(09-24-2013, 02:30 PM)icreatedthisaccount4u Wrote: I haven't really voiced my complaints here other than my first reply to this thread but i just want to say that a big part of why people (or at least me) are a bit disappointed with the game is because it has the name Amnesia in it's title and most of the marketing implied that it would be Amnesia 2. People were expecting Amnesia and they got something a bit different. Not that the game is bad but i feel a bit misled. 
Clearly you have no one to blame but yourself. Let's review.
1. When the developers showed you a video of what they claimed MFP was 'shaping up to become', you should have understood what they
really meant was that MFP was shaping up to become something different.
2. When the developers said MFP would be a 'survival horror' game, you should have understood what they
really meant was that MFP would not be a survival horror game.
3. When the developers said 'You have to use all the tools in front of you, whether they're physics or AI or script', you should have understood what they
really meant was 'You only have to use a few of the tools in front of you, and physics is one you can pretty much do without'.
4. When the developer said game designers should not 'obsess about having to tell the player everything', you should have known that what they
really meant was 'We're designing a game which tells the player virtually everything, in a massive series of over 100 items of in game literature'.
5. When the developers said 'People want to be in believable, immersive worlds, they want to be able to construct those chains of plot and meaning - if you give them the tools to do so', you should have understood that what they
really meant was 'People want to be in believable, immersive worlds, they want to be able to construct those chains of plot and meaning -
but MFP won't give them all the tools to do so'.
6. When the developers said 'I hate being handheld too much in games', you should have understood that what they
really meant was 'I think people who play MFP should have their hands held'.
7. When the developers said 'So that’s something we’ve tried to get at the core of Amnesia. The fear of dying', you should have understood that what they
really meant was 'We've designed the game so it's impossible to die 90% of the time, and there are only about four life threatening encounters'.
8. When the developers said 'It’s fairly true to the spirit of the original game', you should have understood that what they
really meant was 'It's fairly different to the spirit of the original game'.
9. When the developers said 'There’s a definite case of ‘don’t fix what isn’t broken’', what they
really meant was 'We've 'fixed' a bunch of things we thought were broken, by removing them completely'.
10. When the developers said 'So yeah, there’s a bit more evidence of humanity. It’s not just you and the Grunts in the way that Dark Descent was', you should have understood that what they
really meant was 'It’s not just you and the Grunts in the way that Dark Descent was, it's just you and the Pigmen'.
11. When 'Pinchbeck explained that The Chinese Room tried to look at
protecting the sense of it being an Amnesia game and really belonging to the design template that was set up by its predecessor', you should have know that what he
really meant was 'Mechanics will probably never be our core focus', and 'We decided to make a game which didn't really belong to the design template that was set up by its predecessor'.
12. When 'Pinchbeck explained he will be really disappointed if they don’t get as many cool YouTube videos of people having fits - with this new Amnesia game - as they did with Amnesia: The Dark Descent', you should have know that what he
really meant was they were deliberately designing a game which was not for the screaming Youtube players.
13. When Pinchbeck said 'But the key thing is how do we protect the Amnesia experience and make sure it feels like an Amnesia game to people who’ve played a lot of it', you should have known that what he
really meant was 'But the key thing is
not how do we protect the Amnesia experience, and we make sure it
does not feel like an Amnesia game to people who've played a lot of it'.
14. When Pinchbeck said 'The central tension in Amnesia remains the same: If you’ve got the lantern on you can see, but creatures can see you. That’s going to remain at the center of this but with a slightly different twist', you should have known that what he
really meant was 'The central tension in Amnesia will be different: If you’ve got the lantern on you can see, but creatures can see you, and there's going to be a very different twist; you can use the light without it ever going out, staying in the dark will have absolutely no effect on your gameplay, and monsters will be able to see you in the dark anyway'.
I find you guilty of believing the developers were writing in English and saying what they meant.