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Totally unplayable with new ATI card
patzi Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 2 Weeks ago Totally unplayable with new ATI card

I've got the Collection series, which I was able to play just fine on my old junky computer while this one was being overhauled. So.....I just upgraded to the ATI Radeon 3650, plus I have a wide screen monitor. Native resolution is I think 1600x900 but I can't seem to get that....however display is not a problem, the game just simply stops and I have to reboot. I was playing it quite well with my old Nvidia Ge Force but this is driving me nuts. Is it graphics related? Driveers are absolutely newest....at least I think they are. So dam hard to tell with all the different catalyst whatevers. I'm just sick, I love these games! HELP! PS: I did do the wide screen monitor fix but it doesn't help the crashing. Nothing helps the dam crashing.
07-28-2009, 03:55 PM

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