Hello everyone ! There is the voice actors recruiting for my custom story "Amnesia : The Revenge - Chapter 1" !
To check out the official page, here is the link !
Click Here !
So, here is the deal ! You give me your beautiful voice and i give you chocolate and cookie, OK ?

No seriously... I'm asking people like you, you, or you, or me, no, not me... To help with the voices acting in my custom story, so if you want or not, it's your choice, but my custom story will be very "sad" without voices acting...
"So, what are the advantages for me ?"
- Everyone who will play my custom story will heard your beautiful voice !
- You will have your name at the end of the custom story
- You'll have cookies and chocolate, i promise !
"Okay... So what do i need to say ?
Hold on ! I can give the sentances here, but it will spoil a lot of the custom story, so please, if you want to do this, post a reply in this page or send me a private message !
OH YEAH, there are some particular stuff i want for the voices actings, i think, that the voices actor would be more realistic and beautiful if there are some "effects" in the voice. (Reverb, clean,...)
I think that's all ! Like i said before, post a reply here or send me a PM if you want to try that !
Thank you everyone !