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RPS on Machine for Pigs
Kein Offline
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RPS on Machine for Pigs

Quote:There are bumps in the night and blood stains on the floor, but it’s the details of the world that disturb rather than the broad strokes and the loud noises. The cages on the beds and the elaborate locks on the doors. These do more than limit the player’s freedom. Everything exists for a reason and, yes, the world has less points of interaction than Dark Descent’s and objects can’t all be thrown about the place, but there’s a great deal more to see.

The Dark Descent certainly fits the form of what I’d consider a pure scare ‘em up and it’s an excellent example of that form, content for its plot to lumber in the shadows for most of its length, while it concentrates on saying ‘BOO’. It does so convincingly, until, like an overworked CGI monster, the narrative finally emerges, and drains the tension and fear with a cosmic guff of hot air. The recently released Outlast is of the same ilk, although it leans heavily on its impressive technology to keep things interesting, a trick that wasn’t enough to keep me invested during the short running time. I can only run away from grunting maniacs so many times, through corridors lined with intestines and severed heads, before I become desensitised to their plight and my own.

A Machine For Pigs is different. It deserves mention in the same breath as Silent Hill 2, the great example of character-based interactive psychological horror.

Full article worth a read: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/09/...-for-pigs/

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09-21-2013, 05:27 AM
jd1802 Offline
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RE: RPS on Machine for Pigs

To be honest since the game started I did saw the cages on the beds and the locked doors and I spent a lot of time thinking about it. I was like ''who the hell is this guy? what was going throught his mind?'' So yeah TCR made an amazing job telling a story using everything they could. How half of the story can be told by what we see is something that very few games use and its awesome that they got to do it here. But still the very problem with the game is that it is like a poem. It means a lot to some and its just words to others. I see that for you this game meant something and thats great Smile IGN said that it had a personal story so the guy who reviewed it felt something too and thats great but I for example didnt got anything from it. I did understood part of the story and I just couldnt relate to it. Then I played the game again, tried to understand more and I did but still... I just cant see what some people found beautiful about it. So this game maybe Its not the kind of game you can understand throught a review cause everyone got their own version of it. For me its just a cool game with characters I never cared about and a plot I just cant relate to but for a lot of people Its art and thats cool. Just... understand that is not a game for everyone. Its like everyother ''art game'' in the world. Some people love it, some people hate it and well... Live and let live Big Grin
09-21-2013, 05:41 AM
Fortigurn Offline

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RE: RPS on Machine for Pigs

(09-21-2013, 05:27 AM)Kein Wrote: Full article worth a read: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/09/...-for-pigs/

Indeed, if only because it's saying precisely what some of us here have been abused for saying.

* 'limit the player’s freedom'
* 'yes, the world has less points of interaction than Dark Descent’s'
* 'There are precious few chases or games of hide and seek'
* 'there are no health bars or sanity meters – even the lantern is eternally charged'
* 'I missed the mechanical parts of the game'
* 'There’s precious little to do'
* 'the phantom children who act as motivation and bait are unconvincing'
* 'They’re probably just slightly naff ghost kids'

(09-21-2013, 05:41 AM)jd1802 Wrote: I just cant see what some people found beautiful about it.

I can. I did. It was one of the most beautifully presented games I've played in a long time.
09-21-2013, 06:26 AM
jd1802 Offline
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RE: RPS on Machine for Pigs

(09-21-2013, 05:27 AM)Fortigurn Wrote: I can. I did. It was one of the most beautifully presented games I've played in a long time.

Well thats great but you're missing the entire point here n_n You didnt need to answer me cause I just dont care. What I said was that I think this game is not the kind of game you can actually review. This game cant have a real grade cause is almost an experience more than a game. And It can be awesome to some people and just boring to other people. I think that the only thing you can say about AMFP is that is a ''different experience'' for people who are looking for something ''different and disturbing'' but beyond that everything relies on the person itself. So you enjoyed it a lot and it was beautiful to you. Well, congratulations, you actually have a heart and a mind and you can relate to things and get deeply touched by them. But like I said ''Live and let live'' Dont hate or insult others just because they couldnt see anything beautiful on this and are just complaining about how this isnt even a game. You are not better or smarter than them and viceversa. Is like complaining about how you love apples and others hate them. IMO Its stupid and not worth your time ^_^
(This post was last modified: 09-21-2013, 06:39 AM by jd1802.)
09-21-2013, 06:38 AM
Fortigurn Offline

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RE: RPS on Machine for Pigs

(09-21-2013, 06:38 AM)jd1802 Wrote: Well thats great but you're missing the entire point here...

No I'm not missing the point. You don't see why some people think it's such a beautiful game. I understand that. But I do see why some people think it's such a beautiful game, and I'm one of them.

Quote:Dont hate or insult others just because they couldnt see anything beautiful on this and are just complaining about how this isnt even a game.

I haven't done that to anyone. It has been done to me here, however.
09-21-2013, 06:58 AM
jd1802 Offline
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RE: RPS on Machine for Pigs

(09-21-2013, 06:58 AM)Fortigurn Wrote: I haven't done that to anyone. It has been done to me here, however.

Well, that message wasnt directly to you but tbh maybe youre not insulting people but you and that ''Kein'' guy have been kinda fighting a while ago and thats what Im talking about o.o Seems like he saw this as a flawless game and you didnt but why fight about it? Kein needs to understand that if he didnt saw any flaw on this well... He's lucky but theres no need to insult others just because they did saw some wrong things on AMFP. And well you actually dont need to ruin the good image that some people have here about the game. If they completely loved it why try to convince them about all the things that YOU thought were bad. My only complain has been that they sold it as a survival horror but besides that you can't see things that were never supposed to be there as a flaw. Is the game buggy? No. Is the game boring? It may be but it depends on what are you looking for. So when you bought the game did it told you that it was going to be complicated with amazing puzzles and a lot of frightening encounters with monsters? Im sure it didnt.

When you played TDD did you complain about how the monsters werent zombies? How the puzzles werent about donuts? IMO if a game has no bugs and its interesting it cant be a bad game. Maybe its not for you.

A lot of your complains are about things that you thought were going to be on the game. But thats what you thought so you cant blame the game for not having what you wanted. The trailers may have shown survival horror but Im sure they didnt show ''complete freedom'', ''a lot of interaction'', ''a lot of chases'', ''inventory or batteries to charge the lantern'' so there you are complaining about things that you wanted to be there but its kinda stupid to complain about that. Its like saying that an apple is flawed because is not red, like it was never meant to be red and this game was never meant to have such things.

So yeah, stop the fighting .-.
09-21-2013, 07:19 AM
Fortigurn Offline

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RE: RPS on Machine for Pigs

(09-21-2013, 07:19 AM)jd1802 Wrote: And well you actually dont need to ruin the good image that some people have here about the game.

I am one of the people who has a good image of the game. I don't think you've read my posts.

Quote:If they completely loved it why try to convince them about all the things that YOU thought were bad.

I don't.

Quote:So when you bought the game did it told you that it was going to be complicated with amazing puzzles and a lot of frightening encounters with monsters? Im sure it didnt.

It didn't, and I haven't said it did.

Quote:When you played TDD did you complain about how the monsters werent zombies? How the puzzles werent about donuts? IMO if a game has no bugs and its interesting it cant be a bad game. Maybe its not for you.

This has nothing to do with anything I have written.

Quote:A lot of your complains are about things that you thought were going to be on the game. But thats what you thought so you cant blame the game for not having what you wanted.

I am not blaming the game for not having what I wanted. I have already said that even if I had known those things wouldn't be in the game, I still would have pre-ordered it. I don't think you've read my posts.
09-21-2013, 07:36 AM
Alardem Offline
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RE: RPS on Machine for Pigs

Literally all the trailers show you is that you'll be wandering around dark industrial environments and hiding from pig monsters. TCR's comments on decreasing the 'survival-horror' aspects in favor of psychological elements should also have been a clue. Also keep in mind that there are many players for whom this game is their first experience with the series (if not horror games themselves), and they would have no thoughts about omissions that would prevent them from enjoying the game.

False advertising would be something like Dead Island's hilariously transparent bait-or-switch. Or being promised Doom and getting My Little Pony: Friendly Pony Simulator. Getting trailers and interviews where the developers promise a horror game, and getting one? Not the same thing at all.
09-21-2013, 07:40 AM
jd1802 Offline
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RE: RPS on Machine for Pigs

I think Ill just leave it like this cause Im honestly not understanding you and youre obviously not understanding me .-.

I guess this forum thing is just not for me~

But just for the record I did read your posts... maybe I just missunderstood them :L
09-21-2013, 07:42 AM
Fortigurn Offline

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RE: RPS on Machine for Pigs

(09-21-2013, 07:40 AM)Alardem Wrote: False advertising would be something like Dead Island's hilariously transparent bait-or-switch. Or being promised Doom and getting My Little Pony: Friendly Pony Simulator. Getting trailers and interviews where the developers promise a horror game, and getting one? Not the same thing at all.

I've only seen one person here make a charge of false advertising, and I was one of the people who opposed them. I don't believe there was any false advertising, and I've also said explicitly that I don't believe there was a bait and switch.
09-21-2013, 07:42 AM

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