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Im having an issue related to the GENT walk model..
DnALANGE Offline

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Im having an issue related to the GENT walk model..

As the title is saying i have the MFP trees in a couple of maps..
Although i was checking all the maps for errors \ warning to get rid of them.

So when i open a couple of the maps with the trees added, i get these warnings:

PHP Code: (Select All)
WARNINGCould not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'block_box_145_Body_1' in 'enigma/enigma_entities/mfp_assets/trees/tree_03.ent'
WARNINGSub mesh 'Tree_Leafy_03a001' does not exist in mesh 'tree_03.msh'!
WARNINGCould not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'block_box_147_Body_1' in 'enigma/enigma_entities/mfp_assets/trees/tree_03.ent'
WARNINGSub mesh 'Tree_Leafy_04a001' does not exist in mesh 'tree_04.msh'!
WARNINGCould not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'block_box_148_Body_1' in 'enigma/enigma_entities/mfp_assets/trees/tree_04.ent'
WARNINGSub mesh 'Tree_Leafy_03a001' does not exist in mesh 'tree_03.msh'!
WARNINGCould not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'block_box_8_Body_1' in 'enigma/enigma_entities/mfp_assets/trees/tree_03.ent'
WARNINGSub mesh 'Tree_Leafy_01a001' does not exist in mesh 'tree_01.msh'!
WARNINGCould not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'block_box_149_Body_1' in 'enigma/enigma_entities/mfp_assets/trees/tree_01.ent'
WARNINGSub mesh 'Tree_Leafy_01a001' does not exist in mesh 'tree_01.msh'!
WARNINGCould not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'block_box_150_Body_1' in 'enigma/enigma_entities/mfp_assets/trees/tree_01.ent'
WARNINGSub mesh 'Tree_Leafy_04a001' does not exist in mesh 'tree_04.msh'!
WARNINGCould not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'block_box_151_Body_1' in 'enigma/enigma_entities/mfp_assets/trees/tree_04.ent'
WARNINGSub mesh 'Tree_Leafy_03a001' does not exist in mesh 'tree_03.msh'!
WARNINGCould not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'block_box_152_Body_1' in 'enigma/enigma_entities/mfp_assets/trees/tree_03.ent'
WARNINGSub mesh 'Tree_Leafy_04a001' does not exist in mesh 'tree_04.msh'!
WARNINGCould not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'block_box_153_Body_1' in 'enigma/enigma_entities/mfp_assets/trees/tree_04.ent'
WARNINGSub mesh 'Tree_Leafy_03a001' does not exist in mesh 'tree_03.msh'!
WARNINGCould not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'block_box_154_Body_1' in 'enigma/enigma_entities/mfp_assets/trees/tree_03.ent' 

There are like 100+ of them (got a forest - so yeah.. trees everywhere Wink

Are there people here witch could check if the problem is on my end.
AND if this will \ can break the mod?

The warnings are ALSO for tree_02. Just isnt in the PHP.


I am having this last issue (big issue, rest are some.. i have no idea wth it is stuff)
The issue is in the spoiler.

Thanks to the guys who helped here specially Rom, i removed the mesh (again)
And created a new.ent.. Althoug... took me an hour to fix, the .msh was 99 times bigger... so my trees are 0.03 in the model editor.. and in the LEVEL AND game good as size 1.............

Thanks in advance!
(This post was last modified: 07-02-2015, 08:59 PM by DnALANGE.)
07-02-2015, 03:11 PM
Amnesiaplayer Offline
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RE: Im having an issue related to the MFP trees..

Does the problem exists if you put a tree in another map, and enter it?
07-02-2015, 03:48 PM
DnALANGE Offline

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RE: Im having an issue related to the MFP trees..

ALl maps with the tree(s) are showing this warning...
07-02-2015, 03:59 PM
Amnesiaplayer Offline
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RE: Im having an issue related to the MFP trees..

(07-02-2015, 03:59 PM)DnALANGE Wrote: Yep.
ALl maps with the tree(s) are showing this warning...

Oh, did this happen now, or didn't you test the maps?
It could be possible that you accidently changed some meshes in the model editor.
I did this too with the barrel, I accidently Pulled the collision box far away of the barrel, what isn't good Tongue
or Maybe something is wrong with the leaf/body, you should check it out in the model editor..
Look carefully, I once missed a little body part, what was a problem.
07-02-2015, 04:16 PM
Romulator Offline
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RE: Im having an issue related to the MFP trees..

In simple: If the map loads, no. Your mod or game will not break.

No, this shouldn't break your game. The error, if I'm reading it correctly, states that there is a block box entity (for whatever reason), attached to your tree's entity. You can look it over in the Model Editor and see if there is something there that shouldn't be.

Also, the msh problem simply states that there is a sub mesh missing. (A window, for example, the mesh is the overall design and the window is the submesh (could be wrong. Could just be two meshes. Don't hate)). That wouldn't/shouldn't be a problem anyway, since you delete the .msh files affiliated with the AMFP entities when you imported them into The Dark Descent's assets.

If I recall, AMFP hpl.log files have similar errors. You shouldn't have any problems.

Discord: Romulator#0001
[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-02-2015, 04:40 PM by Romulator.)
07-02-2015, 04:37 PM
DnALANGE Offline

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RE: Im having an issue related to the MFP trees..

Last issue i have are 2 models.
Here is it.
Spoiler below!

PHP Code: (Select All)
WARNINGMore than 4 bones on a vertex in submesh 'gent' in mesh 'gent_actor.msh' !
ERRORCould not open binary file 'E:/Spellen/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/Enigma/Enigma_entities/MFP_Assets/Gent walk/animations/gent_idle.anm'
ERRORCould not load file 'E:/Spellen/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/Enigma/Enigma_entities/MFP_Assets/Gent walk/animations/gent_idle.anm' in MSH loader.Loading skeleton 'E':
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 PelvisModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.0000.0001.000, -0.002] [1.0000.0000.0001.005] [0.0001.000, -0.000, -0.029] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L ThighModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.083, -0.004, -0.9970.089] [-0.9950.053, -0.0831.005] [0.0530.9990.000, -0.029] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 SpineModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.000, -0.0001.000, -0.002] [1.000, -0.0000.0001.109] [0.0001.0000.000, -0.029] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R ThighModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.0830.004, -0.997, -0.092] [-0.9950.0530.0831.005] [0.0530.9990.000, -0.029] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.0001.0000.000, -0.002] [0.000, -0.0001.0001.005] [1.0000.0000.000, -0.029] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L CalfModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.0820.011, -0.9970.127] [-0.988, -0.130, -0.0830.546] [-0.1300.9910.000, -0.004] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L FootModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.0000.000, -1.0000.164] [-1.000, -0.0000.0000.095] [0.0001.0000.000, -0.064] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L Toe0ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.000, -0.000, -1.0000.164] [0.0001.000, -0.000, -0.009] [1.000, -0.000, -0.0000.070] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R CalfModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.082, -0.011, -0.997, -0.131] [-0.988, -0.1300.0830.546] [-0.1300.9910.000, -0.004] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R FootModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.0000.000, -1.000, -0.168] [-1.000, -0.0000.0000.095] [0.0001.0000.000, -0.064] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R Toe0ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.0000.000, -1.000, -0.168] [0.0001.0000.000, -0.009] [1.0000.000, -0.0000.070] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 Spine1ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.000, -0.0001.000, -0.002] [1.000, -0.0000.0001.303] [0.0001.0000.000, -0.029] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 NeckModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.000, -0.0001.000, -0.002] [1.000, -0.0000.0001.563] [0.0001.0000.000, -0.005] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 HeadModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.000, -0.0001.000, -0.002] [1.000, -0.0000.0001.645] [0.0001.0000.0000.007] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L ClavicleModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [1.000, -0.0000.0000.030] [-0.000, -0.0001.0001.495] [-0.000, -1.000, -0.000, -0.031] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R ClavicleModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-1.000, -0.000, -0.000, -0.034] [0.0000.000, -1.0001.495] [0.000, -1.000, -0.000, -0.031] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L UpperArmModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.9090.0420.4160.147] [-0.404, -0.1620.9001.495] [0.105, -0.986, -0.130, -0.031] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R UpperArmModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.909, -0.0420.416, -0.151] [-0.404, -0.162, -0.9001.495] [0.105, -0.9860.130, -0.031] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L ForearmModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.8280.3760.4160.443] [-0.316, -0.3000.9001.364] [0.463, -0.877, -0.1300.003] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L HandModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.827, -0.2320.5120.654] [-0.289, -0.9570.0331.283] [0.483, -0.175, -0.8580.121] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L Finger0ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.2560.8240.5050.653] [-0.547, -0.3070.7791.270] [0.797, -0.4750.3720.151] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L Finger02ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.5990.6210.5050.675] [-0.627, -0.0280.7791.232] [0.498, -0.7830.3720.201] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L Finger01ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.4390.7430.5050.664] [-0.603, -0.1720.7791.247] [0.666, -0.6470.3720.184] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L Finger4ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.713, -0.5510.4350.725] [-0.648, -0.7550.1061.274] [0.270, -0.357, -0.8940.132] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L Finger3ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.608, -0.6270.4880.721] [-0.739, -0.6710.0591.276] [0.290, -0.396, -0.8710.151] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L Finger41ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.566, -0.7010.4350.750] [-0.805, -0.5840.1061.252] [0.180, -0.409, -0.8940.141] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L Finger31ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.446, -0.7500.4880.745] [-0.874, -0.4820.0591.247] [0.191, -0.453, -0.8710.162] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L Finger1ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.610, -0.5110.6050.696] [-0.640, -0.768, -0.0021.268] [0.466, -0.386, -0.7960.180] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L Finger11ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.476, -0.6380.6050.718] [-0.801, -0.599, -0.0021.245] [0.364, -0.484, -0.7960.197] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L Finger2ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.605, -0.5990.5240.709] [-0.712, -0.7020.0181.276] [0.357, -0.384, -0.8520.167] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L Finger21ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.450, -0.7230.5240.736] [-0.855, -0.5190.0181.245] [0.259, -0.456, -0.8520.182] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L Finger32ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.261, -0.8330.4880.757] [-0.962, -0.2670.0591.222] [0.081, -0.485, -0.8710.168] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L Finger42ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.389, -0.8130.4350.761] [-0.918, -0.3830.1061.236] [0.080, -0.440, -0.8940.145] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L Finger12ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.315, -0.7310.6050.730] [-0.918, -0.398, -0.0021.225] [0.242, -0.555, -0.7960.206] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 L Finger22ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [0.271, -0.8080.5240.748] [-0.952, -0.3070.0181.220] [0.146, -0.503, -0.8520.189] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R ForearmModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.828, -0.3760.416, -0.446] [-0.316, -0.300, -0.9001.364] [0.463, -0.8770.1300.003] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R HandModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.8270.2320.512, -0.657] [-0.289, -0.957, -0.0331.283] [0.483, -0.1750.8580.121] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R Finger0ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.256, -0.8240.505, -0.657] [-0.547, -0.307, -0.7791.270] [0.797, -0.475, -0.3720.151] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R Finger02ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.599, -0.6210.505, -0.679] [-0.627, -0.028, -0.7791.232] [0.498, -0.783, -0.3720.201] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R Finger01ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.439, -0.7430.505, -0.668] [-0.603, -0.172, -0.7791.247] [0.666, -0.647, -0.3720.184] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R Finger4ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.7130.5510.435, -0.729] [-0.648, -0.755, -0.1061.274] [0.270, -0.3570.8940.132] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R Finger3ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.6080.6270.488, -0.725] [-0.739, -0.671, -0.0591.276] [0.290, -0.3960.8710.151] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R Finger41ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.5660.7010.435, -0.753] [-0.805, -0.584, -0.1061.252] [0.180, -0.4090.8940.141] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R Finger31ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.4460.7500.488, -0.748] [-0.874, -0.482, -0.0591.247] [0.191, -0.4530.8710.162] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R Finger1ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.6100.5110.605, -0.700] [-0.640, -0.7680.0021.268] [0.466, -0.3870.7960.180] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R Finger11ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.4760.6380.605, -0.722] [-0.801, -0.5990.0021.245] [0.364, -0.4840.7960.197] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R Finger2ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.6050.5990.524, -0.713] [-0.712, -0.702, -0.0181.276] [0.357, -0.3840.8520.167] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R Finger21ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.4500.7230.524, -0.739] [-0.855, -0.519, -0.0181.245] [0.259, -0.4560.8520.182] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R Finger32ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.2610.8330.488, -0.761] [-0.962, -0.267, -0.0591.222] [0.081, -0.4850.8710.168] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R Finger42ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.3890.8130.435, -0.765] [-0.918, -0.383, -0.1061.236] [0.080, -0.4400.8940.145] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R Finger12ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.3150.7310.605, -0.734] [-0.918, -0.3980.0021.225] [0.242, -0.5550.7960.206] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]
Link0,LinkNodeBip001 R Finger22ModeNormalize AssModelNone
: [-0.2710.8080.524, -0.752] [-0.952, -0.307, -0.0181.220] [0.146, -0.5030.8520.189] [0.0000.0000.0001.000]

Animations'Take 001' 
Info for 'Take 001'
TimeSpan0 to 4000

(This post was last modified: 07-02-2015, 08:55 PM by DnALANGE.)
07-02-2015, 08:55 PM
Amnesiaplayer Offline
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RE: Im having an issue related to the GENT walk model..

I think it's because it's blocking that type of aniamtion, because 1 vertex have 4 bones... that's really too much for 1 vertex.
atleast, that's what I know.
You could try to re-save the animation in maya.
07-02-2015, 10:23 PM

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