can examine stuff here, after that go upstairs.
- ready your gun and make sure to reload it. when you walk forward and to the left an enemy will appear behind you. kill it. now this is importent otherwise the game will crash again. go to the far LEFT door of the room and enter it. take the book (diary) from the chair and examine the drawing. go back and then enter the room on the far right of the room. examine and take the ring and also the magazine on the desk. finally enther the last room and explore it, there are pills in the closet. when you're done go back downstairs.
- downstairs there are two doors beside the one you walked in from. one leading to the basement which is locked and the other leading to the dining room. go to the dining room. explore the room and make sure you take the car battery from the floor. when you are done exit the mansion.
- in the street again, and this is again importent otherwise the game will crush. go to the side of the mansion and you will see a hatch, look at the hatch and combine the carbattery with the screwdriver. DO NOT ENTER THE HATCH, first go back to the first building you were in and enter the front door, then go back to the street and then go to the hatch and enter it.
- you fall into the basement, there is one enemy here so be careful. you can explore but the only importent thing is at the end of the basement. there is a keycard on the boxes under the stairs. take it and go up the stairs back to the mansion. then just exit the mansion as you already explored it.
- go to the far left side of the street, there is a door/gate there. use the keycard on the panel and the panel will start to work. the code is another puzzle and is written on the ring you took from before. it is 1207. the gate unlocks and you can enter it.
- this is street2. from here on you can't really procced more but here are some of the scariest things in the game. it's a pretty big place but there are only two buildings you can enter. the right building and the left building. if you enter the right building there is one room you can explore with a pretty scary sequence with a computer. in the left building there are rooms you can explore one on the first floor and one on the top floor, both of them have some pretty disturbing images and explanations but both seem to crush when you try to go back. also here you can go to the basement but the level is very buggy and unfinishable.
- one last note, and this is the scariest thing in the game and not viable for the faint of heart or the easily scared. between the middle and left building there is a "hidden" way you can go, it's pretty long and big but i will not tell you what's in there. let's just say it will shake you up pretty good Wink


Have Fun Big Grin

Attached Files
.rar   unbirth_test.rar (Size: 310.44 KB / Downloads: 405)
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2013, 01:05 PM by plutomaniac.)
04-04-2013, 11:58 AM
plutomaniac Offline
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RE: How to run Unbirth without crushes (mostly)

The game is indeed very strange and disturbing at some points. There are story holes making it impossible to understand it fully but I got the main theme and some more ideas that were clearly transferred from Unbith to Penumbra and even Amnesia.

One month ago I found a way to play the game completely without caring about the crashes by playing all the maps, doing all the puzzles, getting all items etc... I also found a way to stop some graphical glitches that some maps had and fix some of the stuff that you fixed as well.

I'm making a full conversion called Envy the Dead and is based on the original Unbirth game. Some of the things that you mentioned kind of...well ruin the puzzles that the mod has and maybe small parts of the story unfortunately. That's very sad to me but I know that I don't have the right to keep this old game's puzzles and story exclusive until (or if, yes there's that too) the mod is released. These fixes that I found and a guide on how to run it "properly" is going to be added to the final mod together with some other old forgotten Thomas goodies that I found these years.

Edit: Also, I edited your post and added spoiler tags.
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2013, 01:08 PM by plutomaniac.)
04-04-2013, 01:01 PM
EnDash Offline
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RE: How to run Unbirth without crushes (mostly)

well, i'm sorry if i put spoilers about your mod. it was not my intention. i just managed to make the game run better and wanted to share this piece of history with people. i saw your total conversion and i have to say it looks really good, and you probably more deserve of bringing people this game's story and puzzles then me.

If it really bothers you then you can hide or delete my post. while i hope my hard work won't go to waste it is not that importent how people will get to play this game as long as it works for them and they enjoy it. plus i didn't make the game and also don't have any rights on it so i can't force you for anything. i don't care for credit or stuff like that, if you want full credit on the fixes to run this game you can have it. and because you made those fixes before me you have the rights on them i guess.
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2013, 01:45 PM by EnDash.)
04-04-2013, 01:43 PM
Traggey Offline
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RE: How to run Unbirth without crushes (mostly)

No no :3 He put spoiler tags around the walkthrough so that people who don't want the story spoiled can read this thread without having to worry! <3
04-04-2013, 03:06 PM
Sarcophagus Offline
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RE: How to run Unbirth without crushes (mostly)

Can someone make a short gameplay?

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04-04-2013, 03:17 PM
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plutomaniac Offline
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RE: How to run Unbirth without crushes (mostly)

(04-04-2013, 03:06 PM)Traggey Wrote: No no :3 He put spoiler tags around the walkthrough so that people who don't want the story spoiled can read this thread without having to worry! <3

Yes exactly. That was just for practicality, nothing more. I'm not trying to hide anything or whatever and no don't delete all your work. I know how boring that must have been for you and from the whole FG community thank you for all your effort.

Also, if you saw that old 2011 video (teaser) at Moddb just wanted to say that the mod is way better now. These maps look ancient compared to their final look today.

(04-04-2013, 03:17 PM)Sarcophagus Wrote: Can someone make a short gameplay?

There is no really a point to make a gameplay of Unbirth and I think the original poster will agree with me. It is not complete. The story is unfinished, the monsters don't scare you, it crashes etc... Due to that, for the most part the game is just walking and exploring. There are though some youtube videos that you can check out. With a quick search you should find them all.
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2013, 03:39 PM by plutomaniac.)
04-04-2013, 03:33 PM
EnDash Offline
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RE: How to run Unbirth without crushes (mostly)

(04-04-2013, 03:33 PM)plutomaniac Wrote: Yes exactly. That was just for practicality, nothing more. I'm not trying to hide anything or whatever and no don't delete all your work. I know how boring that must have been for you and from the whole FG community thank you for all your effort.

Also, if you saw that old 2011 video (teaser) at Moddb just wanted to say that the mod is way better now. These maps look ancient compared to their final look today.

There is no really a point to make a gameplay of Unbirth and I think the original poster will agree with me. It is not complete. The story is unfinished, the monsters don't scare you, it crashes etc... Due to that, for the most part the game is just walking and exploring. There are though some youtube videos that you can check out. With a quick search you should find them all.

good i'm glad Big Grin

well even though the 2011 teaser maps were bad i liked the graphics, the models looked very good.

and about making a gameplay video yes it is kinda pointless cause there isn't a lot of plot and the video would be like 15 minutes long only. i would much prefer if people would play the game themselves (or your mod) instead of watching a video. still maybe some people would prefer a video.
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2013, 04:01 PM by EnDash.)
04-04-2013, 04:00 PM

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