Dón't tell me it is that!
That is the VERY first thing you should do when making a mod\story.
Open the main_settings.cfg and make that to true AND make the
<CATEGORY Name="PreMenu"> <Entry Name="Welcome01">Don't be scared,the messages you will see will help you in game.</Entry> <Entry Name="Welcome02">Everything will be fine,to save the game just press "ESC" and then Save And Exit</Entry> <Entry Name="Welcome03">To Load Custom Story hit Your Worlds.</Entry> <Entry Name="Welcome04">We are almost done!.</Entry> <Entry Name="Welcome05">Put your brightness, we recommend you a 1.0.</Entry> <Entry Name="Welcome06">That's it hope you Enjoy,your Frictional and Straxedix productions.</Entry> </CATEGORY>
Your "picture" is missing the extension. Make it "picture.jpg"
Are you saying the welcome screens are blank, as in no text? If that is the case, it could be another error in your lang file. Does other text from it show up successfully?
(05-27-2014, 08:24 PM)DnALANGE Wrote: And again!!!
ShowFirstStartOnly="true" FALSE!!!
ShowFirstStartOnly="false" <<-------------!!!
Now, now, you seem quite stressed out. Wanna go make a cup of chocolate or something, hm? I figured this isn't the problem here, because he stated the "first start thing" wasn't working with text, so I suppose he actually knows about the first_start_flag file. Perhaps you like to use the method of putting everything to false, but there are more than one way of doing these sort of things. One isn't more correct than another if they both work, right?
Okidoki :3
Was a short post.
a bit out of place, sorry for that.
just some ppl shojld try what the more experienced guys tell.
this issue is 1 of the problems.
after trying a couple of times and on true...will never show the pics again.
can you send your full english file please, so we can be sure it is not or IS your.english file.
lets start from the beginning.
<LANGUAGE> <CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain"> <Entry Name="Description">Hello Player,[br]You Entered into forbidden Forest with your friends.[br]Then you got hit into head from back by unknown creature,your friends run...Maybe for help maybe they RUN AWAY![br]You are still alive but you don't remember anything![br]My first custom story by Straxedix[br]play with headphones and lights off for better FUN!</Entry> </CATEGORY>
<CATEGORY Name="Journal"> </CATEGORY>
<CATEGORY Name="TextCategory"> <Entry Name="TextEntry">Where am i ? What happened?</Entry> </CATEGORY>
<CATEGORY Name="Ch01Level01"> <Entry Name="WakeUpMessage">What happened did i feel ? It hurts a lot! And why my sight is so low?</Entry> </CATEGORY>
<CATEGORY Name="Ch02Level02"> <Entry Name="WakeUpMessage1">This house...I know it...That monster maybe she put me here!</Entry> </CATEGORY>
<CATEGORY Name="Ch03Level03"> <Entry Name="WakeUpMessage2">Ahhh i feel sick i need to go to hospital right now maybe is some dangerous plague what comes to this vilage.</Entry> </CATEGORY>
<CATEGORY Name="Doors"> <Entry Name="Message1">I can't go back! I must go to Hospital! And Fast! Or i'm scared of worst!</Entry> </CATEGORY>
<CATEGORY Name="DeathHint1"> <Entry Name="Entry2">Careful[br]And be ready.</Entry> </CATEGORY>
<CATEGORY Name="Messages"> <Entry Name="test1">Where am i ? I know this place from my...Nightmares!</Entry> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------Notes------------------------------------// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
<Entry Name="Note_NoteStranger_Name">Note from Stranger</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_NoteStranger_Text">Hello.[br][br][br]You don't know me, but I certaintly know you.[br][br]But don't worry we will meet!</Entry>
<Entry Name="Diary_diary1_Name">End of the World</Entry> <Entry Name="Diary_diary1_Text">21 December, 2012[br][br][br]The ground is literally shaking beneath my feat.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Quest_memento1_Text">Perhaps I should go the other way.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_voice_Name">Welcome!</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_voice_Text">Hello.[br] [br] [br]im stuck in here i don't remember anything please help me![br][br]Find me PLEASE!!![br][br]I remmember just a hit in head and fog</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="DeathHint"> <Entry Name="Entry1">You have to cary on...</Entry> </CATEGORY>
<RESOURCES> <Directory Path="fonts/eng" /> <Directory Path="lang/eng" /> </RESOURCES> <CATEGORY Name="Inventory"> <Entry Name="ItemName_Ladder">Broken ladder</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_Ladder">Piece of a broken ladder.</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_Stencil01">A framed stencil with the silhouette of a man.</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_Stencil01">Slide 1</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_Stencil02">Slide 2</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_Stencil03">Slide 3</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_Stencil04">Slide 4</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_Stencil02">A framed stencil with the silhouette of a man.</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_Stencil03">A framed stencil with the silhouette of a man.</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_Stencil04">A framed stencil with the silhouette of a man.</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_Lever_l03">Lever</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_Lever_l03">An operating handle for some kind of mechanism.</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemName_waxroll_record">Wax Cylinder</Entry> <Entry Name="ItemDesc_waxroll_record">A wax cylinder for a phonograph.</Entry> </CATEGORY> <CATEGORY Name="Journal"> <Entry Name="Note_L01_MarotNote_Name">A New Plan</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L01_MarotNote_Text">Le 22 avril 1858[br][br]Salutation, Inspector Marot of the Sûreté Nationale,[br][br]As you very well know, the chief of police in Calais has turned down my request to pursue Justine Florbelle for stealing my son away. Ever since their affair started, Aloïs, my son, has forsaken his duties to his family and failed to pursue his career. Since the law seems unable to find a crime within the realm of Mademoiselle Justine's actions, I will ask you to receive Dr. Victor Fournier later this week. He is a respectable aliéniste, an expert in the human psyche, and he believes he may have found a legal way to incarcerate her. If he is able to diagnose her as an hysteric, it would provide you an ample excuse to have her locked up.[br]I trust you and your agency will not turn us down.[br][br]Cordialement, Lucien Racine.</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L01_AloisNote_Name">Billet Doux</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L01_AloisNote_Text">Justine, my love. I know I am not as talented as Malo or as strong as Basile, but I am certain my love is truer. Do not my scars tell you so? I will continue to cut myself as long as it pleases you. I would even kill Basile if you wish. I know you say you like it, but he is hurting you. I will trick him to consume the Bromide. Poor Justine. I will help, just ask me to help.[br][br]-Aloïs</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L01_ArticleNote_Name">Newspaper Article - 19 March, 1858</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L01_ArticleNote_Text">Travesty at the Conservatory[br][br]Many Parisians had gathered last night to enjoy the performance of violin virtuoso, Malo de Vigny. It was to be the grand premiere of several new arrangements of songs by fellow composer George Bizet, but the evening took an unexpected turn. [br][br]Young Malo de Vigny turned up visibly intoxicated. His violin cried as the bow was jerked across the strings. The audience seemed forgiving at first, but started to boo the man off stage as he defaced the beloved song, La rose et l'abeille. The stress apparently got the best of the young musician as he threw his bow into the audience and finally collapsed. [br][br]Mademoiselle Justine Florbelle, who is according to rumors romantically involved with Monsieur de Vigny, looked quite amused by the event and had two of her friends, Basile Giroux and Aloïs Racien, carry him off the stage. [br][br]The evening was saved by other musicians at the conservatory who was able to a perform a most delightful impromptu concerto in Malo de Vigny's absence. The audience showered their saviors with praise and calls for encore were awarded with spectacular pieces by both Offenbach and Chopin.</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L02_SoulNote1_Name">Soul Journal Entries</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L02_SoulNote1_Text">Justine, age 8[br]Today I played outside with Clarice. We saw a bird pick at a snail. It carried it off and landed on the lawn fence. The snail had a shell and it cracked. Clarice cried and I comforted her. The new maid heard us and came out and scolded Clarice for playing with me, the bird took off into the air.[br][br]Today I was the one with open arms.[br][br][new_page][br][br]Justine, age 9[br]Today I played with the slides from father's Light Box. Above all I like the man standing to the right. Father asked why. I said, he see things he likes.[br][br]Today I was the right one.[br][br][new_page][br][br]Justine, age 10[br]Father said I picked the wrong slide yesterday when I made the chambermaid cry. He wanted me to pick the one with the sword, while I picked the man on the right. I never pick the one with the sword.[br][br]Today I was the one kneeling.[br][br][new_page][br][br]Justine, age 11[br]Today father came for me in my room. I still couldn't look him in the eyes. He said I shouldn't feel ashamed and that I only tried to fill the void left by mother. When he wasn't looking I took the star stone from his collection.[br][br]Today I was the one with the sword.</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L02_SoulNote2_Name">Results</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L02_SoulNote2_Text">The tests have been going well. The most long term, and in a sense the most promising one, is the Light Box. Having Justine choose a slide, essentially a mood, for every day is a great way to see the larger overall development of her mind. She definitely reads things into the slides I had not foreseen. Her remarkable imagination turns the characters into just about anything and she is able to effortlessly reduce all her experiences into one of the four character slides.[br][br]Using the Puzzle Lock has proven more difficult as she tends to always choose two slides with characters facing the same way. I have asked her why this is, but she doesn't seem to fully understand what I am asking.</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L02_OldLetter_Name">Herbert's Letter</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L02_OldLetter_Text">12 January 1839[br][br]Dear Monsieur Florbelle,[br][br]I am sorry to hear about your daughter Justine's unruly behavior. Rest assure that this does not diminish your work, nor does it make your idea of the natural developing mind less appropriate as a field of study. I have met plenty of scholars here in London enthralled by your hypothesizes and stated that it could be one of the most important ideas of the modern era.[br][br]It has been suggested that the mind is not only molded by experience, but could also be stricken with disease without physiological sign. Perhaps this line of thinking could be applied to your child.[br][br]I wish I could devote my letter to consolidation, however I write to you with a request. I require passage into Algeria and I need Frenchmen of great standing to vouch for my person. I am certain the name of Florbelle would greatly speed the process and grant me the permits I require. It pains me to ask this of you in your time of distress, but if you could suffer my inconvenience, I would be greatly in your debt.[br][br]Yours sincerely,[br][br]Herbert</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L02_Shipment_Name">SHIPMENT SLIP</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L02_Shipment_Text">Congratulations on your fine purchase![br][br]The Lumina Projection Box with accompanying Puzzle Lock is the pride of our company and our greatest seller. Having earned your patronage, we would like to share with you privileged insight on our newest workings: the Span-space Device! This new machine is unlike anything you have ever witnessed. Come and visit our testing facilities and try our state of the art inventions in a safe environment.[br][br]Please write your name and address on the back of the slip and mail it back to us at:[br]A.S. Inc, Boston, Massachusetts.</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L03_SealedLetter_Name">Unopened Letter</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L03_SealedLetter_Text">7 July 1839[br][br]Monsieur Florbelle,[br][br]My name is Daniel, a friend and a colleague of Professor Herbert. As I have come to understand, you are among his most trusted friends and confidantes, therefor I shall reveal my predicament in hope that you can shed some light on the matter.[br][br]Earlier this year Herbert and I set out on an expedition to the deserts of Algeria. While looking for the legendary tomb of Tin Hinan we happened upon a cavern temple buried deep beneath the sand. In its inner sanctum I retrieved a stone orb which cracked and spilt into several pieces. Due to exhaustion, I was sent back to Britain and waited for his return.[br][br]I have since lost all contact with Herbert and I find myself deeply troubled by the whole affair. I believe Herbert knew more than he was telling and that he sent me back to protect me from whatever ancient horror we may have stirred.[br][br]If you can share any insight on the matter I would be most grateful.[br][br]Forever in your debt,[br][br]Daniel</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L04_UnfinishedLetter_Name">Unfinished Letter</Entry> <Entry Name="Note_L04_UnfinishedLetter_Text">Le 2 février 1839[br][br]Herbert,[br][br]I have contacted the consulate and they said they will send you the permits you need for visiting Algeria. I wish you good luck on your search and that your findings will come at a lower price than mine.[br][br]I am at a loss with my studies. My daughter has become distraught and distant. I did little to control her behavior, yet I believe the very notion of my observation has made her this way. My scientific indifference to our tests has not left her with an indifferent opinion. She finds my lack of reaction disappointing. She judges me, and most importantly herself, by the results of the tests.[br][br]The reason I have had trouble finding any consistency within her character, is because she tries different approaches to provoke me and her actions only becomes more and more disturbing. Yesterday I lost myself and scolded her, she was terrified and humiliated.[br][br]It saddens me greatly to bring my studies to a close without seeing it to the end, but I can no longer justify my research, I have to mend my relationship with my daughter...</Entry> </CATEGORY> <CATEGORY Name="Voice"> <Entry Name="alois_idle_01">Is that you, I hear?</Entry> <Entry Name="alois_idle_02">Why did this happen?</Entry> <Entry Name="alois_idle_03">Come back!</Entry> <Entry Name="alois_discover_01">Is that you, my love?</Entry> <Entry Name="alois_discover_02">You came for me.</Entry> <Entry Name="alois_attack_01">Stay!</Entry> <Entry Name="alois_attack_02">Don't leave again!</Entry> <Entry Name="alois_death_01">Hush, hush, princess.</Entry> <Entry Name="alois_giveup_01">Where did you go? Come back?</Entry> <Entry Name="alois_giveup_02">Please, come back.</Entry> <Entry Name="basile_idle_01">I will find you.</Entry> <Entry Name="basile_idle_02">I will kill you - you cunt.</Entry> <Entry Name="basile_idle_03">Keep making those sounds.</Entry> <Entry Name="basile_discover_01">Aha! You won't get away this time.</Entry> <Entry Name="basile_discover_02">I have you now!</Entry> <Entry Name="basile_attack_01">Get over here!</Entry> <Entry Name="basile_attack_02">I'll rip your head off!</Entry> <Entry Name="basile_death_01">You thought, you'd get away, didn't you?</Entry> <Entry Name="basile_giveup_01">I found you once - I'll find you again.</Entry> <Entry Name="basile_giveup_02">This isn't over yet.</Entry> <Entry Name="malo_idle_01">Justine, let me taste you.</Entry> <Entry Name="malo_idle_02">I grow tired of my own flesh.</Entry> <Entry Name="malo_idle_03">I can't believe this is what it feels like.</Entry> <Entry Name="malo_discover_01">I see you.</Entry> <Entry Name="malo_discover_02">Bonjour!</Entry> <Entry Name="malo_attack_01">Come here!</Entry> <Entry Name="malo_attack_02">I want you!</Entry> <Entry Name="malo_giveup_01">Hide and seek, hide and seek.</Entry> <Entry Name="malo_giveup_02">Come out, you'll like what I have planned.</Entry> <Entry Name="victor_idle_01">Help me, please, help me.</Entry> <Entry Name="victor_idle_02">Can you hear me? It's not too late to set things right.</Entry> <Entry Name="victor_idle_03">Anyone there?</Entry> <Entry Name="victor_idle_04">How did you escape?</Entry> <Entry Name="victor_idle_05">Have you seen Justine?</Entry> <Entry Name="victor_discover_01">Whoever you are, if you could help me, I would be much obliged.</Entry> <Entry Name="victor_terrorized_01">Please! Please, be reasonable. You don't have to do this.</Entry> <Entry Name="victor_dying_01">Argh! Why? I was just trying to help.</Entry> <Entry Name="hector_idle_01">You'll burn for this - you'll burn for this!</Entry> <Entry Name="hector_idle_02">Sick, twisted child.</Entry> <Entry Name="hector_idle_03">... the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ...</Entry> <Entry Name="hector_idle_04">... king of kings, lord of lords...</Entry> <Entry Name="hector_idle_05">... and he shall reign omnipotent for ever and ever.</Entry> <Entry Name="hector_discover_01">Who are you?! Who's there?</Entry> <Entry Name="hector_terrorized_01">... argh! Have mercy...</Entry> <Entry Name="hector_terrorized_02">... argh, help me God...</Entry> <Entry Name="hector_dying_01">...argh...the trumpet... shall sound... argh.</Entry> <Entry Name="felix_idle_01">Hey, can anyone hear me?</Entry> <Entry Name="felix_idle_02">What's going on out there? I'm Detective Marot of the Sûreté Nationale and I demand to know what's going on!</Entry> <Entry Name="felix_idle_03">There is no escape, my men will be here any minute now!</Entry> <Entry Name="felix_idle_04">You won't get away with this.</Entry> <Entry Name="felix_idle_05">Who is that? What do you want from me?</Entry> <Entry Name="felix_discover_01">You there, Help me, and I'll call on my men to save us from this hellhole.</Entry> <Entry Name="felix_terrorized_01">Do you think this is funny, you think this is funny, don't you?!</Entry> <Entry Name="felix_dying_01">What are you doing, no God!... argh</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_01">Finally... I feel like myself again - That was quite the journey.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_look_01">That's me... isn't it? All covered in chains.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_look_02">Such intricate machinery. I can't for the life of me understand why he built this...</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_look_03">They can't hurt me anymore.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_look_04">Such light was never meant for me.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_02">This... this was the best one yet.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_03">So elaborate - it's just... too much.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_04">Enough of this. Get up Justine.</Entry> <Entry Name="felix_saved_01">Hey, you? We are almost free, come on, get us out of here.</Entry> <Entry Name="victor_saved_01">Well, done child.</Entry> <Entry Name="hector_saved_01">Look out for Justine, that demon, she may still be close.</Entry> <Entry Name="victor_saved_02">Open the door and let us remove ourselves from this dungeon.</Entry> <Entry Name="hector_saved_02">God be praised. You have saved us child. Open the door.</Entry> <Entry Name="victor_saved_03">Justine, I know it is you. I promise I will get you help if you just open the door.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_door_01">It's already locked, but you can never be too certain.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_door_02">It's all right, no one will be coming through that door. It's locked and bolted.</Entry> <Entry Name="clarice_end_01">Mademoiselle Justine, are you down there. Is everything all right?</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_05">Of course, Clarice, I'm quite all right.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_06">Is everything ready for tonight?</Entry> <Entry Name="clarice_end_02">Yes. The goose is ready any minute now, the guests should be arriving within the hour.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_patrol_01">Clarice, I know it's a busy day, but make sure to post this letter for me, ok?</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_patrol_02">Not really. It's already years late. I just thought they should know... I'm still alive.</Entry> <Entry Name="clarice_end_patrol_01">Certainly, Mademoiselle Justine. Urgent, is it?</Entry> <Entry Name="clarice_end_proper_01">Did I hear voices from downstairs?</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_proper_01">I certainly hope not.</Entry> <Entry Name="clarice_end_proper_02">Silly me.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_proper_02">Yes, silly Clarice.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_door_03">Don't want any of the guests coming in here.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_end_door_04">I really should keep this door locked.</Entry> </CATEGORY> <CATEGORY Name="Recording"> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl1_01_01">Bienvenue, you are now listening to the sound of my disembodied voice. It will serve you no purpose to look for me, for this a voice from the past.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl1_01_02">I bid you welcome to my cabinet of perturbation. It is my study of the human psyche - specifically yours. A set of recordings have been prepared to chaperone you through the chambers ahead.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl1_01_03">There are a few parts to this study and it is up to you - not only to pass, but figure out what elements are important. Please go on, move into the next chamber.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl1_01_04">Just remember they can all be saved, there is always a way.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl1_02_01">Congratulations for coming this far, I am so excited for you. I do hope you managed to save Monsieur Fournier. He was a friend and a colleague of my papa, you know.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl1_02_02">Friendly fellow, a real bon garçon, but frail of mind. He puts up an impressive front, but it is all an act, I assure. Please go on, we are just getting started.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl2_01_01">On this next piece you should be looking for some divine inspiration. Time to delve into your spiritual side. What do you see? Is the man begging for mercy or is he being blessed.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl2_01_02">Perhaps both! Father used to say, there were no right answers. Have the light guide you.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl2_02_01">I wonder, is Father David with his God now? Maybe you helped him there. Don't you worry, I'm sure he didn't have a family, he probably wasn't even all that well-liked.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl2_02_02">With the current political climate, I'm surprised someone hadn't killed him already. We can't all be saved. Some doesn't even want to be saved. Yes. That is a comforting thought.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl2_02_03">Saves us from trying.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl3_01_01">I'm sure you have figured out how it all works by now. Are you enjoying my quips? I think they are quite clever.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl3_01_02">Not that I ever was much of conversationalist, poetry has always been my forte.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl3_01_03">But I digress. You should press on, it will all be over soon. Also, the police are here, maybe they can help you.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl3_02_01">Inspector Marot, are you still with us? I'm looking forward to see if you managed to save him or not. I know very little about him, but surely he had a family, don't you think?</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl3_02_02">Poor, poor, fatherless children. But he falls on his own sword. His kind is not meant to come for people like me. Laws are made for cretins.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl3_02_03">The aristocracy doesn't need to know right from wrong. We are always right.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl4_01_01">Well done. You have triumphed - conquered my cabinet. I wish I could tell you how you did, but alas this is a recording. You will have to figure it out all by yourself.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl4_01_02">Did anyone survive? The doctor? The priest? Or perhaps the police man. Who was allowed to live? Why?</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl4_01_03">You should really reflect on these past events and consider what they meant to you, what you have learned about your true nature.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl4_01_04">Father never knew me. He thought he did, but then he was frightened and nothing was ever the same again. I can still see him, lying there on the floor, he looked so surprised.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl4_01_05">-- The star-shaped soapstone stained by his blood, fell to the floor with a sonorous thud. Blame me not for I was but a child, with careful ambition I dared a smile. --</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl4_01_06">Rest in peace, papa.</Entry> <Entry Name="justine_rec_lvl4_02_01">And so it comes to an end. Now that you have seen what you truly are, you are able to go on and face eternity without fear - without doubt.</Entry> <Entry Name="brokenrec_justine_01">... speak into the phonograph, Basile, mon chéri.</Entry> <Entry Name="brokenrec_basile_02">... what did you put into the wine?</Entry> <Entry Name="brokenrec_justine_03">Absinthe, silly Basile, strong men like you don't drink wine - wine is for helpless women like myself.</Entry> <Entry Name="brokenrec_basile_04">My head, what is this thing, get me out. I'm not up for your games.</Entry> <Entry Name="brokenrec_justine_05">No, you have to say it first. How beautiful am I?</Entry> <Entry Name="brokenrec_basile_06">Plenty, now let me out of this thing?</Entry> <Entry Name="brokenrec_justine_07">No, that is not what you say!</Entry> <Entry Name="brokenrec_basile_08">Your beauty is blinding.</Entry> <Entry Name="brokenrec_basile_09">My eyes! What have you done to my eyes!?</Entry> <Entry Name="brokenrec_basile_10">Justine this isn't funny, you blinded me!</Entry> <Entry Name="brokenrec_justine_11">You can't catch me now.</Entry> <Entry Name="brokenrec_basile_12">I'll kill you, you whore!</Entry> </CATEGORY> <CATEGORY Name="Levels"> <Entry Name="L01Cells">Cells</Entry> <Entry Name="L02Library">Library</Entry> <Entry Name="L03Dungeon">Dungeon</Entry> <Entry Name="L04Final">Crypt</Entry> <Entry Name="Fake_Tunnels">Tunnels</Entry> </CATEGORY> <CATEGORY Name="Temp"> <Entry Name="TestCustomLang">I have loaded a custom lang file for you my great master Jens.</Entry> </CATEGORY> <CATEGORY Name="Hints"> <Entry Name="L01Ladder">Jump and push forward against the wall to dismount the ladder successfully.</Entry> </CATEGORY> <CATEGORY Name="L01Cells"> <Entry Name="LockedStartDoor">Locked firmly.</Entry> <Entry Name="LockedDoorAlways">It will not budge.</Entry> <Entry Name="InteractLadderArea">It is too high up to reach.</Entry> <Entry Name="Phono0102">There is a cylinder in the phonograph already.</Entry> <Entry Name="Phono03">There is no cylinder in the phonograph.</Entry> </CATEGORY> <CATEGORY Name="L02Library"> <Entry Name="PickupStencil1">Picked up Slide 1.</Entry> <Entry Name="PickupStencil2">Picked up Slide 2.</Entry> <Entry Name="PickupStencil3">Picked up Slide 3.</Entry> <Entry Name="PickupStencil4">Picked up Slide 4.</Entry> <Entry Name="LevelDoor1_Locked">It's jammed.</Entry> <Entry Name="LevelDoor2_Locked">Jammed.</Entry> </CATEGORY> <CATEGORY Name="L03Dungeon"> <Entry Name="MissingStick">The lever to operate the door is missing.</Entry> <Entry Name="BrokenMachine">The machinery appears to be malfunctioning.</Entry> <Entry Name="MissingCogwheel">A cogwheel is missing.</Entry> <Entry Name="InteractSlideDoor">It won't budge.</Entry> <Entry Name="InteractLockedDoor">It's locked.</Entry> </CATEGORY> <CATEGORY Name="L04Final"> <Entry Name="AngelStatue">"What was mother like?"[br][br]"She was the most beautiful creature ever to grace this world."[br][br]"I can't remember what she looked like, no matter how hard I try."[br][br]"Her beauty was blinding, Justine. We could never dare to chain such memory to our minds. It would be too much to bear."</Entry> <Entry Name="FatherGrave">It all made sense, he thought, we all appreciate symmetry. Everyone is comforted by the causality of logic. It gives the impression of a grand plan and that we may be able to grasp the inner workings of this perfect universe.[br][br]You see, his wife had died while giving birth to his son. That is why he was able to forgive. His family was just giving in to the symmetry.</Entry> </CATEGORY> <CATEGORY Name="LoadingText"> <Entry Name="Load02_01">The basement had been extended well beyond the manor during the time of the first revolution. Justine was not to enter without permission, but now there was no one left to ask.</Entry> <Entry Name="Load02_02">The gloomy space downstairs became a playground - a mysterious place for Justine to discover with her friends.</Entry> <Entry Name="Load02_03">The downstairs library still reminded her of father. All those hours spend there had fostered a sense of shelter.</Entry> <Entry Name="Load03_01">They knew that they would have to capture the men, but what to ultimately do with them, was a decision that had to be postponed.</Entry> <Entry Name="Load03_02">Abacinating the suitors had not been a part of the original plan, but she liked the added excitement.</Entry> <Entry Name="Load03_03">Justine was not a person who would go about planning. The Cabinet came about as her whimsy collided with other people's misfortune.</Entry> <Entry Name="Load04_01">Could it be that she was not herself anymore, she thought. It was time to find out.</Entry> <Entry Name="Load04_02">Justine had overdosed on Lithium before and had a pretty good idea of what effects to expect.</Entry> <Entry Name="Load04_03">When she first imagined the cabinet, it was for her amusement, but since it had grown into something more important - an opportunity to reveal her most suppressed desires.</Entry> </CATEGORY> <CATEGORY Name="PreMenu"> <Entry Name="PTestWelcome01">Good of you to come. This time it will be a trial of character.</Entry> <Entry Name="PTestWelcome02">Bear in mind. Death is final - nothing will be saved.</Entry> <Entry Name="PTestWelcome03">Come on, wake up. You need to get going.</Entry> </CATEGORY> <CATEGORY Name="Ending"> <Entry Name="MainCredits">- A FRICTIONAL GAMES PRODUCTION -[br][br][br]- JUSTINE -[br][br][br]*Frictional Games Are:[br]Thomas Grip[br]Mikael Hedberg[br]Marcus Johansson[br]Luis A. Rodero Morales[br]Marc Nicander[br]Jens Nilsson[br][br][br][br][br][br]*CREDITS[br][br]*Design[br]Thomas Grip[br]Jens Nilsson[br][br]*Writing[br]Mikael Hedberg[br][br]*Story[br]Thomas Grip[br]Mikael Hedberg[br][br]*Programming[br]Thomas Grip[br]Luis A. Rodero Morales[br][br]*Mac/Linux Porting[br]Edward Rudd[br][br]*Concept Art[br]Rasmus Gunnarsson[br]Jonas Steinick Berlin[br][br]*Graphics[br]Marcus Johansson[br]Marc Nicander[br][br]*Additional Graphics[br]Axion Studios[br][br]*Level Editing[br]Marcus Johansson[br]Marc Nicander[br][br]*Level Scripting[br]Thomas Grip[br]Luis A. Rodero Morales[br]Jens Nilsson[br][br]*Sound[br]Tapio Liukkonen - Kaamos Sound[br]Jens Nilsson[br][br]*Music[br]Mikko Tarmia[br][br]*Voice Direction & Casting[br]Lani Minella - AudioGodz[br][br]*Voice Talent[br]Emily Corkery as Justine[br]Jon St. John as Victor[br]Scotty Campbell as Alois[br]Eric Newsome as Hector[br]Jon St. John as Basile[br]Jeff Buchanan as Malo[br]Marc Biagi as Felix[br]Lani Minella as Clarice[br][br]*Special Thanks To[br]Near and dear for support and patience[br]GLaDOS[br]Julio Jerez - Newton Game Dynamics[br]Andreas Jonsson - Angel Code[br]DevIL Image Library[br]TinyXML[br]LibSDL</Entry> </CATEGORY> </LANGUAGE>
Some of those in .lang are useless it's just from original game and some from my CS that i quit,i will do it later.