Insomnia, Paranoia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Bipolar, and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Insomnia - Brought on my my severish paranoia i simply cannot sleep for fear that somone will come into my room and do.. something!
Paranoia - My mom and dad got a divorce when i was 9 and when i turned 12 i found out my dad was having private investigators follow around my mom and i, and well, ive never looked at the world quite in the same way.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - I dont know.. its brought on by the most random of things, literally! As long as one spot (ussually my computer desk or wherever i spend the most time at in a place) is neat the rest of the room/house can be a complete mess.
Bipolar - i have a shortish temper but i know how to retain it now'a days, besides that i can go from the happiest person to the saddest person (and vice versa) in a few seconds, this proccess can be sped up or slowed down with music of said mood.
Attention-Hyperactivity Deficit Disorder - What can i say, if i do one thing for to long i tend to drift off and start doing
Hey, so about AAMFP
Well.. yeah something like that.