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Level editor causing Graphics Drivers Issues?
7heDubz Offline
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RE: Level editor causing Graphics Drivers Issues?

Thanks for moving it pluto, and for figuring out my problem!

It's probably because I just plugged in my R9 without changing drivers (it did tell me I didnt need to from the 7850) I'm gonna have to re plug-in my R9 before we do this however no? (I have swapped back to my 7850 temporarily until I upgrade my motherboard to bigger MB.

09-27-2014, 07:36 PM
plutomaniac Offline
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RE: Level editor causing Graphics Drivers Issues?

Everything from 6000 series and up uses the same drivers so you can do the driver reinstall with the 7850 and replace it with the R9 270 whenever you want. Both cards should work perfectly fine with the exact same driver. My guess is that the drivers are somewhere corrupt and that causes BSODs and problems.

If what we do doesn't fix it, I suggest you try the R9 270 at another desktop and see if the level editor causes problems again. If it does, it may be a defective card. Never rule that out, especially if you bought a pre-overclocked one. You never know, maybe you were unlucky. But let's not jump there yet. Let's try fixing the drivers first. What OS do you have and also x86 or x64? We will use DDU.
(This post was last modified: 09-27-2014, 07:53 PM by plutomaniac.)
09-27-2014, 07:52 PM
7heDubz Offline
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RE: Level editor causing Graphics Drivers Issues?

Alrighty, This should answer any question you have

EDIT - Did not buy overclocked and just downloaded DDU from there.

(This post was last modified: 09-27-2014, 07:59 PM by 7heDubz.)
09-27-2014, 07:58 PM
plutomaniac Offline
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RE: Level editor causing Graphics Drivers Issues?

1) Download the latest Catalyst 14.4 from HERE and save it on your desktop for example
2) Boot into Safe Mode (while the PC starts press F8 repeatedly and from the menu select Safe Mode)
3) Launch DDU
4) At INTEL select all the checkboxes on the right and press the second button "Clean and DO NOT restart"
5) At NVIDIA select all the checkboxes on the right and press the second button "Clean and DO NOT restart"
6) At AMD select all the checkboxes on the right and press the third button "Clean and Shutdown" (this one should take longer to finish)
7) Start your PC normally and don't worry if everything is bigger (gpu drivers are missing and generic are loaded by Windows)
8) Install the driver that you downloaded at step 1
9) Launch DDU again and click on "Set Windows Automatic Driver installation to default"
10) Restart your PC, everything should be back to normal now. Check if your games work
(This post was last modified: 09-28-2014, 12:13 AM by plutomaniac.)
09-28-2014, 12:10 AM
7heDubz Offline
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RE: Level editor causing Graphics Drivers Issues?

Thanks pluto, <3 Will do when I get ready to go down for bed.

Will get back to you tommorow.

Edit - I lied I'm doing it now and im most assuredly not going to bed.

Cleaning now...
Cleaned Intel/nvidia now doing AMD...
Logging in normally (no safe mode)...
Reinstalling AMD drivers from pre-downloaded software...
Launching DDU again In order to set setting...
Setting setting...

(This post was last modified: 09-28-2014, 04:26 AM by 7heDubz.)
09-28-2014, 01:21 AM
7heDubz Offline
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RE: Level editor causing Graphics Drivers Issues?

Card working Beautifully. Much better performance then before as well, I might add that it stays relatively cool as well even while running Tomb Raider all nicely maxed out at 60fps Big Grin
Thankyou very much pluto.

EDIT - Sorry for the double post D=

(This post was last modified: 09-28-2014, 08:05 AM by 7heDubz.)
09-28-2014, 08:05 AM
plutomaniac Offline
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RE: Level editor causing Graphics Drivers Issues?

No problem with the double post, don't worry about it. In case you have another BSOD I suggest you play Tomb Raider again with the 7850 working card and

a) If it does there's something wrong with your operating system (very unlikely in this case).
b) If it doesn't it's safe to say the R9 270 is defective on a hardware level and RMA is needed (should have warranty).

To avoid the RMA right away maybe you could try the R9 270 on another PC with the same drivers & game but I suspect it's a hardware defect. It can happen, just RMA it and you'll get a free replacement.

Do you have any other background programs related to the graphics card like fraps, game boosters etc? Unlikely that's a problem since it would also cause it at the 7850 and not just the R9 270. Just covering all bases.
(This post was last modified: 09-28-2014, 12:25 PM by plutomaniac.)
09-28-2014, 12:22 PM

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