I played the demo, overture and black plague and i was amazed... and scared. I just wanted to say that i liked Overture most. Black Plague felt like Doom or Quake without all the guns and the gore. I was a bit disapointed of it. Just runing past everything, waiting for the guy in my head to say something funy was a bit over the top. The talking zombies kind of ruined the scaryness. In Overture i felt like the only civilized smart being in the mine and that created a big chunk of scary stuff.
Honestly in Overture i was like: "Oh my god... should i open the door? What could be inside? *opening the door a bit and seeing some blood on te floor with creepy noises* Oh crap... *close the door* Damn it... i have o open it..." and such

In Black Plague i was like: "Hm? Another door? *open the door widely* Oh wow... Another zombie... Well a bit of runing will do the job. *run around a bit untill zombie stops chasing me* Ok, so where was I? Oh yeah... runing at full speed to the next goal. *guy in head speaks: Hahaha, silly Billy... bla bla bla...* Yeah yeah... shut up and let me go through the stupid door already."
I think you can see the difference
Is it true that there will be a 3rd Penumbra? I couldn't find anything on t he forum except the april fools joke with Rambo killing zombies
Thank you for the great game and good luck.