What really deterred me from modding SOMA in the immediate was that while the modding tools were made available on release, documentation was not. It took months before the "Engine Scripts" pages of SOMA were added onto the Wiki, even to the point where Mudbill and I were going to take it upon ourselves to document the functions in the helper files ourselves (only for like, less than 24 hours after, FG made the pages :p )
Like, once upon a time, I made
this thread, and I was more than happy to continue working on it, but the lack of documentation available really deterred me from exploring it in-depth.
If FG continue to make modding a crucial movement in their future products, then excellent; but if they can take any lessons, I would ask them (kindly, of course) to provide slightly lesser buggy tools with slightly more emphasis on user-friendliness in regards to documentation. While the transition from Amnesia to SOMA was not too difficult, the new engine is rather daunting with its altered script rules which proved somewhat difficult to inference in the early stages.
Maybe someday, I'll redownload SOMA and give it another go, but that day will come when I get a new laptop or computer capable of running SOMA at a greater than 10FPS performance I currently am forced to live with. Certainly want to release a mod I was working on involving the Construct robot. I have many ideas to employ in that sector