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Work in progress The Innocence
Xroph Offline
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The Innocence

Spoiler below!

Now here's my decision (I didn't published it yet):
I'm going to make 3 parts. The last part has the most play time. Many people wrote me, that they want more than 2 or 3 parts, but that's impossible. That wouldn't be anything but boring. They want me to make a shorer custom story, too. So I've found a way in the middle. This is the distribution:

First part: 5 - 10 hours
In this part you get into the main story (look below). In case I have to split it two times I have to make a good transition. I'll split it at one of the most exciting scenes, so that it keeps the tension.

Second part: 8 - 14 hours
In this part you continue with the main story, but this time it will be VERY special. I know you will love it. If you don't want to know what is happening, don't read the following spoiler!

You will play an other character. A littlebit later you switch the characters often. So you switch between two characters. You can work together to solve the mystery and to get out of the complex!

Third part: 10 - 20 hours (I'm not so sure about the length, because many people don't really want it that long)
The third part will be the scariest part. I hope I can improve my experiance till I start with it, so that I can give the player a beautiful but also scary ambience. It also will be the part, where you solve the very last mystery. I don't want to tell you the whole story now. There will be 2 ends, the good one and the bad one. They are both easily enough to play (but not as easy as in Amnesia: The Dark Descent!).


I publish news, screenshots, downloads and so on at ModDB and twitter. If you want to be up to date then please track the mod at ModDB!

If you have any questions or want to help me then write a comment or send me a PM.

Everyone who helps gets credits for it Smile

Oh, and I thought about to change the name. It has nothing to do with the normal Amnesia, so it would be the best. The game will get the name
The Innocence: Part I - III

Hey guys, this is my custom story for Amnesia: The Dark Descent. I wanted to make something totally new, and I had a great idea!

This Mod won't be a normal custom story or a full conversion. I've copied the dll files, configurations, languages and a few resources.
I want to change graphics, textures, sounds, music, objects, enemies, fonts and so on. But maybe I should change the name, because this mod has nothing to do with Amnesia: The Dark Descent or it's story, actually.

My "Team" consists of a model designer, a beginning model designer and me. So, we really need more help! If you have time and you WANT to do it, then please let me know!

We need
- Map designers & programmers
- Sound & music creators
- Model designers (with good experience in Blender, Maya etc. for the enemies, characters, textures and objects)
- Voice actors (male and female voices)
- Graphic artists (for the character drawings and so on)

If you have another idea how you can help us, then let me know. Otherwise you can also comment your suggestions and opinions. No I'm going to tell you more about the project.

My plans:

Spoiler below!

- New enemies
- New textures
- Realistic Story
- Long gameplay
- Good puzzles
- NO jumpscares

And the most important thing: A great atmosphere. I don't want to scare the player everytime. He should get time to rest an enjoy the atmosphere.


Spoiler below!

This is the start screen. I want to change the background again, because I don't really like it.

This is an big, dark map. This is the first time the player get scared.

This will be the "Gallery" level. I want to create new paintings for this level.

I created a launcher with Visual Basic. The old one looks awful.

Well, I'm not so happy with my work yet, I want to change a lot. I need more inspiration^^ So, I'm going to create the following levels. There will be in an complex. I put the levels in different sections. Note: These are not all levels. I want to make more Big Grin


Spoiler below!

--- Section: Castle

- Castle hall
- Lab
- Storage
- Prison + Cellar
- Church with cementory
- Dark underground (look at photo)
- Backyard
- Garden
- Hospital (Not so big)

---- Subsection: Castle underground

- Underground with beautiful little seas and caves
- Catacombs
- A jump and run level (I have no name yet)
- Ruins
- Temple of Sin (Last Level)

--- Section: Villa

- Villa: Inside
- Villa: Outside (conneced with backyard of the castle)
- Gallery (look at photo)
- Lake (with big landscape)
- Very small island

--- Section: Intro

- Village (for the big intro, more information at the bottom)

Some words to the intro. It will be a relatively long intro.


Spoiler below!

Your name is Stan Swallow. You're a journalist and photograph. Since two years you're living in a small village with your wife and your son. You've got an new task of your supervisor. You have to go to an complex which is near to your home. The complex contains an very old castle, an lake, an hospital and an secret underground tunnel. It was closed because of financial problems. So he went to the complex and take some photos. But then, he heard a voice. An old man was following him. He told him not to go into this complex. He said, there would be a curse on it. Swallow went back and told his supervisor the story, and that he wouldn't go into the complex. His supervisor Mr. Alan Storm didn't believe him. But he accepted his decision. From that on, Swallow get strange fellings, and he dreamed of this old complex. Something forces him to go to it. When he entered the huge property, he get scared. A man was standing behind the window in the castle. Swallow fled out of the property and went home. From this day on, he had nightmares every night, till.... That day. Swallow awaked. Everything was devastated. "What? What is this?", he asked. Then, he heard a scream. It was his wife. He ran down stairs to the living room. His wife was away, and his child, too. The only track he has, is the blood. He knew it, it must have to do with this curse. He drove to the complex, and heard the voices of their family. "I'm coming to safe you!", he said. Swallow entered the property again. This time it was dark and silent. He ran to the door of the castle and... Then everything went black.

And this will be the text I put into the intro (with voices)

Spoiler below!

Since 2 years i'm living in this village with my wife and my child. It's very small, but there is a great atmosphere, and i get a job here, too. I'm working as an photograph and journalist. Mostly I work outside of the village, but this day, everything was different. My supervisor Mr. Alan Storm told me to go to a castle near the village. It's a very old complex from the 16th century, and next to it there is an old hospital, a beautiful old lake, a church with a cementry, and some people say there would be an secret underground, too. Mr Storm wanted me to make Photos of the outside of the complex. When I visited it the first time, I was Overwhelmed of this beautiful huge castle.
I got out ny car, and heard a voice behind me. "Do not go near this castle!" told an old man.
Probably he was an resident of the village. I ask him about this complex. Everytime he said: do not go near it! It's cursed! I ask him more about the curse, then he gave me answers." This curse, he took my son...", he said. "Your son?", I asked. He went into this castle. And he never came back.", he answered. "This terrible castle... he stole my son!" He cried. "Please remember my words...the curse will try to get you, too. He tried to kill me. But I escaped. It was luck. If the priest wouldn't have saved me...I would be dead. But I don't think he won't be so kind to let another one alone....", he said. Then, he went home. I couldn't believe that. I went back to my supervisor and told him about the curse. He thought I was crazy. But he accepted it. When I was driving home, a strange feeling get over me. I couldn't sleep in this night. I wanted to know what's going on there... my Curiosity was too strong...
Something forces me to visit it again, I couldn't fight against it...! When I entered the complex again, a very bad and strange feeling gets over me. I thought I was hearing voices told me that I have to die. As soon As I could, I ran away. I heard that someone says: I will get you...there is no escape...!

I had many nightmares since this day. They were getting worse everyday. But then...

I woke up. I heard a scream. "Help me", the voice said. It was my wife.
I ran downstairs to the living room and couldn't believe what I had seen. My wife and my child, away. Nothing but...blood...everywhere. I knew it. It had to do with this complex...I wanted to drive to the complex, but my car was damaged. It looked like a monster with big claws have done it. I had no other choice. I ran to the damned castle or complex or whatever! ---

I hope there aren't so many mistakes. I come from Germany Big Grin The "---" means that the player can interact

This mod at ModDB:

Best regards,

(This post was last modified: 11-27-2013, 06:06 AM by Xroph.)
11-11-2013, 09:05 PM
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daortir Offline
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RE: Amnesia - The Abandoned Ruins

Good luck with your project, it seems quite a big one !
I'll be following your progress, though I do not like much the main character's name. I am sorry but I feel like some bad puns just cannot be resisted.

11-11-2013, 09:17 PM
Xroph Offline
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RE: Amnesia - The Abandoned Ruins

Thanks for your feedback! Do you have any idea for a good name? Smile

11-11-2013, 09:21 PM
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FlawlessHappiness Offline
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RE: Amnesia - The Abandoned Ruins

Nice launcher.
Though be careful with large rooms Wink They might end up looking too empty. Try making them as small as possible first. Then expand when it's not big enough.

Trying is the first step to success.
11-11-2013, 09:21 PM
Xroph Offline
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RE: Amnesia - The Abandoned Ruins

Yes, the launcher looks pretty good. But I'm not very satisfied with it either. I have a good programming knowlegde, so this shouldn't be a problem Smile

@Large rooms: Hmm yeah, that's true. Many people told me this. But the maps are in initial stage, anyway. ^^ Thanks for the tip!

11-11-2013, 09:27 PM
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WALP Offline
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RE: Amnesia - The Abandoned Ruins

48 hours....
unless you're counting on replay I gotta ask...
.........how many years do you intend to spend on this?
11-11-2013, 10:05 PM
Xroph Offline
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RE: Amnesia - The Abandoned Ruins

I think one year will be enough. But surely I need help. I really sacrifice my entire freetime...

11-11-2013, 10:19 PM
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thomthom44 Offline

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RE: Amnesia - The Abandoned Ruins

(11-11-2013, 10:05 PM)The Mug Wrote: 48 hours....
unless you're counting on replay I gotta ask...
.........how many years do you intend to spend on this?
Spoiler below!

void Intro_001 (string &in asTimer)
SetMessage("Intro", "Intro_01", 4);
AddTimer ("", 151200, "Ending");

void Ending (string &in asTimer)
StartCredits("25_amb.ogg", true, "Ending", "MainCredits", 9023);

[Image: moty-125.png]
11-11-2013, 10:26 PM
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Xroph Offline
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RE: Amnesia - The Abandoned Ruins

Wow, you're really funny. Ha...Ha...Ha... Keep those comments for you. You don't need to play my mod, but you want to post those comments. This is so pitifully.

11-11-2013, 11:22 PM
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thomthom44 Offline

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RE: Amnesia - The Abandoned Ruins

(11-11-2013, 11:22 PM)Xroph Wrote: Wow, you're really funny. Ha...Ha...Ha... Keep those comments for you. You don't need to play my mod, but you want to post those comments. This is so pitifully.

Hey dont get me wrong, I just think 42 is a bit long for a custom story. But will see how it turns out. Good luck.

[Image: moty-125.png]
11-11-2013, 11:25 PM
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