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Amnesia: Chromanin [FULL RELEASE]
AGP Offline
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RE: Amnesia: Chromanin

Did somebody say.... VOICE ACTING?! The magic words have been spoken and I have been summoned!

If you would like some assistance in procuring voice actors, I would be happy to help! Big Grin

02-27-2015, 10:07 AM
Darkfire Offline
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RE: Amnesia: Chromanin

Do you have a link for that forum ?

@AGP Thanks !I'm definitely gonna contact you when the time comes. I can't pinpoint when, unfortunately Sad
I think that recording anything is pointless at this moment (story is changing in little bits all the time, and so does dialogue). However, if you could find two male (sorry, I havo no female characters in this story for you to voice ;/ ) actors willing to work for free somewhere in next few months... I'd be most grateful ! If one of them could be kinda-older guy, it would be perfect Smile

02-27-2015, 03:31 PM
CarnivorousJelly Offline
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RE: Amnesia: Chromanin

First result if you type "voice acting alliace forums" in to Google!


Check out the rule section before you post - some of then are actually not completely obvious

[Image: quote_by_rueppells_fox-d9ciupp.png]
02-27-2015, 04:28 PM
AGP Offline
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RE: Amnesia: Chromanin

No worries. You just let me know what you need when you need it and I'll try to help you find it. Big Grin

And I'm already a member on VoiceActingAlliance, so I could post there for you, as well as being on a bunch of other voice over sites.

02-27-2015, 04:55 PM
Darkfire Offline
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RE: Amnesia: Chromanin

Thanks for being enthusiastic ^^
Gonna give you a sign when I'm done with everything necesseary.

02-27-2015, 07:49 PM
Darkfire Offline
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RE: Amnesia: Chromanin

Hey. Just finished a big map. It's just one more big map and one very small one to go, than just a little bit of backtracking and making special editions of old maps for intro and the grand finale.
Oh, and almost forgot: the "special features map", but that's just plain pleasure to make Tongue
That will be it for the mapping and scripting, than just some minor tweaks (like loading screens and choosing perfect music, also correcting cross-level things like quests and items) and voice recording.
Than it's a wrap ^^

I think this is gonna take me a few more months, should be ended before European holidays Smile Well, at least if I don't loose my concentration again, but I will try hard not to.

Just to top it off, here's a screen of smth fancy I came up with. Banners with moving monsters ©
Please, don't steal the idea :3
[Image: SEc3MtY.jpg]

02-27-2015, 10:49 PM
CarnivorousJelly Offline
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RE: Amnesia: Chromanin

... Little did Daniel know, but the seemingly harmless paintings of grunts and brutes were about to come to life and LEAP OUT OF THE BANNERS!

Seriously though that was the first thing I thought of; the painting slowly becoming 3D and chasing after the player. Looks pretty neat though and I'm curious how you performed this witchcraft!

[Image: quote_by_rueppells_fox-d9ciupp.png]
02-28-2015, 07:41 AM
Darkfire Offline
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RE: Amnesia: Chromanin

I shouldn't reveal my tricks, but I'm too nice... they're monsters with removed music, triggers and rescaled to look flat from side(smth like 0.01x). They have the idle animation turned on.

02-28-2015, 07:47 PM
CarnivorousJelly Offline
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RE: Amnesia: Chromanin

OH THAT IS SUPER COOL! They don't re-scale to normal in-game?

[Image: quote_by_rueppells_fox-d9ciupp.png]
03-03-2015, 11:57 PM
Mudbill Offline

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RE: Amnesia: Chromanin

I think if you resize it as an entity in the model editor, it will stick to that. I've tried resizing in the level editor before but they always return to their original size. I have, however, made a mini grunt that could be picked up and thrown around with organic splat sounds. Pretty fun.

03-04-2015, 12:51 AM

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