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[Reviews] Amnesia – A Machine For Pigs
Jakob Rosenblatt Offline
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[Reviews] Amnesia – A Machine For Pigs


Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Gamestar (German)

(This post was last modified: 09-09-2013, 02:16 PM by Jakob Rosenblatt.)
09-09-2013, 02:14 PM
Ossie Offline
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RE: [Reviews] Amnesia – A Machine For Pigs

Kotaku weighs in:


"So, there's my (actual, official) review card. Despite some misfires and disappointing elements, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs is a worthy successor to the first game. It's frequently dread-inducing, occasionally terrifying, and wonderfully, goofily grandiose. It's absolutely worth playing."

It should also be noted that it took him about 7 hours to finish it.


A major French PC gaming mag (Canard PC) calls it:

"bad, linear, pretentious, no gameplay and nothing like the first one"




Blistered Thumbs gives it a 9/10:





" It might not be scarier than the most frightening horror game ever made but does manage, by porcine whisker, to be a more interesting, memorable and likely more divisive game overall."





"Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs doesn't provide the pure scares of its predecessor. Its systems are deeply simplified, its sense of dread less all-encompassing. But it still leaves a lasting impression. The horror it filled me with was more subtle and insidious, and it's not going to be out of my system for many days to come. "





"Played with one’s thinking cap on, A Machine for Pigs is sure to horrify even when it doesn’t frighten."

However, listed under the 'cons' on that page is:

"Graphics are pretty ugly"

Errr ......... what? To me the graphics look excellent! Smile




"Mandus' journey into its clockwork belly is certainly a grisly one,
punctuated by moments of disquieting and hideous awe. This is when the
game is at its best, when it pulls back and simply allows you to witness
the horror of its world, the darkest threshold of a man's heart.

That's enough to make Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs worth playing, so long as you can accept that it won't make you squeal."



Final Verdict: 7.5/10 (A solid horror experience, that will reward the more patient players).
(This post was last modified: 09-09-2013, 02:34 PM by Ossie.)
09-09-2013, 02:17 PM
Cuyir Offline
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RE: [Reviews] Amnesia – A Machine For Pigs

Kotaku won the internetz. Which is something I never thought i'd be saying. Ever.
09-09-2013, 02:36 PM
Red Offline
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RE: [Reviews] Amnesia – A Machine For Pigs

Freakin french critics.
09-09-2013, 02:37 PM
Ossie Offline
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RE: [Reviews] Amnesia – A Machine For Pigs

denofgeek thrust the dagger home:



" When I finished playing [i]Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs,
I didn’t check under my bed for monsters that might be lurking about,
and I didn’t avoid turning off the lights in my room for as long as I
possibly could. I went to sleep, safe and sound, and didn’t have a
single nightmare about a crazy squealing pig man trying to kill me in
the night: and that’s exactly why this game falls incredibly short of
what it could have been."

Sounds like the reviewer just didn't bother to immerse himself in the game. Ah well, there's always going to be a few ...




"Go ahead an pick this title up on the 10th, but only if you’re a fan of puzzle-driven, horror titles. If you feel the need to stomp your opponents heads in Gears of War style, then it’s not for you, but if you like subversive, unsettling experiences that demand patience and quick-thinking, and might make you piss your pants at the same time, then this game is definitely for you."



"The raft of reaction videos and (loving) hatred of The Dark Descent will certainly be around for A Machine for Pigs. If you’re looking for a thrill at one in the morning with the lights off and the headphones on, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs will have you waking up the neighbours in a matter of minutes.
But if you’re anything like me, you’ll probably want to crawl under the bed and cry for a few hours."



"After a tame introduction, you’ll find yourself striding with a little
too much confidence; your lantern held just a little too high. Then you
see it: a huge, ungainly form darting across the opening at the bottom
of a staircase. Suddenly your lantern is a hindrance, running feels far
too risky, and you crouch in a corner hoping this creature doesn’t get
too close. After an hour of 'easy' exploration, you welcome back the
real survival horror of Amnesia."

(This post was last modified: 09-09-2013, 02:52 PM by Ossie.)
09-09-2013, 02:38 PM
LHudson Offline

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RE: [Reviews] Amnesia – A Machine For Pigs

[Image: Wb4JXEm.jpg]

[Image: sigpic401029_1.gif]
09-09-2013, 03:17 PM
Ossie Offline
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RE: [Reviews] Amnesia – A Machine For Pigs




"Frankly, more games should be like Amnesia: a Machine For Pigs.
It’s an ambitious, filler free exercise in dread that puts both AAA
studios and indie plebs making Slender rip offs in their bedrooms to

Crackling stuff."
09-09-2013, 03:32 PM
Reminiscity Offline

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RE: [Reviews] Amnesia – A Machine For Pigs

Really mixed reponses. I'm as hyped as ever tough! Big Grin It seems that the ones that gave it a bad rating thought it would be as scary as TDD. I dont think many people on this forum thought it would be. CAN'T WAIT!

My mod Amadeus
09-09-2013, 03:38 PM
Nyarlathotep Offline

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RE: [Reviews] Amnesia – A Machine For Pigs

Just read through a bunch of reviews before coming here. Sounds like it's pretty agreed that the game takes a more subtle approach to its horror and focuses more on a horrifying/disturbing story. Which, bums me out that most take it as a negative. Almost sounds like Silent Hill 2 compared to Silent Hill. Can't wait to play it tomorrow to judge for myself.
09-09-2013, 04:25 PM
felixmole Offline
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RE: [Reviews] Amnesia – A Machine For Pigs

(09-09-2013, 02:17 PM)Ossie Wrote: A major French PC gaming mag (Canard PC) calls it:

"bad, linear, pretentious, no gameplay and nothing like the first one"

Pretentious? A game? Huh
09-09-2013, 04:34 PM

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