(03-10-2014, 10:29 PM)Lazzer Wrote: Wat? I thought it was a joke with putting a Godzilla in Penumbra
Nope... It was really going to be put,if i will be lucky,then it will.

It would take a really long time as well,animating etc...
(03-11-2014, 01:10 PM)Badcat5550 Wrote: stenclowskimat I'm having a problem again, the boot is still static in game but at least I can't go trough it anymore!
In the model editor it's a grab object and I made a square to the size of the boot as you said and created the body and made it a sub mesh and done, then I saved it.
But in game I can't touch it or move it, it's like it's static.
had the problem also.
Open model editor at open the boot.ent or whatever is the name of ur boot.
click on the green box (body)
Type this options:
Body Material:Rock(Reconmented)
Mass,etc...(tell ur own)
Blocks Sounds : Uncheck this
Continous Collison: Uncheck this
Can Attach character: uncheck
Pusched by character gravity: Check.
Colide Character: Check.
Colide non Character: Check.
Volatile: Uncheck
Use Surface Effects:Check
Has gravity : Of course,check.
Tell me if it work.