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Clipping + checkpoint issues in city.
bugmenot Offline

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Solved: 10 Years, 9 Months ago Clipping + checkpoint issues in city.

First off, I've played through the whole game and it's fantastic! I kinda expected it to not run on my laptop due to the graphics card (HD 3650, so "officially" it shouldn't run?) but it runs just as smooth as The Dark Descent - nice. Smile

Anyway, during my play-through, I noticed two clipping bugs, both in outside levels. The first one I don't clearly remember, I think I was bumping into / jumping onto a small wall in an early outside level, and as a result I fell through the wall, down into infinity. It was not a big issue since I died as a consequence and restarted from the last checkpoint.

However, when returning to the city (fireworks, manpigs running around), I found myself trapped: Once you're outside, you go to the left, pass some garden walls and go through some kind of garden shack, which is closed after you passed it. On the right you'd normally go into a house and upstairs. On the far left, however, there is also a door which I suppose would normally be closed. I tried entering that door, and while doing so, I stumbled into yet another clipping bug and fell down into infinity. The problem was that apparently the last checkpoint was on the "other side" of the garden shack, however the shack's door was now closed, meaning that there was no way to continue the level (apart from reloading an old autosave).
05-25-2014, 05:01 PM
plutomaniac Offline
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Solved: 10 Years, 9 Months ago RE: Clipping + checkpoint issues in city.

Thank you for the info. The developers will look into it. Wink
05-29-2014, 08:53 PM

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