(07-20-2009, 07:47 AM)jens Wrote: Yes use --target to choose a directory you know has enough free space, the error is due to your tmp folder running out of free space.
That was indeed the problem. Vivaelamor was right...it was too obvious. My own fault really since I keep /tmp mounted in ram rather than on disk. It works great most of the time but this time it introduced a gotcha I didn't think of. Maybe a better error-message when /tmp is low on free space would be a good idea?
Two other problems crept up though (not big ones though, the games run fine).
1. The installation script failed to create menu-entries. It claims they should be there but there are no signs of them in either KDE4 or IceWM.
2. The shell-script for overture is non-operational. It looks for a file called ./Overture/overture that is not there. CD into Overture and running ./penumbra starts the game (or editing the shell-script of course)