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Think the next game will require more?
Skandis Offline
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Think the next game will require more?

As any long-time fan can tell you, Amnesia was essentially Penumbra for those who thought it was too deep, hard and scary. Storyline was simplified, difficulty was toned down with gimmicks and stuff like no-autosave was removed for convenience and to tone down the scary.

That's fine. People like their Facebook. It was more welcoming and didn't sacrifice too much in the process.

Now that Amnesia MFG is out it's pretty easy to see that it's a dumbed down version of Amnesia. It's at the point where it gameplay wise could've been called "Dear Esther 2" and storyline wise fit right in with the Micheal Bay movies. There seems to be a pretty strong consensus that where Amnesia felt like a good way to get started, Amnesia MFG feels like someone put you in the special class with a hardhat.

So I'm just curious, will the next title follow the same charade? Will the next game actually be "Dear Esther written by Michael Bay"?
12-12-2013, 10:38 AM
Draug Offline
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RE: Think the next game will require more?

Eh I don't think so, because AMFP wasn't developed by FG. I think you can expect a good story (like in AMFP) combined with the gameplay of TDD and of course a new setting.
12-12-2013, 11:54 AM
Rya.Reisender Offline
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RE: Think the next game will require more?

Yeah I also see the different developer's here. AMFP was made by the dudes that did Dear Esther, so thinking that it feels like Dear Esther 2 is quite normal. In fact if you didn't know it's by the same group, then good observation.

I think Amnesia TDD was quite a bit of an improvement over Penumbra. So my hopes for FG's future game are actually quite high. At the same time I know what to expect of a game that is made by Chinese Room. I don't really dislike them, but I expect a completely different game from them than I expect from FG.

Of course I hope that FG also learns from the criticism that CR got for AMFP.

Edit: If we generally talk about game difficulty, I'd say that there needs to be a perfect balance in horror games. If the game is too hard then it makes too many people quit. If the game is too easy the game is just boring. There needs to be a good middle way which I think TDD already found pretty well.
Though of course each player likes a different difficulty the most. I think horror games are one of the few genres that actually benefit from a difficulty setting (especially when it's separate for combat and puzzles).
(This post was last modified: 12-12-2013, 12:45 PM by Rya.Reisender.)
12-12-2013, 12:42 PM
Kappa048487127 Offline
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RE: Think the next game will require more?

(12-12-2013, 10:38 AM)Skandis Wrote: As any long-time fan can tell you, Amnesia was essentially Penumbra for those who thought it was too deep, hard and scary. Storyline was simplified, difficulty was toned down with gimmicks and stuff like no-autosave was removed for convenience and to tone down the scary.
I haven't been around quite as long as you, but I got into the series (Penumbra) in 2011.

I loved Penumbra, and after playing all the whol series going into Amnesia TDD was good, but not quite as good. Amnesia AMFP? I haven't finished it yet, however the lack of inventory, visible sanity, and that sort of thing reminded me of CoD (the new ones).

Kind of like this:
[Image: kA3tOL8.png]
Alright, well it's not that bad in AMFP, but it feels toned down.

(12-12-2013, 12:42 PM)Rya.Reisender Wrote: I think Amnesia TDD was quite a bit of an improvement over Penumbra. So my hopes for FG's future game are actually quite high.
As far as physics, and the graphics go? ya I think that they really did a great job improving everything. Story wise? I'd say that they were equal for the most part, and overall Penumbra just felt like you were actually Philip going through all this crazy garbage.

I'll admit since I did start off with Penumbra I tend to lean towards it more.
(This post was last modified: 12-12-2013, 01:18 PM by Kappa048487127.)
12-12-2013, 01:13 PM
Rya.Reisender Offline
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RE: Think the next game will require more?

I also liked the difficulty and enemy AI in TDD better.
12-12-2013, 02:41 PM
daortir Offline
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RE: Think the next game will require more?

So, what's the purpose of this topic ? I can see the attempt at trash-talking The Dark Descent and the usual "AMFP sucks balls because fucking TCR made something different", but I don't see gameplay suggestions in your post, or any idea to make the story of TDD/AMFP deeper. Basically I don't see anything else than trashtalking.

Any idea to bring up ?

I'm curious to see what you, as an old fan of Frictional Games, who knew Penumbra before it was cool, have to suggest.

(This post was last modified: 12-15-2013, 08:06 PM by daortir.)
12-15-2013, 08:06 PM
Kappa048487127 Offline
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RE: Think the next game will require more?

(12-15-2013, 08:06 PM)daortir Wrote: So, what's the purpose of this topic ? I can see the attempt at trash-talking The Dark Descent and the usual "AMFP sucks balls because fucking TCR made something different", but I don't see gameplay suggestions in your post, or any idea to make the story of TDD/AMFP deeper. Basically I don't see anything else than trashtalking.
This wasn't really directed at me, but this is an open forum afterall.

I think that AMFP removing sanity, lamp oil, and the inventory was a bad idea. I think it just makes the game more limited, and it takes away a bit. I don't think that removing those things added to the immersion at all.

(12-15-2013, 08:06 PM)daortir Wrote: I'm curious to see what you, as an old fan of Frictional Games, who knew Penumbra before it was cool, have to suggest.
It doesn't matter when he started playing the game, or when he discovered it.

(12-12-2013, 10:38 AM)Skandis Wrote: As any long-time fan can tell you, Amnesia was essentially Penumbra for those who thought it was too deep, hard and scary. Storyline was simplified, difficulty was toned down with gimmicks and stuff like no-autosave was removed for convenience and to tone down the scary.
Not quite as long. I've been around [lurking] since late 2012, and I started off with Penumbra. I'd say Amnesia/Penumbra are on the same level, story wise that is, but of course given that Amnesia is newer it did have graphical improvements.
(This post was last modified: 12-16-2013, 07:59 AM by Kappa048487127.)
12-16-2013, 07:54 AM
daortir Offline
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RE: Think the next game will require more?

Hey there ^^. My message was indeed not directed to you, but well any kind of answer is always good. You already made pretty constructive observations about what you think could have changed in AMFP, and I do believe you are right when you talk about those elements.

I most likely overreacted but I just wanted to show my opinion on the criticism from people who have nothing to propose. It is so easy to spit on the hard work from other people. Saying the storyline of AMFP is right in the Michael Bay movies is complete trashtalking and non-constructive criticism.

You were way more constructive in your posts, but once again, I wasn't criticizing your post, just this attitude some people have to shit on TCR's hard work, while complaining that FG is doing bad games now that they became popular.

Hopefully you didn't feel offended by what I said, I think you explained your opinon and suggestions in a clear and constructive way.

12-16-2013, 08:23 AM
Googolplex Offline

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RE: Think the next game will require more?

AAMFP is not Amnesia 2. It is a completely own game which just plays in the same universe. As I heard that there's no inventury, I was very disappointed, but the game showed me that no inventory is needed. I never missed it. Puzzles could just be harder and the game would be perfect. Anyway, the story of the game is sort of genius. And it's one of the most grandious games ever made.

AAMFP feels like a rip-off of ATDD, but ATDD also feels like a rip-off of Penumbra.

Penumbra really is the best what Frictional Games ever did.
But every game has its own highlights.

Penumbra --> puzzles
ATDD --> horror
AAMFP --> story

Every game is about horror, story and atmosphere of course, but this are the best things of every game.
(This post was last modified: 12-16-2013, 04:45 PM by Googolplex.)
12-16-2013, 04:41 PM
WALP Offline
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RE: Think the next game will require more?

In my opinion there's nothing wrong with a game being easy, as long as it does not display that to you. Its about getting that feeling of challenge or danger, but not the challenge or danger itself. I think AAMFP made it a little too clear that you were not in danger when they smacked doors shut behind you and items were 1-2 meters from were they needed to be placed.

Its about finding that balance, not being too easy to feel handheld, and not being too hard to be annoyed or pulled out of the experience.

Of course the painful truth is that players are often so different in skill, that it will take a long journey through testing hell to actually get close to it.
(This post was last modified: 12-16-2013, 06:20 PM by WALP.)
12-16-2013, 06:18 PM

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