Posting Freak
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RE: Maya crashes when exporting things with OpenCOLLADA
(04-14-2013, 03:29 PM)Erik The Born Wrote: Ok If I want to use material from dds file wich is not from amnesia do I place those custom dds files in amnesia folder somewhere? The point is everytihng is custom material etc... In maya the models texture loads just fine. And. In maya how do I specify the material dds files? Any1 know how to do this?
Ok, if*
And in*
Back on topic.
Place the .dds file in your custom_story/<CUSTOMSTORYNAME>/(Some New Folder Here)/.
In the resources.cfg, put in the directory of your custom story.
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"I came, I saw, I conquered."
04-15-2013, 07:27 AM |
is mildly amused
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RE: Maya crashes when exporting things with OpenCOLLADA
Or just into the default directories such as /entities/doors or whatever, you can always move the files and set up the cfg later.
04-15-2013, 08:21 AM |
Erik The Born
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RE: Maya crashes when exporting things with OpenCOLLADA
Ok I have the DDS file for my model. But how do I convert the dds files to mat so Amnesia can use it? Nvm I got the material working. Another problem now. It looks like I cant see certain parts of my model. If I look on it from the right, I can see right through the first wall, but when looking from the left side, it appears as the left side is gone. I can see through my models outer walls why? How can I fix it? Also. If I have a window wich I want to be able to see through how do I tell the material editor that u can see through it?
(This post was last modified: 04-15-2013, 01:06 PM by Erik The Born.)
04-15-2013, 12:46 PM |
Posting Freak
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RE: Maya crashes when exporting things with OpenCOLLADA
(04-15-2013, 12:46 PM)Erik The Born Wrote: Ok I have the DDS file for my model. But how do I convert the dds files to mat so Amnesia can use it?
Open the .dds in the Material Editor.
Set it as Specular.
Save as .mat
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"I came, I saw, I conquered."
04-15-2013, 12:53 PM |
Posting Freak
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RE: Maya crashes when exporting things with OpenCOLLADA
Quote: It looks like I cant see certain parts of my model. If I look on it from the right, I can see right through the first wall, but when looking from the left side, it appears as the left side is gone. I can see through my models outer walls why? How can I fix it?
That has to do with the polygon's normals. In Maya a polygon is visible from both sides by default, but this is actually just a special viewport feature Maya uses for your convenience. Usually, a polygon has only one visible side and is invisible when viewed from behind. (Unless it has a special two-sided shader - but hpl doesn't have that feature anyway, afaik.  )
So what you do is, you activate "backface culling" in the shading tab, right above Mayas viewport. Now you can see your model correctly, the way it will appear in hpl. If a polygon is visible from the wrong side, use the options under the "normals" - tab to fix that.
Also make sure your model is triangulated before you export, otherwise you'll get weird artifacts, too.
04-15-2013, 02:26 PM |
Erik The Born
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RE: Maya crashes when exporting things with OpenCOLLADA
(04-15-2013, 02:26 PM)Hirnwirbel Wrote: Quote: It looks like I cant see certain parts of my model. If I look on it from the right, I can see right through the first wall, but when looking from the left side, it appears as the left side is gone. I can see through my models outer walls why? How can I fix it?
That has to do with the polygon's normals. In Maya a polygon is visible from both sides by default, but this is actually just a special viewport feature Maya uses for your convenience. Usually, a polygon has only one visible side and is invisible when viewed from behind. (Unless it has a special two-sided shader - but hpl doesn't have that feature anyway, afaik. )
So what you do is, you activate "backface culling" in the shading tab, right above Mayas viewport. Now you can see your model correctly, the way it will appear in hpl. If a polygon is visible from the wrong side, use the options under the "normals" - tab to fix that.
Also make sure your model is triangulated before you export, otherwise you'll get weird artifacts, too.
I dont get it. I have triangulated on export options. In maya the model looks fine and the outer walls dont get invisible but in hpl it does. I just wonder how I make the invisible walls thing go off in hpl. I do have tga files for my models. Is it because I dont have those files included? If not ignore that and if you know how to make the objects not have invisible walls and stuffs please tell me.
04-15-2013, 03:37 PM |
Posting Freak
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RE: Maya crashes when exporting things with OpenCOLLADA
Quote: In maya the model looks fine and the outer walls dont get invisible but in hpl it does. I just wonder how I make the invisible walls thing go off in hpl.
Well the question is: Does it still look fine in Maya if you turn on backface culling? Because if you don't turn that on, Maya "lies" to you and shows you a visible wall that shouldn't be visible because it is actually inverted. Hpl on the other hand is always honest with you and shows you your model how it really is.
If your model is invisible entirely and not just from one side, make sure you have a diffuse texture applied to the mesh in Maya when you export and that it has the same name (!) as the .mat file you create in the material editor. Also make sure your folder structure is correct (use the existing models from Frictional as a reference for that)
If nothing else helps, you can always try deleting your objects history in Maya (edit> delete all by type > history) and freezing the transform. (modify > freeze transformations) This can also sometimes fix weirdnesses with a mesh.
04-15-2013, 04:08 PM |
Erik The Born
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RE: Maya crashes when exporting things with OpenCOLLADA
[quote='Hirnwirbel' pid='216934' dateline='1366038492']
Quote: If your model is invisible entirely and not just from one side, make sure you have a diffuse texture applied to the mesh in Maya when you export and that it has the same name (!) as the .mat file you create in the material editor.
Whats is a diffuse texture?
04-15-2013, 04:46 PM |
Posting Freak
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RE: Maya crashes when exporting things with OpenCOLLADA
It's what you plug into the color-slot in Maya's material. It's usually called a diffuse texture, so I forgot Maya simply calls it color. (And uses the name "diffuse" for a different value in the material) Sorry about that.
Here's a little cheat-sheet for the several maps that you can apply to a model and how they're often called
Diffuse = color
Specular = shininess
Gloss = shininess falloff (plastic ball = high gloss, brushed metal = low gloss. Both are shiny, but the falloff is different.)
Normal = an improved version of a bump map that fakes surface details.
Alpha = translucency (Black is completely translucent, white is completely opaque.)
Note that in hpl, specular and gloss are merged into one map. The red channel contains a greyscale spec, the green channel a greyscale gloss. You can use a simple greyscale image instead, but your spec and gloss will always have the same value which might not give you a perfect result.
04-15-2013, 05:42 PM |