(03-27-2014, 12:13 PM)Danny B Wrote: No offense dog food. But honestly...
1. Most of the earth is inhospitable. If you think about it. you can only live in a very small percentage out of the whole volume of the planet. We don't live near the planet's core, or live under the ocean last time I checked. Its like calling a desert perfect to live in despite you've only seen an oasis of it.
3. Other worlds have a wide range of resources. Look at Saturn's Titan. If it was warmer it would be teaming with life due to its massive amount of organic matter
2. The only thing humans really have more than other animals don't is the combination of inteligence and hands to manipulate objects. Because there are a lot of animals that are more resistante and adaptable than humans. Look at the tardigrade. That little worm like thing can survive ANYWHARE! Even in space!
So yeah. Just refuting what you said
no offense, but honestly I shook my head while reading this
1. So you're saying that because we dont have houses built near the core of the planet its largely inhospital? Or because people dont live at some parts of the desert? We dont live underground because it's simply uncomfortable. We have underground subways, basements, bunkers. A very rich person could live on the sea from buying a large boat (forgot how those are called) but basically it has more stuff than your average house. Also watched a show on discovery about futuristic inventions where a company makes large scale boats that are basically a floating large home. Parts of seas are claimed by either countries or rich people, so its not a deserted "no man land". Deserts have hard conditions yes, but it still has resource to survive if you know how. People do live in the desert.
Tell me, in how many other planets can someone live deep underground?
Oh just remembered, i'm assuming you also had in mind about the large amount of water on this planet.. somewhere around 75% if i'm not mistaken. If that large sum of water where we "cant" live was removed, would it be beneficial to us? I think that large sum of oceans make our planet all more hospitable. There's the small percentage of drinking water which we need, the other which is undrinkable is pretty much a large resource of food. (sea food). So it works to our benefits.
3. They do, but not as variated as Earth. Saturn Titan - IF it had.
IF our water contained enough oxygen for a human to breathe without any equipment under it, our planet would be even more hospitable. IF the deserts were not so scorching hot, more people would be living there. See where i'm going?
2. We ONLY have a combination of extreme intelligence over other animal species while the power to manipulate everything in our advantage? ONLY that? That's quite a lot i'd say