Thomas Wrote:Try an older driver and see what happens.
I installed driver 8.4 which came with graphic card and it really works!!!!
I played first 2 levels and everything was in the right place, so I guess that everything is going to be ok now. YOU really helped me and I`m so happy that my overture works. It`s great to know that someone cares about us gamers and I really want to thank you for your help. I`m from Croatia as I said and this is second great news cause we had some war 1992/95 for independence against Serbia who attacked us and other countries in region/ especially Bosnia and yesterday Serbia police caugth Radovan Karadzic who is responsible for slaughter of 8000 Bosnian in one day in Srebrenica and 12000 people in Sarajevo, in front of UN forces who were there to keep `peace` ,he was hiding for 13 years, and now he`s going to Haag to be judged. Thank you again and Penumbra is really scary and awesome game so I hope that there will be more of them from Frictional Game studio.