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Why remove the trailer scenes?
Alardem Offline
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RE: Why remove the trailer scenes?

(09-18-2013, 09:34 PM)droog Wrote:
(09-17-2013, 07:31 AM)jens Wrote:
Spoiler below!

There is a pig encounter in the cage area. Not the "scene pig" but an actual encounter. You get the encounter depending on how you play after having been there the first time.

Anybody here who played it a second time and got this encounter? I am on my second playthrough and now I have passed this part. No encounter. I'm curious what you have to do to get the sighting. I hope jens meant the cage part in the level with the centrifuge. Big Grin

I went to the holding cells first. Maybe you'd be in danger if that was the second area you went to?

I remember getting killed when the architecture warped in cold storage...
09-18-2013, 09:35 PM
Draug Offline
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RE: Why remove the trailer scenes?

(09-18-2013, 09:35 PM)Alardem Wrote:
(09-18-2013, 09:34 PM)droog Wrote:
(09-17-2013, 07:31 AM)jens Wrote:
Spoiler below!

There is a pig encounter in the cage area. Not the "scene pig" but an actual encounter. You get the encounter depending on how you play after having been there the first time.

Anybody here who played it a second time and got this encounter? I am on my second playthrough and now I have passed this part. No encounter. I'm curious what you have to do to get the sighting. I hope jens meant the cage part in the level with the centrifuge. Big Grin

I went to the holding cells first. Maybe you'd be in danger if that was the second area you went to?

I remember getting killed when the architecture warped in cold storage...

I went to the cold storage first and got chased on my way back. So you got also the encounter in the cold storage, though you've been to the cage area first?

"You get the encounter depending on how you play after having been there the first time."

Mhh.. what else can I do different in the second playthrough besides going to the two places in a different order? Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 09-18-2013, 09:44 PM by Draug.)
09-18-2013, 09:43 PM
Karba Offline
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RE: Why remove the trailer scenes?

Wel theres more than just that scene that we miss in the game. Like piggies smashing doors. I really miss that );

but it still kept me on the edge of my chair throughout the whole game so 9,5/10 and the story was amazing

If you scream for 8 years, 7 month and 6 days you have produced enough energy to warm a cup of coffee
09-19-2013, 09:56 AM
plutomaniac Offline
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RE: Why remove the trailer scenes?

(09-17-2013, 01:49 PM)droog Wrote: I think jens is talking about
Spoiler below!
the cage area near the centrifuge, where you have to mix the two components.

When I played this part the pig cornered me and killed me. The funny thing is that when I continued and closed the door behind me (the one which disappears right after) something hit the door. Basically even if the chase scene fails, the door smashing is not removed. Just a small fun bug that I was not expecting and scared me! Smile
(This post was last modified: 09-19-2013, 12:50 PM by plutomaniac.)
09-19-2013, 12:49 PM
zico Offline
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RE: Why remove the trailer scenes?

EXACTLY the same thing happened to me. I pretty much porked up the chase by running in the wrong direction and into the dead end. I read somewhere you could actually jump over the pigs... yeah that didn't work so well around there.

Coincidentally this scene pretty much calmed my suspense of disbelief a bit so I could play further. Before this point I was literally inching my way forward, panicking about every sound. And that was a good turn of events since I think from there the story picks up immensely and demands full attention.
09-19-2013, 12:58 PM
plutomaniac Offline
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RE: Why remove the trailer scenes?

Yes both things you mentioned are true. First, you can indeed jump over the pigs and I used it lots of times actually when being chased. Second, after the first time getting killed you become more relaxed when it comes to monsters.
09-19-2013, 03:46 PM
zico Offline
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RE: Why remove the trailer scenes?

Yes, soon as even your instincts realize that getting killed in the game will not make your own heart stop, it's becoming easier. I feared this would have posed a big issue in the further story. But all in all I am happy the pigs themselves are more or less a secondary element in the game. Not that I don't like monster encounters but it shows how easy they can get ineffective. And that doesn't really depend on the game itself - it happens to all of them, sooner or later.

In that regard I am actually very impressed with this game in particular by having the focus shifted so drastically. Okay I still gotta say: The
Spoiler below!
Tesla Pig
was a perfect climax. The whole setup in this part was... well let's say it was high up on my Top 10 of "I poop my pants"-moments in Videogame history.
09-19-2013, 04:42 PM
Xss Offline

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RE: Why remove the trailer scenes?

Paddy Wrote:I was mildly disappointed that the trailer scenes weren't in the game,
but I didn't feel "cheated" or anything. However, I do think that the
mechanics and the "feel" of those scenes were also
lost in the final game, which is a different problem. For instance, at
no point in the game do you have to hide from the monsters behind doors
or in cages, or anywhere really. The closest we come to hiding is when
we're dodging enemies by crouching behind boxes or pillars. There are a
few script-scares involving banging doors, but that's not quite the same
as having a "live" enemy chasing you in real-time. In that sense the
trailers were kinda showing something which wasn't entirely representative of the final game.

My thoughts exactly...Well, to a certain degree since I DID feel cheated. I refrained myself from posting in the forum since last week but I simply can't keep my mouth shut anymore. Bear my pigeon English, it's my third language.

I wasn't expecting to see the exact same scenes that were presented in the trailer, but I was for sure expecting the terror they were showing:
A monster that seemed fast, very fast, heavy, with blood curdling noises that went from low grunts to hight-pitched screams (those ones really made me shiver...I never heard them back in the game). A monster that could arrive from nowhere, that we would need to hide from. With no music to let us warn us about his presence and its "dispawn" (genius!)
Now I started wondering what would happen when we would be chased by those things, with the new "monster/danger" sound filling our headphones (a sound that was supposed to be in the game: I am sure 100% that I read someone from Frictional Games or The Chinese Room saying somewhere in the forum that the sound was being updated...If I knew "updated" meant "simply removed", lol...).

For some reasons whatever my mind conjured up from the trailers really scared me. I was really disturbed and terrified by the idea of a pig monster, the idea of taking something as simple and, to a certain degree, "cute and inoffensive" as a pig and turning it to a monster made of humans, steam and metal...Yeah, the steampunk cyborg-pig of Hell, that's what I had in mind. I knew that the final result would never be as terrifying as what my mind could come up with, but still, there you go.
I think the other reason for which the idea got under my skin is because I saw some years ago a rather interesting Irish horror movie about a monster-cow...Yeah, sounds funny that way, they actually managed to make a movie quite disturbing: it's Isolation, check it out if you wish.

As a result I avoided any pictures of the game, I tried not to read many reviews, I launched the game expecting to be scared and, contrary to Amnesia, I really avoided the monsters this time (I made the mistake of running after the grunts since the beginning...Breaking the immersion...Yeah, I was somewhat stupid).
And the game really worked on me for quite some hours. Contrary to other games like Outlast (what, that game is supposed to be scary?) I genuinely screamed of terror during the game at every single noise (something that NEVER happened to me with any other game), terrified of seeing those damn pigs and having their image haunting my dreams.
And when I reached the area showed in the second trailer, my heart was beating like it never had before.
That's when the real nightmare will come, I thought, that is when the terror will start.
And it never start.
And I eventually really saw the pigs later...Realized how miserable and almost "cute looking" they were, (MINOR SPOILER : playing with cubes as children, in their cells).
And while I totally understand why the needed to look and act that way, why the player should feel sympathy for them as it is part of the story...Well, that's simply not what was advertised.
And I really felt cheated.
Oh, and the Telsa Pig?...Sorry, that wasn't scary at all: all those blue neons, lightnings and colors...I thought a pig from a Zelda game escaped and was now trapped in a Nazi lab for Wolfenstein.

It really infuriates me. How the developers either
a) blatantly lied to our faces (to anyone saying "well, isn't that what you've been getting with movie trailers for years?", I was hopping not to see that coming from Frictional Games and The Chinese Room).
b) handled very poorly the advertisement of the game because they didn't know what to do with it.

The result is that we end up with a good game (yes, it's a good game, I enjoyed it, I liked the story...Even if I think it was extremely badly told) but that was miles away from the product they've been advertising.
I'm sorry, but when I order pasta at a restaurant I expect pasta, not a steak even if I like steak.
So congratulation for now having customers (including me) pouring hate on a game that didn't needed it in the first place, because it is a good game...For what it is...And it doesn't have much to do with Amnesia...I can understand the logic behind that kind of advertisement: bringing back the fans of the first game, but what were you trying to accomplish by that? You knew some fans will come back and be angry, right?

So there you go, I wasn't expecting to see the exact same scenes as in the trailers, but that level of terror...Yes, I was expecting that.
Then The Chinese Room saying that, while the story was important, they were aiming at something more scary than Amnesia (I am pretty sure I read that somewhere around the forum, last year) : WRONG.
Then everybody wondering how the pig would look like with, I believe, none of the developers coming to warn you "hey, don't get to over excited about the new monsters" (which were not that different from each other, to say the truth...).

You know what this reminds me of? It reminds me of Iron Man 3 and the Mandarin, and how all of that was the biggest troll to the fans of the character. Now I totally understand how some fans of the comic book felt.

Hey, another thing that infuriates me: some promotional artwork that was made for the game
Look at those pigs, those glowing red eyes piercing through the smoke...Rather terrifying...I'm glad I didn't see this pic before the game was released.

I honnestly think that
1) this game shouldn't have had the "Amnesia" title on it.
2) It should have been advertised more as a "drama game with horror elements" rather than a "horror game with drama" elements.
There are plenty of custom stories that were made with no focus on the horror: people didn't complain because that is not how they were advertised.
A simple example: below is the trailer of a project for which I provided voice acting, and that never made it to completion I believe...While it is certainly way too "positive and cheerful" for A Machine for Pigs, a similar trailer, showing that it will be a story driven game, would have been perfect.
We wouldn't be here debating about the whole "they lied to us in the trailers" issue.
Heck, I've even seen youtubers who normally get scared of anything, ANYTHING (like screaming and having to pause the game for 5 minutes to recompose oneself), laugh at the pigs, complain about the game and finally turn it off saying "sorry, I'll play something else".

Do NOT advertise a non-horror game as a horror game, thank you.

Did voice acting for:
- My Love.
- Painful Shadows.
(This post was last modified: 09-19-2013, 05:45 PM by Xss.)
09-19-2013, 05:37 PM
Potato Offline
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RE: Why remove the trailer scenes?

(09-19-2013, 05:37 PM)Xss Wrote: Now I started wondering what would happen when we would be chased by those things, with the new "monster/danger" sound filling our headphones (a sound that was supposed to be in the game: I am sure 100% that I read someone from Frictional Games or The Chinese Room saying somewhere in the forum that the sound was being updated...If I knew "updated" meant "simply removed", lol...).
The terror meter is still in the game you know...

It's different, but it's not removed.

[Image: o8JPTkt.jpg]
upsilon floorbot is a qt pa2t
09-19-2013, 06:24 PM
Xss Offline

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RE: Why remove the trailer scenes?

Well, I didn't hear a single "terror meter" noise, even with the sound to the maximum while wearing headphones...

Did voice acting for:
- My Love.
- Painful Shadows.
09-19-2013, 07:34 PM

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