Finished it now,
My opinion is this :
Atmosphere was really nice!
Scripts : Ok , kinda normal key-door things.
Mapping : Good, not perfect cause i've seen a lot of amnesia maps\takes some stuff from the main game.
Sounds\music : good \ the voiceating was OK. you sounded a bit like you were bored
Overall : 7½ \ 10
Not really much but still some.
At some parts i didn't know what to do, ADD QUESTS.
Where was that crowbar for??? didn't use it the whole cs.
Story was like, HI-find your way to exit - i kill you... was OK but it didn't really fit.
Those penumbra monster you put in.... why? and what purpose..? they just stand there waiting.. that was a bit sad to me!
I was waiting for a sort of RUN LIKE HELL map , from a storm or lightining attack.. cause of some lightnings and your story name.
Liked it a lot!
Not a perfect story but with some small fixed this\you has a lot of potential.
Nice story, and i DO recommend to others!