AMFG Has no voices or BGM + turns into slow motion when taking phone calls
Windows XP - 32 bit
Desktop Computer
First of all, I know that XP isn't officially supported. However, I'm confused because for 2-3 hours the game ran perfectly on my computer. But suddenly it doesn't anymore, and I have no clue why.
For some strange reason, I can hear no BGM or background sounds in the game. For example in the main menu, I can only hear that loud sound that comes ones you start a new game or continue your previous game, the rest is pure silence.
Right now I'm at the part were you crash with that dumb waiter. It seems as if I can hear all sounds, which means the crashing, the coughing of the main character etc. When I exit the dumb waiter in the next section of the game, everything seems to work fine (however, I can't tell if there is any ambient noise that I'm missing). There is a ringing phone, and as soon as I try to answer it everything breaks down. There is no voice at all, but the subtitles stay on screen for the rest of the time (they don't disappear even after 5 minutes). When I try to move, I move in complete slow motion which makes it *impossible* to play the game.
Attached you can find the HPL file. Any clue what's going on?