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Should Amnesia be remastered?
SeanieTheMan Offline
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Should Amnesia be remastered?

I have a pretty weak PC and can't play Amnesia in full 1080p with all the graphics settings maxed out. So, I would love if FG would release the game in a remastered version for Xbox One and PS4. I could guarantee that FG would make a profit from the release.

I can't be the only one that would love to see the Victorian castle in full 1080p/60 FPS glory.
07-29-2014, 12:21 AM
Mudbill Offline

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RE: Should Amnesia be remastered?

Get a half-decent computer and you will get 1080p/60fps. Honestly, there's not much reason to remake it, because the game is already optimized fairly well and can run on weak computers at an acceptable framerate. Since the game is already at least 4 years old, would it be necessary? Consoles also wouldn't be able to have the custom story support that PC does, which is like 98% of why it is as big today.

If you want amazing graphics for it, consoles is also not the way to go. I say well experienced modders could be able to create a high-poly mod with great details for most, if not all models in-game, IF they took their time and had the will. Look at Skyrim; modders can make amazing things if they try.

I'm not so sure you can guarantee they'll make a profit. Most likely Microsoft would make a profit off of them instead.

07-29-2014, 12:48 AM
Daktoa Offline

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RE: Should Amnesia be remastered?

Amnesia on console would totally wreck the immersion. When you open a door you have to physically drag the mouse as if you were opening the door yourself, this puts you into the game and makes you more vulnerable. Using the mouse gives you the option to quietly creak open a door to look for a monster, or swing open a cabinet to hide yourself in. If you're just booping buttons and using an analogue stick that'd totally ruin it.

I know Outlast was on console, but that game plays totally differently so that can't really count for anything.
07-29-2014, 02:37 AM
MrWhitticus Offline
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RE: Should Amnesia be remastered?

If you want a mod that makes it run fast and look good ask the dudes who made Black Mesa Source

because holy shit

*Careless Whisper saxophone solo*
07-29-2014, 07:33 AM
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