I might sometime but a lot of immensely talented people already made an abundance of tutorials on the topic and probably explain it better than I even could. Here is a very quick rundown to give you an idea what to look for:
1) go to moviecopilot, it is full of tutorials on how to use Adobe After Effects.
2) look up video glitch effect tutorials on youtube (if I remember correctly there should be a few).
3) google After Effects export image sequence.
4) find out about batching your image sequence from .png to .dds if you wanna add it to the game.
5) Learn in this forum community about implementing the assets to the game if you plan to mod it.
I am kinda against a simple step by step tutorial, better to learn about the potential of a tool rather than only a specific use, but still might be doing a tutorial in the future if something interesting and more SOMA specific comes up. Glitching is a fairly widely used effect.