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Game gets unresponsive after playing for 10 to 30 minutes
yandexx Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago Exclamation  Game gets unresponsive after playing for 10 to 30 minutes

Hello Thomas and all of Frictional,

SOMA is hanging here around after half an hour of playing, sometimes just after 10 minutes, for no clear reason.
It's not crashing - instead the window becomes unresponsive while the audio is still playing, busy Windows cursor appears. Then if I click the screen, it asks if I want to stop the program.

I have captured a dump using procdump, like this:
c:\Program Files\Procdump>procdump.exe -ma -h soma.exe c:\temp\soma.dmp

ProcDump v7.0 - Writes process dump files
Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com
With contributions from Andrew Richards

Process:               Soma.exe (10188)
CPU threshold:         n/a
Performance counter:   n/a
Commit threshold:      n/a
Threshold seconds:     n/a
Hung window check:     Enabled
Log debug strings:     Disabled
Exception monitor:     Disabled
Exception filter:      *
Terminate monitor:     Disabled
Cloning type:          Disabled
Concurrent limit:      n/a
Avoid outage:          n/aa
Number of dumps:       1
Dump folder:           c:\temp\
Dump filename/mask:    soma

Press Ctrl-C to end monitoring without terminating the process.

[23:24:39] Hung Window:
[23:24:39] Dump 1 initiated: c:\temp\soma.dmp
[23:24:40] Dump 1 writing: Estimated dump file size is 2714 MB.
[23:25:01] Dump 1 complete: 2715 MB written in 22.3 seconds
[23:25:02] Dump count reached.

Opening this dump in WinDbg I see the following thread that has hanged (the rest are waiting):

*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for nvoglv64.dll -
00000000`534b381d c3              ret
0:000> ~* k

.  0  Id: 27cc.54 Suspend: 0 Teb: 00007ff7`5c35e000 Unfrozen
Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00000000`00c9f0c8 00000000`534b763e nvoglv64!DrvPresentBuffers+0x17256d
00000000`00c9f0d0 00000000`5306c74b nvoglv64!DrvPresentBuffers+0x17638e
00000000`00c9f100 00000000`5306e31e nvoglv64+0x82c74b
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for Soma.exe -
00000000`00c9f190 00007ff7`5d3fe21d nvoglv64+0x82e31e
00000000`00c9f1d0 00007ff7`5d096f70 Soma+0x55e21d
00000000`00c9f200 00007ff7`5d119950 Soma+0x1f6f70
00000000`00c9f3c0 00007ff7`5d11d4e9 Soma+0x279950
00000000`00c9f410 00007ff7`5d096370 Soma+0x27d4e9
00000000`00c9f460 00007ff7`5d131d9f Soma+0x1f6370
00000000`00c9f4c0 00007ff7`5d131f4a Soma+0x291d9f
00000000`00c9f540 00007ff7`5d0d03be Soma+0x291f4a
00000000`00c9f5a0 00007ff7`5cfc2a7f Soma+0x2303be
00000000`00c9f6b0 00007ff7`5d07761b Soma+0x122a7f
00000000`00c9f6f0 00007ff7`5d4dc337 Soma+0x1d761b
00000000`00c9f770 00007ffe`1fe42d92 Soma!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x6d7
00000000`00c9f820 00007ffe`20499f64 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x22
00000000`00c9f850 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x34

Also if I look in System event logs, there are many nvlddmkm events right before the hang, such as:
NVRM: Graphics TEX Exception on (GPC 1, TPC 3):     TEX NACK / Page Fault

I have GTX 560 Ti 1 GB with 355.82 drivers.
Windows 10 x64.
Tried with vsync and without.

I have attached SOMA native logs (hpl.log etc.) to the post.

I wonder who's at fault here, SOMA or not. No other games crash and I haven't seen nVidia events before in the event log.

Let me know if you need the whole dump. It's 600 MB compressed 7z. Or I could maybe make a mini-dump the next time the game crashes.
Or if you provide me with symbol files I guess I could try to use them.

Attached Files
.zip   Soma.zip (Size: 7.82 KB / Downloads: 191)
09-29-2015, 09:56 PM
Googolplex Offline

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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Game gets unresponsive after playing for 10 to 30 minutes

Hmm... seems like a graphics driver crash. Do you have patch 1.02 installed? If yes, can you try if version 1.00 works?
09-29-2015, 10:20 PM

Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Game gets unresponsive after playing for 10 to 30 minutes

Same thing here with almost the same GPU: GTX 560
Also running on Windows 10.
I'm on GOG tho so have only tested on 1.00 since we don't have the patch here yet.
09-30-2015, 04:13 AM
nebej Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Game gets unresponsive after playing for 10 to 30 minutes

That does seem like a GPU crash. Are you playing with any recording software active or anything else that might affect the GPU?
09-30-2015, 07:33 AM
Thomas Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Game gets unresponsive after playing for 10 to 30 minutes

Your drivers are not up-to-date, so wanna try that. I would also advice to do a clean install, by uninstalling the current drivers before installing the new ones.
09-30-2015, 08:05 AM
yandexx Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Game gets unresponsive after playing for 10 to 30 minutes

(09-29-2015, 10:20 PM)Googolplex Wrote: Hmm... seems like a graphics driver crash. Do you have patch 1.02 installed? If yes, can you try if version 1.00 works?
Yes, that's on Steam and it's latest. I won't go back to 1.0 to test, as I don't want missing levers or any other issues. However, interestingly, I've played the game for an hour from start when it was still unpatched and it hasn't hanged on me back then.

(09-30-2015, 07:33 AM)nebej Wrote: That does seem like a GPU crash. Are you playing with any recording software active or anything else that might affect the GPU?
This looks like a problem in the driver indeed, if it's an nVidia OpenGL module that hangs. But I'm not running any recording software or Fraps/DXtory, and I have even disabled Steam overlay.

(09-30-2015, 08:05 AM)Thomas Wrote: Your drivers are not up-to-date, so wanna try that. I would also advice to do a clean install, by uninstalling the current drivers before installing the new ones.
I will do a clean install of the most recent ones, maybe some settings or even files got corrupted or something.
I doubt there were changes between these releases that solve these problems on their own though.

Thanks everyone, I'll report back with my findings, likely only next week though because of vacation.
09-30-2015, 08:17 AM
yandexx Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Game gets unresponsive after playing for 10 to 30 minutes

OK after making what is called a "clean install" of 355.98 drivers, nothing has changed.
Commit memory usage is below limit, so that is not an out-of-memory situation.

All hangs (and crashes now, too!) happen in nvoglv64.dll from which I would conclude it is an nVidia OpenGL driver bug. Must be a Windows 10 driver specific issue too.

What do you think? Do you know what is the best way to report this to nVidia?

Edit: OK I've opened a support ticket with NVIDIA, we'll see how this goes.
(This post was last modified: 10-06-2015, 12:28 PM by yandexx.)
10-05-2015, 07:33 PM
Spirit Juice Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Game gets unresponsive after playing for 10 to 30 minutes

I'm having similar issues to yandexx. I was going to make a thread about it but saw this one instead. Here is a rar of the log, as the txt file is too large to attach on the forum and is too big to post on pastebin without pro. Sorry for the inconvenience on that part.

At the time of playing, I was streaming with Xsplit, but attempted to see if the issue resolved itself after shutting down Xsplit. It did not. Lowering the graphics to the lowest settings did not help either, as it seemed to be an issue whenever sounds were trying to be loaded. The problem seems to be inconsistent, as it started happening within the first 10 minutes of the game, but later on after a couple game restarts, it could go as far as maybe an hour before acting up again.

Since I last played last night, I made sure my video card drivers were up to date, checked game cache integrity, and even reinstalled the game. Unsure if this will fix things but will check back on this thread after playing.

Attached Files
.rar   hpl.rar (Size: 9.35 KB / Downloads: 199)
10-07-2015, 04:53 AM
OrsoPedro Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Game gets unresponsive after playing for 10 to 30 minutes

guys it's a problem specific to the GTX560 Ti - I had the same problem that yandexx is reporting and, after doing all possible twists and checks, I changed the card to a GTX 750 and the issue seems to be gone (played yesterday for more than 1 hour w/o problems).

Win 10 x64 here as well. No other problems on other games with my 560.
10-07-2015, 01:22 PM
yandexx Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Game gets unresponsive after playing for 10 to 30 minutes

(10-07-2015, 01:22 PM)OrsoPedro Wrote: guys it's a problem specific to the GTX560 Ti - I had the same problem that yandexx is reporting and, after doing all possible twists and checks, I changed the card to a GTX 750 and the issue seems to be gone (played yesterday for more than 1 hour w/o problems).

Win 10 x64 here as well. No other problems on other games with my 560.

That's some cool info, thanks!

For now I was advised to use DDU to uninstall the drivers, this didn't help. Last advise from support was to set Power management mode to "Prefer maximum performance".

Unlikely to work, but I'll check that. Around a year ago there were a lot of issues with 560 Ti drivers where it would often crash, then they finally fixed it. The workaround I believe was the same, to set the power management mode.
10-07-2015, 02:57 PM

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