I really don't know what is causing this but it's definitely annoying as s***
I asked my skype friends but we still couldn't find the problem.
So what's happenin is that before when loading the map from the lvl editor, the lvl editor shows the old map, here's an example
I mean I don't get it, I don't have the old map anywhere, I deleted it and replaced it with the new one, The lvl editor doesn't even allow me to save in the maps folder cause it doens't update in the cs folders anyway so I forcefully have to upload it on my desktop but guess what?
When replacing it with the new one I saved on my desktop still doesn't work!
Also in game it loads the old map, Like I've been loading that map also not in debug mode too, I've been loading it normally, I have no cache files at all!
and I really need to find a fix before releasing this cs cause I don't want players to find this bug! thnx