Hey all,
I was having an issue a lot of you guys are with the game crashing on loading the 2nd level (when you try to exit through the door) back to desktop.
This is a fix if you are using Nvidia however I imagine the steps are similar for ATI
Read on the forums and noticed the error indicates that you are using a video card that is no supported as the HPL log shows also, and also noticed my laptops fans didn't kick in like they normally do when im gaming.
This is because I have an integrated intel GPX with an additional nvidia card also which is supposed to switch over for resource intensive applications, for some reason it was not switching over and was trying to run AMFP on the integrated card, causing the crash to desktop I imagine on level 2 because there is a GPX effect that is not supported on integrated cards, which would explain why some ppl are having a bit of success with lowering the settings and retrying
basically you need to force the Amnesia exe to use the external gpx card instead of integrated I did this by browsing to steam apps / common / and right clicking on the .exe for Amnesia and > run with graphics processor > choose default graphics processor .
in this control panel you can then add a rule in and force it to use external nvidia card.
Fired up the .exe again and the fans started whirring the stupid blue haze has gone loading was faster and fps has skyrocketed ... more importantly can get past the loading screen
Hope it helps guys , hopefully it can give you some ideas that suit your cards/rig software.